If you remember, I already posted about this last year, when France passed the law banning cigarettes from public spaces except cafés and restaurants. Now, as of today, even the "bistrot round the corner" has to comply to the new rules: no smoking permitted anywhere inside public spaces (except in perfectly sealed smoking areas)! I would have never thought France would manage to do this one day and though, apart from some people who think this law shows we live in a dictatorship(!) it seems pretty well accepted.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
A new era!
If you remember, I already posted about this last year, when France passed the law banning cigarettes from public spaces except cafés and restaurants. Now, as of today, even the "bistrot round the corner" has to comply to the new rules: no smoking permitted anywhere inside public spaces (except in perfectly sealed smoking areas)! I would have never thought France would manage to do this one day and though, apart from some people who think this law shows we live in a dictatorship(!) it seems pretty well accepted.
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This makes me want to visit Paris even more now than before. Past visits to Europe have sometimes been hard with all the smoke. I'm glad to see that the no-smoking laws are taking off all around the world. Cheers, and Happy New Year
ReplyDeleteit was astounding when it happened in dublin.
ReplyDeletebut paris? even more astounding!
someone i was never bothered by european cigarette smoke the way i was american cigarette smoke. maybe because it was just so great to be in europe.
The end of an era, of sorts - Hope you have a great New Year, and I loved your pic for best photo!
ReplyDeleteDear Eric...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all the pleasure you have given me over the past two years.
Your blog is fantastic and I wish you and your loved ones a very happy 2008.
Very good choice
ReplyDeleteThis is such a simple, everyday photograph, but it somehow looks amazing. The colors, the focus...
ReplyDeleteBut the photograph isn't the focus of this post, no pun intended. Whew! Good luck with the smoking ban.
Bravo! It will work, and everyone will be the better for it.
ReplyDeleteI do remember, dear Eric. I don't smoke so am unaffected on my personal habits - it must be more healthy for all of us.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great, healthier air for us to breath.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Eric. I've quit smoking so I'm coming back to Paris any day now. .......
ReplyDeleteEric, thanks for your blog and your unique views of Paris -- the usual and the unusual. I love it all, and look forward to seeing more of your great photos during this new year.
ReplyDeleteMay 2008 be a good year for all...
Even when I used to smoke, I hated sitting in a smoking room. This is definitely a new era and yet another reason to go out again (and not worry about smelling like smoke coming home).
ReplyDeletePas des fumeurs en grève? Incroyable!
ReplyDeleteI think it's great!
Tried to comment on your Photo of the Year Post this morning Eric but had trouble with phone lines - seems a bit better now. Love your photo yesterday and actually saw a story on TV this morning re the no-smoking topic. I think it is great.
ReplyDeleteThanks you for your very kind words on my post - they are most encouraging and most appreciated.
Blogging is extremely difficult here - took me one hour to visit three blogs this morning aaaaahhhh!!!!
Cheers from Rabaul & every good wish for another wonderful year for the DP Family.
LOL Buzzgirl, I'm sure we'll eventually see a photo of a smoker's strike soon. The tabaconistes have already done so!
ReplyDeleteNicotine patches are great. Stick one over each eye and you can't find your cigarettes. ~Author Unknown
We've had the same rule for some years in Norway, and even though I do smoke, I don't mind at all. It's quite cold standing outside during winter time, but it's better for all not to have the tobacco smoke all over the place. :)
ReplyDeleteBonjour Eric! Je regarde votre blog depuis longtemps et tous les jours mais je ne laisse pas de message. Je suis une Parisienne de naissance mais je découvre chaque jour un nouvel endroit avec vous !Aujourd'hui, je vous remercie pour toutes ces photos et les commentaires qui les accompagnent.
ReplyDeleteContinuez, je suis une très fidèle lectrice, mais pas une bloggeuse !
Merci encore et très bonne année 2008 !
Tssss Michael! Very funny.
ReplyDeleteI was so surprised to see about this in the news in Australia yesterday. When visiting Paris last year, it seemed that everyone smoked; certainly more that here! We too now have a complete ban on smoking in hotels, clubs and restaurants.
ReplyDeleteI appreciated your kind comments on my blog yesterday. I hope you enjoy a happy new year.
Chic! Je vais pouvoir retourner au bistrot!
ReplyDeleteMerci de tes bons voeux, à mon tour, je te souhaite une belle année 2008.
A bonus for you Lynn...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I don't have to explain to a man from Mars why each day I set fire to dozens of little pieces of paper, and put them in my mouth. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
Fumatore o non fumatore?
ReplyDeleteI imagine the next step is prohibition of tobacco. The U.S. did try this silly prohibition tactic in the 1920's to 1930's with alcohol. History does have a way of repeating itself.
Bonne nouvelle! Les parisiens vont donc pouvoir respirer à plein poumons dans tous les lieux publics :-) Puisse aussi cette loi aider les malheureux fumeurs, (jetés à la rue) à renoncer à leur cigarette.
ReplyDeleteNous te souhaitons une très bonne Année 2008, heureuse et fructueuse. Continue à nous faire voyager dans les recoins de Paris avec tes superbes photos et textes plein de charme, d’humour, d’émotion et d’originalité. Merci de nous faire partager tous ces instantanés uniques.
I don't know...A Paris cafe' without a smoker?? Seems nearly impossible.
ReplyDeleteAre they allowed to smoke at tables that are outdoors?? I believe here in SF they are.
As far as I am concerned I would rather sit next to a person smoking in a cafe than some jackass braying into their cellphone and tapping on their laptop...how convivial is that?? The primary reason I avoid certain cafes here is exactly for that reason; rude people on cellphones shooting off their big mouths!! Blow smoke on me any day!!
Have you ever realized how loud most Americans are?? I believe it is from growing up in front of television sets and living in large houses where they shout at each other. Grotesque!!
I'm just back from a dinner in a restaurant with friends. Guess what, the conversation slipped to the new smoking/ non smoking law! Not an easy topic, let me tell you!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that within 10 days, we will not even think of it anymore.
Merci (Claudine, Alex)/ Thank you (everyone!) for your very encouraging comments it's always nice to hear.
Tonton and others who asked the question: yes people will still be allowed to smoke at terraces, providing at least 3 sides are open.
What next, Parisians picking up dog poops off the sidewalk? ;)
ReplyDeleteHmm.. that was supposed to be "dog poop" not "poops." Oh, well.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I can imagine it's a controversial topic right now.
I don't smoke, so personally I don't mind either way (as long as there is plenty of ventilation, that is).
But I'm always a little leary of the kind of laws that take away people's individual freedom on the ground that they are doing it "for your own good."
As of Jan. 1, the entire state of Illinois is smoke free inside. I didn't think that would happen either. Amazing.
ReplyDeleteIt's working in Toronto!
ReplyDeleteJe n'ai pas de blog. Je regarde celui-ci tous les jours. Je vous félicite, Eric, pour vos magnifiques photos et vos commentaires. Vous avez beaucoup d'admirateurs. Une de plus ne nuira pas!...Bonne chance! Bonne Année!
Wow, I am surprised to see this sign (and also quietly applauding). So, maybe my first trip to Paris will be a bit less smokey? but still magical. ;) Excellent photo Eric.
ReplyDeleteIt is about time! Thanks for letting us know about this. I am sure there will be even more tourists in Paris now...probably a bad thing for you =).
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteVive la revolution! Liberté! égalité!! fraternitéé!! Non-fumeré!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt was on the front page of the New York Time online.
ReplyDeleteI applaud this measure! I think we have that in Belgium too now. Seems like such a no brainer.