Sunday, October 23, 2005

The rat race

To be honest I am not sure if this is a rat (or a baby rat...); it may rather be a little mouse or what we call a Gerbille. What I am sure of is that it was passing by in a street of the 5th arrondissement and intrigued a lot of people - I was not the only one trying to capture it on film (well digital memory!)! According to a common belief it is said that there are as many rats in Paris as inhabitants (roughly 2 million) but in fact it is absolutly impossible to tell.


  1. Non, ca ne ressemble pas a une Gerbille mais bien a un rat ou une souris.

    J'ai eu une gerbille a la maison, ca a les pattes plus allongees (comme un kangourou!)

  2. I'd say it was a mouse (une souris!), too. Rats have longer heads and snouts as well as bigger ears than that.

  3. Hé hé, très belle photo, et adorable bestiole.

    Yeah, nice pic, and so cute little beast.

  4. A priori (sorry, my english is still in holidays...), ça ressemble à une musaraigne. Quant à savoir s'il y a tant de rats que ça à Paris, ca serait plus simple s'ils avaient une plaque d'immatriculation !

  5. My cats would love it, whatever it is. :) Yes, I tend to agree with the previous comments. It is far too cute and it looks very clean to be a rat. And, looking at it in context with the other photographer, it is also far too small to be a rat - even a baby one. I don't know about Paris rats, but ours are the size of house cats!

  6. ça ressemble beaucoup à un petit mulot ou un petit surmulot
    C'est bizarre de se dire qu'il y autant de rongeurs sous nos villes, ils sont plutôt discrets comme voisins :)

  7. Awe, it's a field mouse! This little guy should be in a barn next to a barrel of wine, rather than in Paris.
