Monday, May 04, 2009

Where to take a walk in Paris.

If you're looking for a nice, not touristy garden to take a walk in Paris, I would suggest you pay a visit to Le Jardin des Plantes, in the 5th arrondissement. It's a botanical garden surrounded by several museums: Evolution, Mineralogy (where I took the photo of the crown jewels), Paleontology and Entomology! (See Wikipedia for a full description). But more that this, this garden also shelters an Art Deco wintergarten and two enormous greenhouses (of which you can see a part in this photo). Don't miss all this if you come to Paris.


  1. Oh, one of my favorite, I used to live near it. It's in front of the great Mosque, another of my favorite spot!
    Gorgeous sky. Je ne me souviens pas qu'il ait fait beau ce weekend!

  2. you lived near the 5th? Good for you. Many, many hidden treasures. Haven't been in the jardin des plantes in ages, though. Same thing with the Mosque. Visit is long overdue!

  3. How is the weather in Paris? What's the forecast for the picnic?

  4. That sky is marvellous. Great photo Eric, like the angle. The greenhouse does look huge!

    Guille! GF Well done! What shall your crown sport today?

  5. Tomate, I lived in the 13th, but 5 minutes far from Rue Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, it's an area I loved... kind of miss it. It's absolutely perfect during the summertime.

    Quite cloudy, and not really hot. I hope it's gonna be okay for the picnic! They can't tell after Saturday 9th, but could be something like "temps nuageux et assez chaud avec une tendance orageuse possible" according to the forecast...
    If it's raining, I'm sure Eric will be okay to receive us (around 25 people) in his flat! ;)

    Lynn,thx! I'll wear a Convallaria majalis (or Lily of the valley!) to honour this botanical garden.

  6. One of my favorites too. Is it 'in tulips'? It was full of them the first time I see it, it was April.

  7. Now I have another reason to return to Paris- I've never seen this garden. Not that I need a reason; Paris is reason unto itself. ;)

  8. One of my favorite pix of my last trip to Paris was of the greenhouse. It was totally different in October and overcast, but it was beautiful! We had a geat walk near dusk. Now I want to come back and see the Paleontology Museum, which was closed - after 5 pm. Lovely reminder!

  9. I enjoy looking at you pictures Eric and I'd like to see one of the Art Deco wintergarden.

  10. I'm sure the weather will be great May 13.

    May this blue sky continue for 10 days more (and more and more and more!)

  11. Guille -- congrats on GF ce soir. Moi aussi, j'habitais pas loin d'ici a l'époque. Quelle beau quartier, n'est-ce pas? (Eric, this would make a great Skywatch photo.)
    I'm keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed qu'il fait beau for all of you on the 13th!

  12. Hey Eric, in the words of Irving Berlin "blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see." Tres bien. Another "here's looking up" photo! Merci.'re too fast on the QWERTY board aujourd'hui. ;-)

    My forecast for the 13th(and I'm seldom wrong)is plenty of warmth and sunny dispositions along the Seine. Cheers.

  13. Eric: If it rains on picnic day, are there other plans for us to meet?

    Bloggers: Look at video #2 on Facebook!!!! While Woody is talking and saying oui, oui, someone is taking him up on it in the lefthand corner wall, LOL LOL LOL!

  14. Gorgeous photo, Eric!

    Phx, ROFL!!! Let that be a reminder to all picnic goers to 'oui' in the right places or you never know where it will end up!

  15. Bonjour all! I had a wonderful time with Eric at Angelina's yesterday - so happy that we could meet face to face after all this time. My cooking class with Patricia Wells starts this morning - yea! I hope many of you do meet up with us at Cafe de Flore on the 9th at 7pm as Eric mentioned yesterday.

  16. A beautifully composed photo! Makes you want to see more of it!

  17. "usual" Queen Guille, congratulations for today's crown!

    The 9th is in the middle of another looong weekend! So, as you know, I'll be in "my" countryside!
    But, for sure, I'll be with you all on the banks of the Seine (or at Eric's...) on 13th ;-)

  18. Does the Mosque part of the Jardin des Plantes face the Seine? I think we went by on our Bateau Mouche. It's on my list for next time. (I have a VERY long list for next time.)

    I know the weather will be great for the picnic!

  19. I've seen some info on the Mosque and I hope that I can go see it when I'm in Paris in June but now I have to add Le Jardin des Plantes aussie. I have not enough time to see everything I guess I should start planning my next trip to Paris already : )

  20. 25 people plus the lurkers and last-minute drop in visitors in Eric's flat. Could be interesting ;)

    Sounds like the weather is kind of humid and muggy right now. Typical, uh :) Good to know, though. Layers, everybody!

  21. Petrea, the Great Mosque does face the Jardin des Plantes but not the Seine, it's a bit far from it.
    BTW, when is the "next time"?!

    Thanks "usual" Thib! ;)

  22. FYI, I've taken the Mosque several times but I've never been happy with the photos I took. One day, I hope I'll manage to come up with a good one and show this magnificent building to you.

  23. Ooooh Eric's here! That means......... Race you!? ---

  24. Guille, I don't know when next time will be. I hope it will be soon and not just in my dreams!

    Eric, you had better start thinking about a place to hold the picnic if it rains, or those parquet floors of yours are going to take a beating.

  25. I could read your blog for hours! Paris is on our list of places to see. Hopefully very soon. Thanks for posting such wonderful real life photos and stories!
