Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation

At one end of the Ile de la Cite, if you walk down a couple of steps you will enter a Holocaust Memorial. This monument is dedicated to the memory of the 200 000 individuals deported from France to German concentration camps during World War II. The place is, of course, pretty emotional altough there is not a single picture; just symbols and a few quotes such as "Pardonne, n'oublie pas..." ("Forgive but don't forget"). The "highlight" of the memorial is a long and narrow corridor lined with small stones of quartz crystal (see photo). Each stone represents one of the 200,000 individuals deported from France.


  1. A very moving photo. I wish I had visited when I was last in Paris. I was very moved by the sculptures in Pere Lachaise dedicated to the war and the Holocaust.

  2. A memorial I definitely have to go and visit next summer.

  3. Eric,
    Je me suis permis de prendre ta très belle photo pour l'ouverture d'un article consacré à l'exposition "Les enfants de Buchenwald" à la Mairie du 9ème.
    Article à paraite demain le 20.

    J'espère que tu n'y vois pas d'inconvénient. Merci et bravo.


  4. héhé, j'avais eu la même impressions que toi.

  5. Is this relatively new (past 20 years)? I don't remember that Memorial at all.

    Great shot.
