Sunday, September 21, 2014

Balloons in the wind...

Among all the jobs that could have disappeared because of "modernity", I would have probably bet that balloon seller would be among them. And yer, they are still around and probably prosperous! Come to think of it, it makes sense, there is still no way to digitize balloons, nor to turn them into an app! (and they allow photographers to take interesting shots ;-)) Have a great Sunday everyone.


  1. "it makes sense, there is still no way to digitize balloons, nor to turn them into an app"; How many things like that ? : everything sensorial except the sight or the hearing. You still cannot turn into an app the smell (even if there are some experience running), nor the taste, nor the touch. Years ago I did not know all I could find on the Internet. I only imagined my relationships IRL I have now come to learn a lot about the on line connexions. I have been taught. Sometimes, I just need to come back pedalling ! Like the ballons in the sky. Thank you Eric for such a beautiful shot...
