Around 1880, it was considered a big plus to have gas on every floor (kinda like fiber optics or cable TV today!) that is why “Gaz à tous les étages” is a sign that you often see on the facades of old Parisians buildings, making it obvious that in this place, you will enjoy the comfort of gas, 24/7. Recently, it was not so sure though… as several employees from the gas company decided that since they weren’t paid enough they would have no other solutions than turn off at random a few gas taps! Needless to say, this action was not really popular...
I love old signs...
ReplyDeleteI have been writing all day and I really need a break. Dropping in on Paris Daily Photo is just what I need. I am a creative person... if I am not writing, painting , cooking or making something, I go a little crazy. To much energy, to many things to see and do.
Never ever enough time in a day for everything I want to do. Just a little Paris and Eric... a sweet break in time and I am back on track. The taskmaster calls, back to writing. Prendre son pied.
Humor is reason gone mad. ~ Groucho Marx
By the way, I do collect old signs.
ReplyDeleteI'm always fascinated by what went on in the past. I remember living in old victorians where they still had the gas jets (not "live" though). In my apartment, I still have the old refrigerator under the sink where they used to pump in freon gas. Now I use it as a cupboard. If someone at Pacific Gas & Electric turned off the taps here, they would be prosecuted.
ReplyDeleteI love the old signs. This one is especially beautiful, perhaps because of the blue, and the rusty edges (and the history lesson!).
ReplyDeleteAnonyme, I feel the same way. Except about cooking.
A toot of my horn. Pasadena Daily Photo (PDP Junior) is a Blog of Note today. Just another of the Daily Photo blogs inspired by Eric and Paris Daily Photo. Merci, Eric!
Odd objects from the past.
ReplyDeleteI think that is why europe is so fascinating. There is so much history there.
I have travel alot in America and I am always trying figure out what this gadget or that item was used for in the past. It's the same with antique stores or flea markets, because I always find something there that I can not identify. And of course that starts a whole research project on what it was used for and why? Lol.
Where I live now, I can tell you I do not know what half the things here are used for, but it is fun finding out.
Love it!
ReplyDeleteI always wanted to steal one but never dared...
I can't miss the misspelling!
When writing with capital letters, you may avoid both the accents. But putting one only is wrong :
gaz à tous les étages!
Thanks for the information, that's something that a tourist guide probably will never share! :) Next time in Paris I will do nothing but to look at the buildings trying to find this signs :)
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day everyone!
LOL !!!
ReplyDeleteThe mispelling in French, I can't miss it too!
Psss : *S x2 in the title, Eric ;)
That was humor, wasn't it?? With another prunonciation? A strong accent!?
I love the blue, metal signs of Paris. I wish the reproductions weren't so expensive!
ReplyDeleteHooray for Pasadena Daily Photo! What a distinctive honor, given there are a million+ blogger accounts.
I learn something from you every day, Eric! And it's such a vibrant image too. Love it.
ReplyDeletelili -- would love to steal one too.
Petrea -- yay you!
Marcel Duchamp ~ Eau et gaz a tous les etages...
ReplyDeleteAnother fantastic detail of Paris.... and one that carries a lot of history.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the south Eric, hope it's sunny and warm there!
Oh, for a minute I thought that was gas on all fours.
ReplyDeleteHmm...so with that spelling (accent) error, doesn't it make the sentence in English as such:
ReplyDeleteGas has all the levels
It's interesting how a little accent mark makes all the difference!
I love that kind of old signs. Nowadays it's funny to see them. In 20 years the "WIFI access" sign you can find in some restaurants or public places would probably have the same effect!
ReplyDeleteMais dis donc Eric, y a relâche sur l'orthographe pendant les longs weekends, hu? C'est quoi ce titre "tout plein de fautes"? ;)
allez hop, cette dernière remarque mérite que je signe autrement...
Enjoy the sunny south!
Petrea...little PDP...congrats! We've known your blog rocks on every floor too.
ReplyDeleteTall Gman...that LINK packs quite a punch. What kind of powder were they using on that kid? ;-)
Eric...Jumping Jack Flash says your blog today is a Gas! Gas! Gas! (or is it GAZ GAZ GAZ?) ;-)
Thanks Suzy, Alexa, Coltrane...It's been exciting. (I should say it's been a GAZ.)
ReplyDeleteColtrane - What kind of powder? Obviously.
ReplyDeleteMight I add my congratulations to Pasadena’s Delightful Petrea? I’ll just sneak in and do it anyway. Way to go, Petrea!
I love these old blue enamel signs in Paris.
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun part of Parisien history you gave us today, Eric.
Congrats Petrea ! Love your blog too, it really is "little PDP" ;-)
ReplyDeleteLa honte totale ! D'autant que c'était écrit sur la photo LOL !
Bon ça m'apprendra à faire les choses en catimini du fin fond de la campagne, au bout d'une liaison Wi-Fi, pas du tout à tous les étages !!!
Lili, Anonym, Nasty Guille, I'm with you about accents and "s": Eric, Eric, you're not serious... ;-))
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see this sign, it reminds me a song from Serge Gainsbourg, very short one, quite funny though not very polite. I will not reproduce the lyrics here, as I don't want to offend you ;-), ... but the last sentence is "Moralité : eau et gaz à tous les étages"...
Eric LOL! J'imagine le débit de la connexion...mais si tu crois que c'est une excuse! :p
ReplyDeleteEnjoy. Top sun ici.
ReplyDeleteJ'aime bien ta nouvelle photo de profil ;-)
Merci qui ? Merci Guille ?
ReplyDeleteHeureusement que la gardienne du temple est là pendant que d'autres vont prendre le soleil dans le sud (on te verra monter les marches à Cannes ?)
En tout cas j'ai adoré le grand Shtroumpf d'hier. Grand shtroumpf bien sûr, et pas cat in a hat. Heureusement qu'il y a Guille pour rappeler nos vrais héros nationaux. Décidément Guille devient tout à fait indispensable à la bonne tenue de ce blog!
Gorgeous! Even better with the character marks and age.
ReplyDeletePetrea, congrats again on Blog of Note ~ and no wonder!
This matches my china - love blue & white! I think I read that you can buy old French street/building signs...at a market? If I find the resource, I will come back and post it.
ReplyDeleteNathalie, j'aime m'entendre dire ça! LOL
ReplyDeleteThib, vraiment? Etonnant! ;)
This is a really fun photo. Like others, I love the little history lessons. Many common signs have grammar mistakes. The apostrophe often is misused in plural and possessive statements, like "cute" name signs on houses: The Johnson's or Mens Room.
ReplyDeleteWait...not the best examples to use together...
What a great sign. The only sign I would like to have if I could legally steal a street sign in Paris would be from Rue de Sevigne (sp) as I'm a de Sevigny and I think it would be awesome to see that in my house to remember Paris by when I get home. Only 5 more days and I leave for London and than sweet Paris.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, today, May 22, is Mary Cassatt's birthday.
ReplyDeleteEric -- you could post with the most atrocious grammar et je m'en fiche—just so you post!
ReplyDeleteJeff -- I think those misplaced apostrophes are called "grocer's apostrophes"—as in "apple's: $5 a bushel."
Absolute MDR.
ReplyDeleteI'm not in Cannes, but near Nîmes, Ales, etc. No chance to see me climb up the Cannes stairs Nathalie, although I did it once. I will tell you all one day if you're good!
@Anne Reeves: I knew it [your china]!
Bon aller, je vais pe prendre un petit verre de rosé sur la terrasse...
A sante, Eric.
ReplyDeleteAnne I love blue & white china too.
ReplyDeleteYay Anonyme GF!
This sign is charming Eric, I am happy the signs remain. They look lovely.
You did Eric ??
ReplyDeleteWow I'd like to know how many lives you already had!
How can we have any little chance to be ... good? ;)
Tell me!
Like the gaz old sign. Shame on me, I never paid attention to what was written on them!!! Now, I'll do!
The Arènes de Lutcèe have been discovered recently- They had been dismantled by the Parisans who were threatened by Barbarians spread over Europe. Parisians tooks the big stones away from the "Arènes" to build a Wall to protect the heart of the City. The place degraded slowly. and was turned into a cemetary before degrading some more. The ground covered up the whole scene. A French medical doctor named Capitan got enough money to get the place rehabilitated, after Napoleon III had abandonned this expensive projets