Saturday, December 01, 2007

Theme day: bridges

Hey, guess what? Today is the 1st of the month and, yes, the theme day has returned! I chose the Bir Hakeim bridge that you have already seen on this blog from another angle. It's a very interesting bridge because it's got two stories: one for cars (built in 1878) and one for the metro (built in 1905). The top part - used by metros - is a real work of art even though some ornaments have disappeared during a renewal work in the 1940s. Recently, they added a bicycle lane.

More than a 120 City Daily Photo blogs are currently participating in this theme day. Please pay them a visit, but remember that they don't all post at the same time .
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  1. GReat shot - I love the way the pillars fade

  2. I love the theme day today ;)! Very artistically shot! I think I've been through on the Metro, but now I need to check it out on foot!

  3. Nice treatment...and totally unexpected choice! Love it!

  4. I like the perspective of this photo.

    I actually put my eye so near the monitor so that i can see the other end! haha..

    Happy Theme Day!

  5. I like the colors you chose! Happy Theme Day!

  6. Wonderful perspective - so beautiful. and interesting to read of this bridges several uses. I like that it's in black and white too.

  7. Belle photo et judicieuse introduction à l'architecture des installations du Métropolitain parisien.

  8. Très belle photo d'artiste!

    Je n'ai pas réussi à poster la liste des villes participantes avec les liens.... Quel casse-tête !

  9. Great photo Eric! Always a fresh perspective at PDP! Hope you are doing well.

  10. Wow I love this! It looks like something out of a '60's gangster movie...ok, except for the bike markings!

  11. Very cool bridge post, Eric. I love the perspective.

  12. I like this photo, Eric! Very beautiful in BW!

  13. delightful - Hyde DP is carrying permalinks to the bridge posts and will be updated at intervals until Dec 2nd.

  14. Oh Eric, thank you for posting this today! Not only is it a great and artistic shot (Kudos for THAT!!!), it brings back great memories of crossing over this on le Metro and the views we enjoyed. Wonderful shot for our theme day!
    Seattle Daily Photo

  15. Your photo is a work of art as well. I like the depth and how the shadow, at the top, graduates down the photo as the columns march into the distance.

  16. This has got to be the best black and white photo of bridges today! I love it.

    Norwich Daily Photo
    The Goddess In You
    Your Love Coach

  17. Wow, Eric. This is a great photograph. I really like this.

  18. Good use of perspective. Even the painted cyclists are a work of art.

  19. Have always thought Paris is the Bridge capital of the world and this is surely one that helps with that ranking. I haven't seen it before so it is now another one to add to my list.
    Great perspective, and light!!!

  20. that is stunning, and I like that you did it in b&w, very STRIKING! (oops, mustn't use the s-word on a French blog!)

  21. Beautiful photo...a study in perspective and shape.

  22. I like the bridge with the bike signs painted on it.

  23. Great photo Eric - I'm impressed with this one - I used to work next to, and use the Pont Bir Hakeim (never managed to pronounce that correctly) for years when I was an English teacher, so I'm fond of this one.

  24. Eric

    That's one of your finest ever shots. Superb use of perspective.

  25. Brilliant picture Eric. The black and white suits it so well. Bravo!

  26. Great photo. Very different than the others that I have seen. Love it!

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