Just kidding! I found this yesterday while I was browsing my hard drive. I realized I had never used it, whereas I tend to think it's a good photo. So here it is... it's not the fresh photo of the day (but, rather of this day...), but what the hell! Also, I'd like to thank all of you who have been kind enough to help me selecting the photos I should send to the Festival de Romans. You can still vote here until Tuesday Jan. 23, 10 pm French time (9 pm UTC).
Did you zoom in or were you masquerading as one of them, to get so close? lol.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't tell us about your other job in law enforcement.
ReplyDeletebon en ouverture pour ma part je pensse que le clichés pres de la pyramide avec le jet d'eau qui tombe sur les passants ainssi que ceux qui sont assis me plait c'est un clichés a la fois a l'ancienne et parisien...
ReplyDeleteWow... that's a nice photo! très beau! J'adore le B/W effect... well, my french really hurts me now.. I enjoy too much with your photos! :)
ReplyDeleteIt is a great shot. I'm not usually a fan of B&W, though, im most cases, but it seems to work well here, and gives it a "newsworthy" kind of look. (Just my opinion, of course)
ReplyDeleteWOW TERRA! You REEEEALLY liked THIS one...maybe even more than MOI! Melt..sigh~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;) Glad you graced us with another MIU shot Eric! (That would be Men In Uniform!) LOL! =)
ReplyDeleteEric - this is a wonderful photo, and the fact that it is in black and white makes it even better! Merci beaucoup!
ReplyDeleteTitle: "Intensity"
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of my first visit to Paris in 2004. Walking under le Tour Eiffel, several teams of two military guards. One always had weapon at ready across his chest, finger on trigger, the other resting his arms, but but extremely alert, looking everywhere, seeing everything. Intense. But, I felt safe.
These shields look brand new. Shiny. No scratches on the shoulder guards, either. Let's hope they stay that way.
And, susan in atlanta: regarding your comments about Hilary yesterday, I think you're hanging out with cave men. Most guys and women I know love Hilary. I'll vote for her, but I don't know if the U.S. is grown up enough for a female president. After all, look at the stupid little bully boy 1/2 the nation voted for twice. Uh, oh, there's a car of big guys pulling up out in front of my house...
eric another good one...and yeah, they'd better...or else!
ReplyDeleteand speaking of which, i'd be interested in hearing more about the selection process...can you tell us who sits on the jury and what criteria it is that they are using to pick the winner. also, please let us know which 2 photos you've chosen...i'm sure we're all very curious!
oh, and jeff, was he actually even 'elected' ??? ... enough said !!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a good picture. The police suits are impressive, just add a black plastic helmet and you have a robocop troop!
ReplyDeleteI don't want to demonstrate with those policemen around!
I really love this one Eric. The B&W makes their "force" seem even stronger. Considering it was for a protest by motorcyclist, it seems kind of out of proportion for the size threat.
ReplyDeleteSusan in Atlanta: Regarding your question in the post below, I think you'll find that over here Hillary is quite respected. I'm also not sure that all men in the U.S. hate her, but I do think it might be difficult for her to be elected when Groupthink seems to take over the American voter these days.
ReplyDeleteMany men that I know--young, middleaged and old, do not hate Hilary and some would vote for her. I used to like her but she started trying too hard to please all sides. I think Groupthink has taken over *some* American voters. People I know are different. I'll be working for and voting for Dennis Kucinich just like in the last election.
ReplyDelete> Susan, Jeff, Michael, Ujima… anybody interested in french presidential elections on PARIS DP ?
ReplyDeleteOk, ok, don't get angry, I'm just kidding !
Actually nasty gg...YES!
ReplyDeleteHow are people viewing the Segolen Royal/Nicolas Sarkozy competition? Any discrimination against a woman candidate taking place?
P.S. Nasty GG....no, you're not kidding! ;-)
ReplyDeletei'm pulling for 'sego'. my thinking being that as much as my personal politics might not be centrist, i think that sargozy (from what i've read), might be too alienating to some. and in my view, it doesn't hurt that she's a woman (sorry, can't help that bias!!!)
ReplyDeleteDid you guys read any of those comments I included? So many of those views match the hate views I've heard for the last 14 years. I think it will be a mistake for the Democratic party to nominate her b/c in the general election, she's not electable.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't the democratic party (again) find someone electable? They are going to blow it again! If they want middle america's votes (or the South), they must find a centrist and not another far-left person that only resonates with the eastern and far west U.S. Like Clinton was...a centrist. The last thing I want is another Republican President! I must find out more about Obama..maybe he is a centrist but at this point, I don't know much about him.
For France, I think Segolen Royal might win.
And I echo Michael. GG, you are not kidding! Have you ever heard the saying, "many truths are said in jest"? Many say what the think and then say "just kidding".....especially if they are annoyed :0
ReplyDeleteSusan : Lol ! exactly what I expected ! I can re-assure you though, I was amused, not annoyed.
ReplyDeleteBarbara : I'd love to pull for Sego to (I hope I understand correctly that expression !!!!). And I perfectly agree with you : it doesn't hurt that she is a woman. What hurts is what she says ! Her latest intervention about the sovereignety for Quebec was quite inappropriate and unfortunatly not the first of her mistakes… the problem is she begins to give real trouble to her supporters. Hope her team will help !
ReplyDeletewell...I am back to the team again.
i like the photo,the european history is attracted me so much, and the different culture as well.
I found French is so different from English culture, look at those faces and dress...
nice photo.
GG: Glad to give you what you expect! And I expected that you would address me and not Michael! So thanks for giving me what I expected! "Just kidding" ;) LOL!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSusan, right. the fact is that I have other opportunities to adress Michael than PDP. Paris is a small city after all ! Anyway, this is so good to share a little transatlantique humor !
ReplyDeleteyep, gg, 'to pull' for someone is similar to 'to root' for someone or cheer them on in a challenge.
ReplyDeleteas for sego's comments, yep again, she's made some public gaffes, and unfortunately it seems her campaign manager is prone to the same slips of tongue ...
Barbara : Oh you've hard about that one to ?!!! Stupid for a campaign manager, but really funny I must say. More or less this what he said : What's Segolene Royal's main handicap ? - her companion (who happen to be the ruler of french socialist party !). That was a good one ! As we often say : "on n'est pas payés cher, mais on rigole bien !" ("we earn little money, but we have much fun !)
ReplyDelete> Susan, Jeff, Michael, Ujima… anybody interested in french presidential elections on PARIS DP ?
ReplyDeleteOk, ok, don't get angry, I'm just kidding !
It made *me* laugh. I am following it mainly in the NYTimes every day but do check other sources.
But the Hilary thing is so interesting and shows how backward America is when we look at women who have lead other countries. The attitude strikes me every time I see W walk by Una Merkel and massage her shoulders.
> Ujima : But the Hilary thing is so interesting and shows how backward America is when we look at women who have lead other countries.
ReplyDeleteI regret to say, that we're doing quite bad on that question in France to. You'd be really distressed to know how non-young, non-womenly, non-colored, non-etc the french political world is. And looking at the teams of 2007 presidential campaign doesn't do any better, unfortunatly !
First of all, Eric, love the picture! And I love it because it's a wonderful picture, not because of the hot men. (Of course I'm not saying I don't appreciate them, just that's not why the pic rocks!)
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the USA politics: My husband says he'd probably actually finally register to vote in order to vote for Hillary. Which I think is good since I've been trying to get him to register for years. Personally I'll be taking a good long look at the issues before I decide who to vote for. Much as I like the idea of my country finally figuring out that women can be effective presidents, the issues are more important to me than voting for someone based on sex and the "novelty" of the candidate.
I'm betting this post gets to 80 comments at the very least!
>>You'd be really distressed to know how non-young, non-womenly, non-colored, non-etc the french political world is.>>
ReplyDeleteUnfortunatel I know, GG. I have been to France many times and "speak" to friends there.
I look at Germany, Ireland, Finland, Liberia, Israel, Philipines, New Zealand etc. who have or have had women leaders and think that some day France and the US wil consider voting for an *effective* woman (as Shoosha says). I don't think Hilary is that person. [Help! She's talking at me on the news right now!!]
Mon Dieu Eric...Couldn't you have asked them to re-group their formation according to height?? Tallest ones closest to the bridge so you could get a better angle on the shot??? Oh la la!! At least in Paris the police shout "BONJOUR..." at you[rather loudly]when you do something stupid instead of in the US where they yell..."HEY..YOU"!!! Such was the case when many years ago after the threat of a bomb attack on le Sainte Chapelle and le Palais de Justice I absent minded-ly walked in the exit and the gendarme walked over shouting "BONJOUR"!!! Of course, being a "friendly Californian" I thought he was just welcoming us...boy, were we Wrong!!
ReplyDeleteJing said...I found French is so different from English culture, look at those faces and dress...
ROFL...Wow...if only they had realized that a long time ago maybe they wouldn't have had that nasty 100 years war!! Reminds me of the time the homeless woman was screaming at the English tourists on the rue de Rivoli..."ROST BEEF"!!!!
also, i think sego, like most women, is in a situation (in regard to her personal relationship with francois hollande), where she must 'juggle' different roles and functions, perfectly, simultaneously, all while running for president. ce n'est pas possible!
ReplyDeleteone of the comments when she declared her candidacy was 'well then, who will take care of the children?'
precisely :D
(sorry guys, had to say it, :)
> Barbara : 'well then, who will take care of the children?'
ReplyDeleteYes that was really stupid. and this time, not funny at all. And if you consider : "nations deserve the political leaders they give themselves"… well then, shame on us !!!
Speaking as a Pacific NW democrat, most of my friends and family who are also democrats don't really like Hillary and we don't want her to get the nomination. She doesn't make me want to get out and vote. Her playing both sides of an issue until she knows how it will come out just doesn't sit well with me. But she can be a catalyst to get the other side to vote against her. As a result, most of my republican friends want her to get the nomination. And it has nothing to do with her being a "her".
ReplyDeleteoh my, another pic of men in uniform...love it!
ReplyDelete>gg: and if you consider: "nations deserve the political leaders they give themselves: ...well then, shame on us !!!
ReplyDeleteoh dear gg, that doesn't bode well for us here in the states either ;(
hopefully, we're not that far away from the time when gender, race, age, religion, sexual preference, etc. etc. aren't the issues of the campaign. en effet, ils sont vraiment des choses plus importantes.
oops, pardon my french, i think it should have been il y a ? help me out here :)
ReplyDeleteLOL GG....you've been very busy today answering questions. So glad you are there to help out. And I DO know that you were kidding.... ;-)
ReplyDeleteI am a lurker on PDP that never comments - just enjoys the pictures. BUT - I just HAD to comment on this fine example of fine young men in uniform. I'd be willing to commit an offense to be handcuffed by one of them. Ooh la la
ReplyDeletelol fred! Seems to be the general view around here. The 3rd closest in the picture looks like a guy I went to high school with. Needless to say he was the most popular guy in his class up until his senior year, at which point he became the most popular guy in school. *sigh* Wonder what he's been up to...
ReplyDeletegg : Tout-à-fait d’accord à propos des déclarations malhabiles de Ségo. On se marre bien ici au Québec depuis hier, sans s’étonner de l’ampleur accordée à la question par les médias d’un côté comme de l’autre de l’Atlantique. La teneur des propos avait tout pour donner lieu à ce genre de polémique!
ReplyDelete...he's been busy joining the French gendarmerie, Soosha, clearly! Get yourself over to Paris! oh no sorry you're attached aren't you. lol. Stay where you are!
ReplyDeletelynn said..."oh no sorry you're attached aren't you. lol. Stay where you are!"
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a woman protecting her prospects/territory! Soosha...every girl for themself. Sorry Fred..."and guy".
lol I'M attached too so i won't be chasing the (albeit good-looking)young gendarme. The very thought... tut! Don't you know me at ALL Michael? lol.
ReplyDeleteYes, I like this Eric, you got really close to the action here. Real photojournalism, I guess you get used to these scenes in Paris.
ReplyDeleteCurly's Photoshop
french men are sexy
ReplyDeleteMichael, I think there is positive discrimination when a woman is candidate, and that's not fair either... Believe me, I know, we have a woman president.
ReplyDeletelol! Indeed, I think lynn is looking after her own interests!!! :oP Fear not, I shall look and not touch, lynn. Besides, men are always better in the imagination then in real life anyway! (ok, not all of them. I've certainly met a few who were better IRL then I could have dreamed!)
ReplyDeleteWell if you and Lynn don't want them, move out of the way!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward for the selected images for the Festival de Romans... we will see if the one of the gendarmerie is there ! and the mannequins too. They resemble me the violents days France lived few months ago.
ReplyDeletelol Fred, maybe you're making Soosha and i think again and form a line in front of them. At least i'm the closer of the two of you anyway, i could be there in a couple of hours. hehe haha (that's my wicked laugh)
ReplyDeleteI love the "power" suggested in this photo. Reminded me of the movie "Titus"....electrifying male presence. Did you catch the many "shots" of Hillary last night as she listened and watched "The Bush" deliver his Mess of the Union speech? She reflected what I was thinking. I think she is terrific. I am afraid to vote for her because it seems that over the many years, the one I vote for loses. Maybe I am a jinx!
ReplyDeletedid anyone else happen to catch sharon stone's comments on hilary's candidacy?
ReplyDelete"a woman should be past her sexuality when she runs (for president) "
What a ridiculous thing to say. Green eyed monster would that be?
ReplyDeletelynn, in all fairness to ms. stone, here is the complete quote,
ReplyDelete"i think that hillary clinton is fantastic. but i think it is too soon for her to run. this may sound odd, but a woman should be past her sexuality when she runs. hillary still has sexual power and i don't think people will accept that. it's too threatening".
personally, i'm thinking she went waaaay out on a limb with this one.
Thanks for the full quote but still ridiculous. Irrelevant. Jealousy. Pure and simple. lol