Monday, April 08, 2013

Paris Marathon 2013

It was the Paris Marathon yesterday (Sunday) in Paris and it was also a fantastic day for running (sunny and cold). Like every year, I went by the river banks to take a few photos of runners and selected this one, first because you can see the nice weather and also because you can see this "typical Frenchman with a béret" on the right! Just FYI, the first woman was the Ethiopian Boru Tadese (2 hours 21 min!) and the first man was the Kenyan Peter Some (2 hours 5 minutes). Not bad!


  1. a friend of mine was there running Eric! I wish I were there to cheer her on. I will send her this link.
    : )

  2. Over 26 miles in just over two hours -- it boggles the mind. Great shot, Eric!

  3. I love the guy in the beret -- he makes the picture tres Francais. It's been a long time since I've seen a non-ironic beret. I've never seen anyone under the age of 40 wear one... at what age does a Frenchman wake up one day and decide that it's time to put on the beret, like his father and grandfather and great-grandfather before him? 50? 60?

    1. Had you asked me Vivian, I would have said that only very old people wear bérets nowadays. But It seems that a few young trendy guys still wear them (I said a few!)
      And apparently it's not only French...

  4. Preciosa fotografía...Un saludo desde Almería.-

  5. Berets are funny -- especially in serious portrait painting (see: your Wikipedia link). If you want the English point of view re: berets you can't do any better than Kinglsley Amis describing a pseudo-intellectual in "Lucky Jim", the funniest novel I've ever read: He was wearing a blue beret. If such headgear was protection, what was it protection against? If it wasn't protection, what was it? What was it for? What was it for?

    Berets are just hilarious.

  6. Great shot, Eric! Since 2000, African men have won the NYC marathon 9 times and African women 6 times (last year it got cancelled because of the hurricane).

    1. Oh yes, I remember that. It was pretty bad, wasn't it?
