Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sculpture or real legs?

I took this photo on the Boulevard Haussmann near the Galeries Lafayette. In your opinion, is that a modern sculpture or do these legs belong to someone? Answer in 18 hours...
NB: If you're in the Bay area and want to join me for a PDP meeting on Sunday June 24, please check this post.


  1. I am afraid they are real. And the guy seems to be a chain smoker...

    If I am wrong, well, sometime I don't "get" Modern Art...

  2. Real.
    Oh, you didn't mean me?
    Yeah, I think the legs are real, too.

    (sorry, couldn't resist. Harmless joke) ;)

  3. To me, those hands seem to be a real human being's ones.

  4. Yes, they are real! Walked that street many times and never seen that....

  5. Perfect, abstract photo! And he's real! :)

  6. He's an actual human being, and I love this photo.

  7. Once bitten twice shy. I'll go with the consensus: real.

  8. to be different, sculpture.

  9. Eric, Profite bien de ton séjour "professionnel" chez l'Oncle Sam et fais la bise à la plus chouette Tomate de la Baie !

  10. If it isn't real someone should put a sculpture of same there, when the guy eventually gets up!!!!
    Such a neat effect.

  11. I agree with the others, definitely real. I love the angle of this shot! (I he's not real then it is a very realistic sculpture.)

  12. Great photo either way. I agree with Jules png: it would make a fabulous sculpture. Don't you want to walk up there and take a sideways look at the guy to see if he's homeless or just having a rest? The clothes don't seem tattered, dirty or old. Just resting, I'd say. Maybe I'm wrong.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. OK, OK, you all guessed! ;) Yes, these are real legs, but when I looked at the photo on my screen the first thing that came to my mind was: Wait a minute, this really reminds me of this photo.

  15. Yes, I see the mental connection. With all the imagination manifest in the artists and shown by your photos, the legs could be faux.

    A fun game for visitors: find all the PDP locations for a prize. I do it with paintings, but you could become famous. (Well, even more famous!) It will be called "The Eric." Imagine, it could be like the Tour de France, with an international cast, all clicking photos of themselves at the locations listed on the official program. All the major media will cover it, and the sales of your employer's publication will soar. You'll be a priceless commodity to them, their logo, their raison d'etre!

  16. this is obviously a 'work of art' as the angle of the lower leg is too upright and the position of the hands on the knee caps is too far forward for a 'human' seated with his bum on the ground....... or else not

  17. dermo: window sill, recessed window in an 'alcove'

  18. I wonder if this fellow knows that he is the subject of such a debate?? He is probably taking a rest from all that Paris walking...

  19. I did consider a window cill, but without evidence of one, it would have been tantamout to 'making the jigsaw piece fit the puzzle' Whether rightly or wrongly, I chose to go with the 'sculpture' suggestion as it would have made this particular blog, worthwhile!

  20. Of course ... ... ... ... I meant 'tantamount'. Bloody Chubby Digits

  21. This is such a great shot! If his hands was not showing, it could more look like a statue.
