The Eurostar is the train that links Paris to London under the English Channel tunnel. All Eurostar ads are excellent, I must say (I already showed one here) and this new one makes no exception. Of course, you have to be familiar with the the Beatles and their Abbey Road album to fully enjoy it, but I'm sure most of you will. Isn't this ad clever?! BTW, the text says "how about spring in London?"
Yes it's so clever! I'm very fond of The Beatles. This ad is very well worked out. So! What are you waiting for? When are you coming, Eric? lol!
ReplyDeleteSuper cute. The third beetle is not wearing shoes. !!???
ReplyDeleteNo; that's George, Luggi. He often went barefoot as part of his buddhist beliefs.
ReplyDelete(Somehow I had the feeling that Lynn would dig that post ;) )
ReplyDeleteLooking at this picture makes me feel like I'm in the process of climbing the stairs of the subway!
That is clever!
ReplyDeleteSo it only costs 66 Euro?
And you haven't been in 20 years Lynn? At that price, it's even worth it just for a long weekend! You must go!
I sure wish it cost me that little...I'd be there a few times a year!
This is a clever advertisement. Like the way they used wood to signify the crosswalk. If wish it cost this much to fly to Paris.
ReplyDeleteLynn it is Paul MacArtney that is nor wearing the shoes on the cover of the album.
Ah yes i know that Clo, but here, they donned beatle suits. You see, this ad. was clearly done years ago and Eurostar have now bought the rights. No it's definitely George, i recognise the shape of the head. (i'm wildly making stuff up here).
ReplyDeleteSusan i know, it's ridiculous i should go. Obviously though you then have to pay for accommodation, food, spending money and of course you have to take the time off in the first place. Whilst i have had some time off, i haven't taken a holiday in ten years. Mad i know; circumstances. I WILL though! lol.
I've just discovered a google ad on one of my blogs saying 'Illicit affairs for Ladies; married men are waiting for you'. I don't approve of that stuff at all! A disadvantage of being with Google i suppose, you have no control over their ads. Rant over. This is my topical Q to you all;
ReplyDeleteWhere were you when you heard about Lennon's killing?
I was shopping with a friend in Kingston, Surrey, UK, looking at leather handbags (not much changes)
when it came on over the shop radio. We both cried, left the shop and sat in the park where gradually people started to light candles. We could only buy very long, thin ones and stuck them into the ground.
It was 8 Dec 1980 by the way.
ReplyDeleteYes i know, Monica, depressingly you weren't even born .... yawn ... lol
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Eric, since you posted the Paris version of Abbey Road, here is the New York version (pictures from AP).
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome!
ReplyDeleteDon't let life pass you by.....
Lennon: I have no idea...I was still a kid (teenager).
Now if you ask me about Elvis...I remember the day of his death very well (he was my first love...I was six, he was 36).
Whenever he would throw a ranting girl over his shoulder...I would swoon! Still do....
ReplyDeleteThrough you eyes and your lens, Paris is really a treasure trove of enjoyable attractions.
As well as becoming the Alstom representative for the entire southern hemisphere, I might just combine that commission with the promotion of Eric's Paris, which is everyone's Paris.
Lovely photo conjuring up myriads of images.
what Susan in Atl is telling you, I have been telling you for ages.
"Do it, do it, just do it" !!!
But come to Australia first, (There's nothing to see or do in Paris !!!!!!!!!!)
Clever ad but the bugs give me the creeps. We are going to see Winona Judd's concert tomorrow evening. She is good. Saw Jean Dujardin on TV5. Now that is the best James Bond since Sean Connery. I ordered some of his DVD's from Amazon.Fr. Jour de Fete is an excellent TV show on TV5. I'd die without TV5. (Not really but almost)
ReplyDeleteBut, Johnny, have you seen Polythene Pam?
ReplyDeleteVery, very funny Tomate!
ReplyDeleteJohnny, I have no idea how you guys find the time to go to so many shows and concerts. I admire that you take the time. Now take Lynn for example... she hasn't been anywhere in 10 years. What a shock. I bet she just stays home in the kitchen... all day.
ReplyDeleteLynn said, "Where were you when you heard about Lennon's killing?"
ReplyDeleteWho was Lennon?
I'm so young you know...I only read about him in Russian history books. ;-)
I love the ads!! They are both brilliant and beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI love your "eye" for stories, Eric.
My friend's cousin is getting married in Paris this August. I was invited to join her and her boyfriend for the trip (but not to the wedding) but the airfare from NYC to Paris is US$1100. Ouch! I'm going to wait till Fall or Spring to visit Paris again because the airfare then is <$500.
ReplyDeleteWhen exactly is the wedding Ming? (Dates)
ReplyDeleteEXCELLENT AD, Eric.
ReplyDeleteMany many thanks!You keep our flame for Paris alive!
One of the oddest things is the Eurostar price structure. Not only is it cheaper to buy a return ticket from the French end, 66 euro vs. 60GBP - but it is simpler. The UK fare structure has 15 different varieties of fare, compared to 13 in the French flavour.
ReplyDeleteHello Ham! Great to see you here! It's been a long time!
ReplyDeletehe he Michael! That was a great link. Um yes it has been shown to 'stay home in the kitchen' but yes i should get out more. Believe me, if i could i would! Synchronising time and money at the same time has been hard to do. lol.
ReplyDeleteLennon/Lenin. How can you even put them in the same sentence Michael? tut. Oh i did too. Doh! I've featured you today by the way. lol.
Yes Ham it's just wonderful that you're here. Now stay! lol
i should proof read. It has been shown should read it has been known,of course.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant! But, I have to admit that I would never have fully "gotten" this ad if it wasn't for Eric's help! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteallez en route mauvaise troupe a l'assaut des roosbeefs, mais si c'est pour Abbey road alors je dis ok, et dire que j'ai visité les studios l'on dernier...
ReplyDeleteLuggi: how perceptive of you (and funny). The 3rd Beatle is not wearing shoes because he is a stand-in for the real Beatle who is supposedly dead!
ReplyDelete"Well here's another clue for you all, the walrus was Paul . . . "
I think it's odd that I have never associated The Beatles with the other crawly kind of beatles.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why that is? Funny how the mind works and how a name can assume a different meaning.
John - lots of people also miss the wordplay - BEATles, rather than Beetles
ReplyDeletemmmm... dark side of the moon ... memories of laying in the garden with this oozing out of the windows of my then boyfriend's house, each of us completely still and making star shapes in the grass, holding hands. Ahhhh.. lol! Well i was only fourteen!
ReplyDeleteDuh.... I just got it... I've been staring at Eric's picture wondering why some of you are seeing shoes on these beetle...
ReplyDeletethat was "beetles" I guess.
ReplyDeleteDuh .. duh..duh
I'm still confused Tomate. I don't see shoes on ANY of the beatles! Where are they?
ReplyDeleteMichael. You have to enlarge Eric's ad picture to see the shoes. They are wearing them. Trust me.
ReplyDeleteI just clicked on Tomate's link after I read Michael's comment on same. I couldn't believe those Sumo wrestlers were parading around the streets in black Japanese jock straps. What's next? They are shaped like so many women I see around.....sign of the times when obesity reigns. Are the wrestlers really force-fed? Greek and Roman wrestlers didn't look like that.
ReplyDeleteWomen Johhny? Statistics show that more men are fat than women.
ReplyDeleteLook around, there are a lot more women over 30 that look good than men. It makes it really difficult if your'e a single woman....sigh. Not to mention the common slouchy dress of most American men. Sometimes I think I need to move!
Whilst obesity is clearly undesirable, is it not better that a woman has curves, a womanly shape, rather than the thin, sticklike insects we see on magazine covers? I'm for the womanly shape with proper womanly bits; because i have them myself lol!
ReplyDeleteHow do we so often get on to the men v. women issue? Curious isn't it.
Eric it appears that there is going to be anotherargumrnt at your blog. Please Send each of Johnny and Susan to their respective rooms.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the Baroness of Cehltenham on this issue.
Mom...he started it! Waaaa! lol
ReplyDeleteLOL laughed aloud at sending to rooms and at Susan he he!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Eric for helping me get back to your site. I had a laugh when I saw the eurostar pix.....I took the same photo on my layover in CDG last week. I am NOT a photographer and to compare our two pix is to really show your talent! I think I was at Metro Balard , but who can remember in a jetlag haze.
ReplyDeleteTomato Farcie-I loved the New York version. Thanks for the laugh.
Ham--thanks for the info on Eurostar Euros vs GBP. It may come in handy some day.
Ohhh...Lynn...since you asked, I have to tell you how I found out about the death of John Lennon.
ReplyDeleteDuring that time in my life,[pre-internet]I would often go days without turning on the television or radio and if I wasn't at work I wouldn't even look at a newspaper. The morning after John Lennon was killed[I believe it was a Tuesday and had no idea it had happened]I went to pick up some dry cleaning at a very small shop about three blocks from my apartment. While I was paying for the dry cleaning an announcement came on the radio in the shop about the identity of the man that had KILLED JOHN LENNON in New York the night before!
I literally dropped my dry cleaning on the floor and screamed out in the shop..."THEY KILLED JOHN LENNON???...They KILLED John Lennon"??? The Chinese woman in the laundry turned and looked at me and calmly said..."You Know HIM"??? I looked at her and said "Lady..It was John Lennon...everybody knows him"!!! I guess everybody except her knew him!
Can you believe that?? I have friends that still love to hear that story and they laughed and cried at the same time!! I think even John Lennon would have gotten a laugh out of it, don't you?? Strange world we all share...Ehhh??
Eh ben j'ai mis un moment a comprendre! Je ne voyais pas pourquoi les cafards traversaient la Manche. Ensuite j'ai admis que c'étaient des scarabées, mais ça ne m'a pas aidé. Ensuite je t'ai lu et j'ai cherché autour d'Abbey Road... et ENFIN j'ai vu le passage clouté (qui n'est pas clouté mais bon) et j'ai compris Beetles. Eh bien, on a le cerveau qui se ramollit downunder ?!?!?
ReplyDeleteSigné pas fière
Nathalie: c'est le decalage horaire ;)
ReplyDeleteLa question à mille francs (euros?) maintenant: est-ce que vous voyez les chaussures? ;)
ReplyDeleteWell you have to WANT to see them, i believe, Michael, and Believe they're there. Probably a little 'in the sky with diamonds' required and a lot of imagination. It's very subtle. Just nod wisely.
ReplyDeleteLucy in the Ski with Diamonds... Sounds as "passe" as the cold war now, doesn't it? ;)
ReplyDeleteMichael: I guess you're not joking, are you? Well, take a deep breath and ... click on the Abbey Road album link in the post itself.
Oh, and Lynn, sorry, but I just don't remember clearly the death of John Lennon. I remember hearing about it later on but I couldn't for the life of me tell you what the circumstances were.
ReplyDeletegrrrrrr... that was Lucy in the SKY, not on a ski trip ... arghgh!!
ReplyDeletelol tomate! You're just too young, are you and you're sparing my feelings. Go on, do your worst; just say it.
ReplyDeleteLynn, you're wrong this time. I was very little but I remember hearing about Lennon's death and asking my parents about it. Years later when I really discover The Beatles and John Lennon music I understood what a great loss his death meant.
ReplyDeleteBTW, what Susan and M.Benaut just told you is the same thing I've been telling you for the past months, go to Paris!!!
Michael I hope you were pulling our 8 legs!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I thought you all were seeing shoes on the actual photo here, not on the original Beatles album. I'm so dense...or else too much skiing with Lucy as Tomate pointed out.
ReplyDelete"Seriously, I thought you all were seeing shoes on the actual photo here..."
ReplyDeleteMichael, I'm sure some people are ;)
Thanks for the support anonymous!