Friday, September 12, 2014

Traffic Jams

Like in all big cities there are many traffic jams in Paris (we call them "embouteillages" in French - or bottlenecks in English). Paris is not the worst though, according to Inrix (an American company specializing in traffic monitor worldwide), it is the 8th most congested city in Europe. In 2013, Parisians wasted no less than 55 hours in their cars... I took this photo in the tunnel than runs under le Louvre gardens.


  1. EAch evening around midnight, I wonder what I will see after clicking on the link to your website. Sometimes I just think to myself that it would not be easy to me to get inspired considering to the day I have had. Then, the title of the post shows up, then the photo, and then the caption. All a proceeding that I love ! Tonight, the traffic jams photo kind of relieved me.

    1. "I just think to myself that it would not be easy to me to get inspired considering to the day I have had." That is how I feel every day Flore LOL!

  2. Your tunnel reminds me of an extended underpass here among office towers.

  3. Quelle photo ! Déjà des embouteillages, en plus dans un tunnel. Je ne respire plus .... Heureusement avec ton scooter, tu as pu t'évader j'espère. J'ai trouvé de l'air avec les photos voisines. Du beau et du bonheur. Tu sais que tu en donnes. Je le sais. Le week-end est au bout du tunnel... encore un jour dans les embouteillages. Merci n'est pas un vain mot.

    1. "Le week-end est au bout du tunnel... " J'aime bien ça !

    2. Si en plus le week-end est un brin ensoleillé, alors tout est permis ...!

  4. Question...

    Did you get out of your car, and stand in the middle of the "road" to take this???

    Brave photographer!



    1. No, I was on my scooter and I simply dug out my camera and shot very briefly. People arond me (in their cars), were really puzzled!

  5. Tessa -- Eric was probably on his scooter (clearly so much better for getting around). Sometimes I'm really glad I don't drive.
