Sunday, May 26, 2013

Buy French!

You know how I like to support young entrepreneurs! Well I found two of them on my street yesterday... They opened a brand new shoe store (Thomaas & Nicolaas) where they sell French manufactured (or at least designed) shoes (which is really not common these days...). But the real plus of this store is that you will find there models that you won't see anywhere in the world like in chain stores! Besides, let me remind you that on this very same street, you can also visit another extraordinary shoe store that I've already featured on PDP. I wish them a lot of success!


  1. Oh dear. I do NOT need another place to buy shoes, even lovely, unique French shoes. Remember Imelda Marcos? My collection is starting to rival hers! (Okay, I exaggerate, but even so.)

  2. I'll take the entire bottom shelf in a 7 1/2, please.

  3. French designed shoes does not equal French manufactured shoes unfortunately. This is what we need to buy. Really Eric, please push for French manufacturing!

    1. I know, but it's a little more complicated than that; it all depends on where the added value really is (design, manufacturing, promotion or retail?) You could write a whole book about this!

  4. Ok I have to admit, I bought a pair there. Nice shop, great owners, and unique footwear!

  5. For info, their address is: 36 Bis rue du Faubourg Montmartre 75009 Paris. And a Facebook page here:

  6. I need new shoes. A unique pair would be great.

  7. Glad to hear Michael gave them some business. Do they sell only shoes for men? (P.S. — sorry I missed the Cloclo auction.)

    1. Nope, they also have women shoes; you can visit them when you come Alexa ;-)

  8. Very funky shop, but I just bought some Arche Shoes in Paris and they deffently manufactured in France and are like walking on clouds ... Kara ..:-)
