Saturday, July 06, 2013

So long café gourmand...

Good news, I was freed last evening! Still haven't been operated though (which means I'm going to have to go back soon...) but at least I feel good - although totally wiped out of course. In the meantine I must refrain from eating anything that has fat in it, which includes a lot of things ;-) Including this delicious Café Gourmand that I photographed before my "departure" and that I did not use because I did not like the framing too much. But tonight, God knows why, I'm OK with it! (BTW with this gallbladder thing I forgot to wish a happy 4th of July to all my American visitors, so let me catCh up today!). And for everyone: have a good weekend!


  1. Rest up, Eric. You will need your strength for the operation.

    1. Yeah I intend to stay home the whole WE (even though it's sunny out there!)

  2. I'm glad you've been busted out of hospital, dear Eric, albeit temporarily. Sorry you have to cut the fats. I'd rather cut sugar than fat any day, though I think your photo is a democratic representation of both food groups. ;) Take care and I hope your gallbladder behaves until you can get them sorted.

    1. Merci dear Shell ;-) Well the behavior of my gallbladder depends on the behavior of its owner ;-)

  3. I hope you will keep us informed. Isn't it wonderful and amazing that so many people, all around the world, care about you? (Notice I didn't say it's surprising.)

    1. It is Petrea and it's very comforting I must say. I feel like in a big family ;-)

  4. This is my first time commenting here, but I have been following this wonderful blog for a long time from Rio de Janeiro. Paris is my favorite destination and PDP opens and closes so beautifully my days at the computer that I must thank you, Eric, for such delicious and inspirational images. I hope you get well soon!

    1. Awww that's sweet Ana. Merci. Obrigado should I say?

  5. I'm glad you've been freed, Eric! Take good care of yourself.

  6. You are out on bail! Sois sage. Take care of yourself and get those gall stones out as soon as you can. We need you (and your marvelous photographic eye) to be up, running around, and snapping away like mad.


    1. LOL A bail! Yeah and I also have a parole officer, aka my doc!

  7. Take care of yourself, Eric! Hope full recovery comes soon. :) But have a little fun while you're out on leave. (Was that an intentional pun with "cath up"? Had a lovely and somehow quiet 4th here, thanks!)

    1. Merci Christie, but to be honest, more than fun, I want to rest and watch TV!!

  8. The road to recovery will be just around the corner soon for you. Wishing you the best!!

  9. Oh dear - no fats, in Paris!? I hope that's just a temporary stricture for the surgery and recovery!

    (I noticed the "cath up" also - perhaps it's an American nickname, but here it stands for "catheter"! But I bet you meant "catch up.")

    Stay well!

    1. Ooops yes I did mean catch up. Now I understand (Christie said that too, but I did not get it!) I fixed the typo...
      No fats in Paris is perfectly possible BTW!

  10. French food with no fat? What's up Doc? Rabbit food from now on.
    Looks like your salad days are just ahead of you Eric.

    1. True, but salad with NO SAUCE!!! That would make ME a rabbit ;-)

  11. Hei Eric!

    I still wonder how French women & men can be so skinny.....
    You have so fantastic food and drinks.
    Your photos of it are all very YUMMY.
    It is 08.34 here in Stavanger and I could go for just what is shown here....
    Anyway, I am pleased that you are feeling much better.
    Happy Sunday!
