Monday, September 01, 2014

Rust is beautiful!

When I heard about today's theme day I really did not know what I was going to photograph. What can be rusty and make a good photo at the same time? Well, I did not have to go very far; the Pont des Arts had all the rust I could hope for! I hope the love between the ones who put them there is less rusty than what their lock shows at present;-)). Have a look at rusty stuff around the world, thanks to the CityDailyPhoto blogger portal!


  1. Like the photo but not those rusty locks! ;)

  2. That's a good subject for the theme. The locks are looking rather like a wall at this point.

  3. Yes, beautiful rust, but if it's true they're a problem for the bridges I hope they're gone soon.

  4. wonderful piece of information, I had come to know about your blog from my friend Nandu , Hyderabad, I have read at least 7 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your website gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that I had been looking for, I'm already your RSS reader now and I would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanks a ton once again, Regards, upma recipe

  5. Ah yes, another Chinese plot against the Western world.

  6. A lovely example. Looking forward to seeing that and more when I visit Pairs again later this week!

  7. Express your eternal love with a rusty Chinese lock...

  8. A perfect choice for Paris. I really do hate seeing all those locks on the bridges.

  9. Indeed, is beautiful the way the photo is taken...

  10. these locks are doing great damage to the bridge and the environment......they should not be glorified,or encouraged......ugh
