Friday, February 28, 2014


I know there is not much to see about Paris on this photo, but I like it! I took it at Les Halles, where they are doing a lot of work like I already told you about. This is a path way to one of the parking lots that they managed to keep! Have a great Friday everyone, I'm back to Paris after a few days in Nice and I'm here to stay for at least 3 weeks! 


  1. Are steel grated walkways common there, particularly around construction projects?

  2. I think ya gotta see this one in full screen mode to really appreciate it. It's wonderful.

  3. Ouvrez, ouvrez la cage aux oiseaux
    Regardez les s´envoler, c´est beau
    les enfants si vous voyez
    Des petits oiseaux prisonniers
    Ouvrez-leur la porte vers la liberté....*

    * Magnifique photo. :-))

  4. What a wonderful photo! This is interesting on quite a few levels! This project is moving right along ...

  5. Awww merci everyone. I hesitated before posting it, because I was not sure it was PDP worth!

  6. Even though I have a feeling I'm not going to like it, your photos of the new Les Halles are making me more and more curious to see it when it's done. (And of course it's PDP-worthy—you took it, ergo ...)

  7. A fascinating photo with the light off the metal gridwork!

  8. Great photo ! I like it so much...
    A good eye on capturing the light...
