OK, I agree this face is a bit scary for a Monday! It's actually the face that greets you if you wander into the Passage Jouffroy where the Musée Grévin (wax museum of Paris) is located. Can you guess who this is? Well, it's Quasimodo who fell in love with Esmeralda from the famous novel by Victor Hugo: the Huntchback of Notre Dame (Notre Dame de Paris, in French). See the whole portrait on the making of.
This photo reminds me of a favourite joke...
ReplyDeleteThe Hunchback of Notre Dame is about to retire, & has been notified by his bosses that he must first find a replacement bell ringer.
He places a notice in the "Help Wanted" section of the local paper, and one day an applicant climbs the stairs to the bell tower, in search of employment.
The Hunchback cautions him on the dangers involved in the job - mainly, that of slipping and falling to one's death while bell ringing. The applicant seems unimpressed by this, & explains to the Hunchback that he comes from a long line of bell ringers, and that his family uses a special bell ringing technique.
The Hunchback, eager to see this, asks him to audition. The applicant goes up to a large bell perched high in the tower, pulls it towards him, and smashes his forehead into it to make it sound. Dazed from the impact, he stumbles and falls from the tower to his death below. The Hunchback climbs down there to find a crowd gathered and a policeman who says, "I see someone fell from your bell tower - do you know who he is?"
The Hunckback replies, "No, but his face rings a bell ..."
The next day, another applicant arrives for the job. It turns out this fellow is the brother of the one who fell to his death the other day.
In like manner, he demonstrates his familial bell-ringing technique, and he, too, stumbles and falls to his death below. The Hunchback again ambles down to check out the scene, where the policeman says, "Hmmm. ... another one ... did you know him well?"
The Hunchback replies, "No, but he's a dead ringer for his brother ..."
Ok, all together now... Grooooaaaaannnn
Exactly the same as I imagined him when I read the novel, not so scary though .
ReplyDeleteDid you see Celine Dion?
ReplyDeletechuckle chuckle, yea, that was a good one michael ... :D never heard it before.
ReplyDeleteeric, you even make scary beautiful...i'm about do for a makeover myself ... lol :D
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't look that bad on the close-up!! Very realistic..
ReplyDeleteSome figures have very shining, (obviously wax) skin texture, and often strange skin colouring, but this one is quite realistic. I saw our Prime Minister (John Howard) at Mdme Tussaud's and he looked like he had been accidently locked overnight in a solarium.
ReplyDeleteAren't a lot of celebreties a lot shorter than you would expect too?
Ha ha..Michael's joke was funny. =)
ReplyDeleteThis face is very lifelike. At first I thougt it must be of someone you know.
At first I thought it was a living person with Hyperthyroidism!
ReplyDeleteI didn't understand Michael's joke (makes me feel dumb...)
I love it when you include links!
ReplyDeleteSorry Edulabbe : you're not dumb...the joke is dumb! The hunchback was famous for ringing the bell in the bell tower of Notre Dame. It's a play (joke) on the word "ring" that makes it silly.
ReplyDeleteoOOOH! I recoiled as that pic slowly loaded down my screen. That eye. My God Eric you sure know how to wake us up for action on a Monday, only; please don't do this again? Ever? Brr, not nice. That said, it's a great close up, that much i can appreciate. Please something gentle tomorrow; i'm more delicate than you think.
ReplyDeletehe he Michael... groan. I did love the film, it's one of those classics which must be seen. Not this close though... still shivering. Eeeuww.
ReplyDeletethe eyes look as if it is popping out!
ReplyDeleteohh plEASE keropok don't. i feel sick enough already.
ReplyDeleteActually, he's not as grotesque as I imagined...but he could use some dental work!
ReplyDeleteBtw - have you been to Victor Hugo's House on the Place des Voges? He moved there after he wrote Notre Dame de Paris, but still, it was inspiring to see the place where he practised his craft (and the lovely views on the park from his windows;-)
Lynn, and don't forget the musical which was a big hit here about 5 years ago.
ReplyDeletespooky! i´m a big fan of the huntchback tale tough. Isabella gave a great idea Eric, why don´t you put here the picture of Victor Hugo´s house in Place des Vosges? I´ve neve been to the famous plaza so I´d love to see it!
ReplyDelete...which must have been just FAB, Michael, if the actors looked like this. What a pleasant evening to be had. Ugh. I'd have had to hide my sheltered-life face in your lapels, Michael. hmm.. thinks... is it still running? When are you free?
ReplyDeleteToaday, I expected a post about Sarkozy's official candidature for the presidencial elections, and when I saw the picture, I thought… that was it !!!
Hey now, if Michael's taking anyone to see a show it's me! *completely ignores the fact that Michael is a human with free will and can take whoever he damn well pleases and furthermore is on the other side of the world*
ReplyDeleteNot such a scary face up close. The full face kinda reminds me of my biological father! Thank God I didn't get his looks!!!
I got in first though. Yes i know you've known him longer, but have you discussed shows before? No. I rest my case. Then again, Soosha, let's not argue about a man, eh? What a waste of time. Let's just go ourselves! Nice meal afterwards...If Michael's lucky, we'll gobble him up for dessert.
ReplyDeleteI'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.
ReplyDeleteMmm...I like dessert. I'm not picky, either. La dessert, le dessert, it's all scrummy to me!
ReplyDeleteYes, lynn, let's go ourselves. I never fight over a man. Unless it's Gary Oldman or David Tennant. Then it's on like Donkey Kong! (Sorry, had to throw in that utterly stupid expression from my childhood. Just shows how Sirius I am about Gary and David!!!)
Anyways, shall we go visit the wax museum? I hear they have an ugly guy with back broblems and Austin Powers teeth we could go see!
Speaking of ugly, how'dya like my new pic?
Hmm...seems to not want to show my new pic...
ReplyDeleteLooks like a nice chap if you ask me.
ReplyDeletei had that prob with the avatar too. it comes and goes... and only seems to show on my own blog, never on here.
ReplyDeleteYes let's, Soosha, let's do all that. I don't fight over men either. Mmm David Tennant mmm. Gary not so much. We both like Bowie too don't we. Oh and Eric. And Michael. Quite apart from our own men, the most gorgeous of all of course! We have loads to go round, we're fine. We could go the waxworks but only if we have big strong men to hold my hand, if that freak Eric photo'd is there, with his horrid popping eye and all. Shiver. Again. Then we should do some cafes and talk til the cows come home.
God, what do YOU look like then Richard P? Thank goodness avatars aren't working. lol. only kidding. Welcome here.
ReplyDeleteOh well, if anything my new av is on my profile, if you get thoroughly bored and truly wanna check it out.
ReplyDeleteI must say I am glad you're not so much into Gary. Less competition for me!
Michael, your joke is sick but it made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI collect dvd's and videocasettes of "Notre Dame de Paris"...aka Hunchback of Notre Dame, etc. I have 5 versions but my favorite is the musical with Garou and Helene Segara. The music is soooo dynamic.
Wax museums, I find, are kinda boring. The subjects all look so waxen and frozen. LOL
I must check out the museum in Paris. It might be a cut above the others.
Agree with you Johnny, not sure that wax museums are my kind of thing. I'd be too tempted to light a match near one of their noses just to see for sure if they're really made of wax.
ReplyDeleteI know I'll be ridiculed amongst my friends for saying this, but I really enjoyed the musical Notre Dame de Paris with Garou , Helene Segara, and of course, Patrick Fiori. They all became big stars afterwards.
Sick? I didn't think the joke was sick at all. Then again I'm far more sick then that! Ihave a feeling that a romp through my mind wouldn't be a fun thing for most normal people! Any gemini, for that matter *coughmichaelcough*!
ReplyDeleteFantastic photo Eric, fantastic in both senses of the term!
ReplyDeletelynn, I'm beginning to think you don't like my av pic on my profile! I may just cry, because your opinion means so much to me!!! ;oP
ReplyDeleteNo, Soosha, don't cry... i think your avatar is very lovely, pretty, bookish and romantic with the little heart. Very cute and fun! I just didn't have chance to look last night, had a girl friend round to stay overnight; she had boyfriend probs. Goodness we were up til three talking the whole thing through, i'm shattered today so your pic is very welcome indeed!
ReplyDeleteAh, boy problems. Say no more, every girl understands boy problems.
ReplyDeleteDidn't the French like the musical version?
Wow! Great shot.
ReplyDeleteYes, in fact it was quite popular...which was the problem. Many things commercial get a bad reputation, so my comment referred to the fact that people won't like to admit they liked it. For a long time, everywhere one went, you heard the song from the show "Belle"!