Call me opportunistic but right after I took yesterday's photo, I rushed to a much fancier place: le Salon des Miroirs, and old 19th century brasserie that has now be turned into a private reception hall. Samsung rented the hall to launch their new range of mobile phones... Was I going to miss that - and the gourmet buffet following the press conference? I don't think so! It has been an exhausting week for me so I am glad it's Le Week-end!
Love the photo esp. with the main event peeking through the curtains.
ReplyDeleteGourmet buffet?? Eric, how do you keep your trim figure if you eat like this all the time??
Yes Eric you make me laugh you're living the life of Reilly over there in Paree. It's not fair. We're both journalists, how come you get all the good gigs? lol! Seriously i'm glad you're enjoying it i really am. I too wonder how you manage to stay in shape with all that A-list catering going on. You do walk a lot though don't you. I'm sitting here with a single glass of red, a green salad and soft cheeses and not an invitation in sight. Actually that's not true, i was invited out tonight ;) i declined... Did you get a free mobile phone too Eric? Go on then, make me as green as my salad...?
ReplyDeleteYou really do have a talent for spying (literally this time) the best angle for a shot. I mean, who'd have thought this would be successful? Yet, it is. It begs us to demand more information, denies us the same and concocts all sorts of imaginary goings-on behind that curtain!
ReplyDeleteGreat pix. Very peekaboo ;)
ReplyDeleteImmediately I thought of that old song "Behind the Green Door" although I see no green and only curtains. News: I dropped the teacher from Kansas and enrolled in the one and only course that Madame VraiFrancaise is teaching. I am happy again. Eric, get some rest this weekend...all your activities are exciting but too many will take their toll.
ReplyDeletemmmm...love the orange, like a big hermes box, waiting to divulge it's contents ...
ReplyDeleteVERY provocative shot Eric! Fantastic life you have there in Pareeeeeee...like Lynn said! And I'm not gonna say what I think it looks like! Best left to the imagination! LOL! ;)
ReplyDeleteBarbara, what a perfect comparison with Hermès and their orange boxes, paper, etc.
ReplyDeleteI too like the idea that I'm just about to enter something special or that I'm passing by and can have a glimpse.
Wow..wow..wow, Eric...j'adore ca! The "curtains" are the color of my bedroom...absolutely love it! Just realized I hadn't voted for PDP at Festival des Romans using my home computer[though I voted three times at work ;-) ..]so I just gave another vote..believe it is 258 or 278 now! Not sure as it is 36degress F in San Francisco right now, the coldest I have ever experienced in my 31 years here and I just came back from dinner[Mexican]and several bottles of vin rouge! Bon chance!! We all know PDP is the best regardless..Awwww!
ReplyDeleteI really like this photo Eric. I am not very familiar with Hermes (sounds like a disease), but there is a peek-a-boo effect goin' on.
ReplyDeleteWhen you say it is called the "salon des miroirs" is that the same concept as the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles? I read about it and would like to go there one day.
LOL Metaphysicalmama - This photo has gone from Hermès to herpes!
ReplyDeleteJohnny i seriously hope that isn't your teacher's real name. If so, steer clear of claims of authenticity, do. Wish you much luck with this course i really do!
ReplyDeleteSo Eric is luxuriating chez-lui this weekend, his feet up, playing around with his new toy; the complimentary mobile phone, eating cheese and planning new shots. Who waits upon him i wonder, bringing plates piled high with fresh, shiny grapes? Turning the pages of his book as he lays on the chaise longue reading the latest glossy hardback coffee table tome still wet from the press. Who is that person i wonder? As his eyes become tired of activity and they slowly close, who enters the room with a cashmere rug to lay over the poor soul who has rushed around all week to these parties and events, all for us? lol.
So Lynn, you certainly do have an active imagination. I can't wait to read your book. Could you write my life story as well? Perhaps a deserted island with no email, no travel, and good beach and ocean? Ahhh...I can only dream.
ReplyDeleteOMG MICHAEL! From Hermes to herpes? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just spat milk on my monitor! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd Eric! Waddya say, was Lynn's description accurate? Better go have a look in my crystal ball and see if I can validate this info! LOL! ;)
ReplyDeleteMichael; lol! yes i'd love to write your life story. Get going with that blog again and i can glean some more info lol. At present, i think you spend your time jetting around the world saying things like "yes well it may seem glamorous but actually i see mainly airports! I rarely get time off to see these places." You are very used to airplane food, often choosing to miss a meal inflight, they are so unpalatable to you. Champagne slips down easily though and you like nothing better than to spend an evening with friends, talking into the night and debating issues. You are the new Parisian. You have a book some-part written and keep vowing to finish it.
ReplyDeletehe he this is fun! tell me if i got anything right at all? Yes do read my book Michael, i'd be honoured to hear your opinion.
As for your dream desert island Michael, please.. can i come? It sounds positively divine.
ReplyDeleteAlmost perfect! But do you really think I ever skip a meal???
ReplyDelete> Ming. I do NOT keep a trim figure believe me! Especially by French standards...
ReplyDelete> Lynn, that is very sweet of you to think I keep in shape whereas I really don't... I don't walk because I drive a scooter, I don't go to the gym (whereas I joined one almost a year ago!!), I eat like a pig 1/2 of the year... BUT I don't drink, I don't smoke and I spend the other half of the year on a diet!!! And no, I did not get a free mobile phone... And about the angle ; well thanks ;)
> LA Frog ;)
> Johnny. Good. I personally think it is compulsory to learn a language with a native. But some people would certainly disagree with me. In France most of the foreign language teachers are French though. This week end is not going to be very relaxing believe me: family gathering and a day trip to Normandy...
> Barbara. Ahhhh Hermès... My favorite French brand!
> Ame. No, you are NOT going to say what crossed your mind when your saw this photo!
> Michael. You too are a Hermès lover?
> KPGallant. I'm surprised you can vote with different computers from the same place. But, well thank you anyway. I recently learnt that only the 10 best votes will be selected for the final so it's important to be among those.
> Meta. LOL. You're right Hermès can become a very dangerous disease: the no top shopping disease! The hall of mirrors in Versailles in very very much larger than the place I was in. It's definitely worth visiting.
> Lynn. Gee, I forgot to turn off my web cam again! How indiscreet of you to reveal to the PDP world what my daily life looks like!!! LOL. BTW, Madame VraiFrançaise has to be called Madame Durand or Madame Martin.
> Michael. What do you mean no email?! Is that what you're dreaming of???
> Ame. Yes, I am afraid so. I can give you the URL of my web cam if you want to see for yourself LOL
> Anonymous. Is that spam?! I could not find out???
> Haxo. Yeah, it's a great site isn't? I should visit some of the other places they mention.
> Lynn. What on earth would you do a deserted island??? You'd be bored to death after one day! Michael? Is that what you feel about your life?!
lol yes it was fun on that ole webcam of yours Eric. Sorry i was so indiscreet my envy got the better of me. Your secret routine at 11 pm is safe with me though ;) lol.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Eric, you must know me pretty well really! I do get bored easily and love stimulation. The desert island though appeals as it's so far removed from reality. What would i do? Swim, lay around reading, walk barefoot in the sand, write, take photos, paint, and if with a very special person, well the possibiities are endless! You KNOW it appeals, Eric! So that's the first eight hours taken care of. Umm... ok then i'd sleep. Umm... ok maybe you have a point.
lynn ou are funny but also beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWow Lynn. Who is that anonymous admirer of yours??? (Sorry I don't track IP addresses!)
ReplyDeleteThank you for not doing so eric.
ReplyDeleteGoodness, i don't know, Eric! I'm very flattered anyway, Anonymous. Thank you for those words, you've made my day!
ReplyDeleteEric, I love your photos. I once lived in Paris, and they evoke such wonderful memories every time I see them. Your comments really add to the beauty of the pictures. Keep it up! Jim Doyle, Kailua, Hawaii, USA
ReplyDeleteAloha Jim! Great to see you here! One day I'll make it back to Hawaii and we can share some old times.
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming that Jim is not my secret admirer? lol
ReplyDeleteSorry lynn, I just wanted to hide my crush on you! :oP
ReplyDeletelol oh don't be shy, Soosh, let me have it! er.. i mean the words.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, but you two need a private moment? ;-)
ReplyDeleterofl! Who says we haven't already?
ReplyDeleteSorry PDPers, I'll stop now!
Sssh! Soosha you promised you wouldn't say. It continues...
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