Friday, February 12, 2010

Love PDP!

I know it's a little tacky, but I could not resist! After all it's Friday, and the news is not too good in Europe (the Euro is dropping and the employement predictions for France in 2010 is as low as in 2003...), so we can do with something light. As for me, I will be going on vacation for 2 weeks starting Monday, and I don't think I'll see much snow where I'm going! But as usual, the "PDP service" won't stop, there will still be a photo for you every day here!


  1. Go ahead, play in the snow! Your frozen finger was put to good use once again. And I love PDP too!

  2. have a great vacation - hope its somewhere hot and sunny.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. LOL! Don't worry, I don't think anyone will accuse you of narcissism.

    Hope your vacation is....wild!

  5. Tacky? We PDP-O-PHILES love it!

    And the EURO is dropping? I haven't heard such good new in ages!!!!!!!

  6. * news. I was so excited, I could hardly spell.

  7. Perfect for the Valentine's Day weekend here in the States! I love POP too... ;-) I mean PDP! Enjoy your two weeks, Eric. BTW...really enjoyed yesterday's photo in the Luxembourg gardens.

  8. PHX, my sentiments exactly--on both counts! Maybe, just maybe, I can visit France again someday!

    Have a great vacation, Eric! I hope your fingers warm up.

  9. Bon chance et bon voyage! I am going some place warm as well so am delighted you are also!

  10. Any one of us would have done the same! Hope you have a great two weeks en vacances, Eric. We'll leave a light on for you! Are you going to make us guess where you're going? Okay, I'll play—I guess the Canaries (or Corsica? South Africa?).

  11. I love PDP, too, and we all love le roi du PDP, King Eric. Happy vacation.

  12. I love this photo!
    Thanks for writing this in English Eric.
    ; )
    Have a wonderfully warm holiday too.

  13. We love PDP aussi!! ;-) Merci et Bonnes Vacances!!

  14. The Euro is dropping? Woot!

    Tomate Farcie

  15. We share this love message, Eric ;-)
    Bonnes vacances !

  16. Love it! the photo I mean...the Euros is dropping?? Good news -- I'm headed to Paris soon. Bonnes vacances!
    -- Elizabeth

  17. As it never snows here, not even in winter, the next time I find a car dirty enough, I'm going to write I LOVE PDP on it with my finger! Then I shall run as fast as my little legs will carry me...

    This would be lovely as the cover of next year's calendar, Eric. Have a wonderful vacation away from the snow.

  18. Safe travels...perhaps our planes will pass in the night as I head to Paris with a few extra $ in my pocket thanks to the fall in the Euro!

  19. I love PDP, three!!!! (Bill, that's Paris Daily Photo.) Have a greaaaaat vacation, Eric - and enjoy the sun. Elizabeth and Deborah - have lots of fun in la Ville de Lumiere. And enjoy the snow! Wish I were there....

  20. I thought it was Pasadena Daily Photo! Bill, no wonder you're confused.

  21. Bill, re What is PDP?

    -The lights are on, but you're not home,
    Your mind is not your own,
    Your palm sweats, your finger shakes,
    Another click is all it takes,

    You can't sleep. you can't eat,
    There's no doubt you're in deep,
    Your comments done, you can't breathe,
    Another pic is all you need

    Whoa, you like to think you're immune to this blog, oh Yeah
    It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough,
    you know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to......

    ..PDP! Use responsibly.

  22. Brilliant Drummond Brilliant.

    I'd like to think I'm immune to this blog but it's closer to the truth to say I can't get enough, I'm gonna to have to face it, I'm addicted to...

    what is in your mind... ! Yes there is no way of escaping from it, though I try... Why am I crying then?

    True, PDP is still here, thanks
    Btw, bonnes vacances Eric. I know I'm already jealous.

  23. I am guessing the owner of the car is going to be like "Huh?"...haha.

    Bonne vacances...


  24. Bonne vacances, Eric. As you jet off to a warmer place, you will leave us to come to terms with our addiction (thanks Drummond)- while still enjoying the delights of Paris en hiver.

  25. Ohhh don't tell me I made it wrong... don't let me think that. I could survive everything but a misunderstanding. Please...

  26. oh please next time eric try the angel snow print .... have a nice holidays

  27. I HEART PDP too! La neige again and I am here, but we have la neige in Birmingham! REALLY!

    Have a wonderful trip E. and don't worry , we'll all behave while you're gone or......maybe not so much.

  28. I love PDP.
    But I love you first and I'll miss you while away from me,
    my dearest friendly inhabitant ;-)

  29. Whenever I see PDP, I think Prague Daily Photo. Sorry, but I have met the author of that blog in person. I still love Paris Daily Photo, though! LOL.

  30. this photo inspired me to do my own :)
