Thursday, October 14, 2010

Casual Paris Scene...

I don't know why (and no, it's not the Tenin perspective!), but I kinda like this photo. The guy in the worker uniform is actually a painter who paints on the pavement (look here at the finished work) and the kissing couple in the background is not planted! It was there for real ;-) Well that's all, I thought that after two days of monuments, a little people scene would be appreciated...


  1. My favorite thing to do in Paris, not climb the ET ET ET....SMOOCH! I didn't get any of that last visit. Have to remember to take the hubby with me next time!

  2. Love the people scenes of Paris the very best. I love just sitting and watching the world go by in Paris.

  3. Hose me down, what a kiss......and the painter doesn't even catch it, but our Eric did!
    Excuse me while I take a cold shower.

  4. People scenes are hard, but when they're good, they're great!

  5. Ooh, La, La! Les baisers, les baisers, les baisers, oh ma bonté! That is what my sweet girl would always say when she was little. Still love kisses though! Oh, I will one day kiss my sweetie in Paris!

    The sidewalk painting is amazing too. I can't imagine being that creative knowing that someone was going to walk all over it!

  6. There are so many things I love about this shot—the famous perspective to be sure :~} and the kissing couple on the left, but also the guy on the right who's shooting you a dirty look. And the painter's finished product is pretty impressive too!

  7. Place Igor Stravinsky, n'est-ce pas? It is a fun, funky place. I can't tell if the tools on the right belong to the artist or to somebody working on the (out of photo) fountain--which is always malfunctioning somehow. All those screwy water sculptures.

    Good choice for a daily photo. Very Impressionistic: everyday people in everyday life activity. The composition is as captivating as the subjects. that art?

  8. So much to look at...I LOVE the kissing couple - their body language spells 'so in love'!
    Great shot Eric.

  9. Hey, you're not the only one on the ground!! I love all that you captured here. Super timing to catch the couple. Just so super!

  10. Oh yes, surroundings of C. Pompidou ! - so full of life and climatic. I like it!

  11. Oh yes, surroundings of C. Pompidou ! - so full of life and climatic. I like it!

  12. I'm feeling like receiving the kiss... There is something so strong in this gesture... Full of joy and so natural. How stupid enough am I to comment this ? No comment!
    This photo is just fantastic.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I was there just about a month ago and got afew photos of the exact same guy!

    I just worried for him if it rained, it would just all disappear. :(

    Photo of street artist in Paris

  15. It's good that you explained your photo, Eric! Because I first thought that this guy on the ground was a homeless living on a tube ventilation grille...

  16. Well I thought it was the Tenin perspective and like it very much. All life is here, Eric. Super!

    Menton Daily Photo

    Monte Carlo Daily Photo

  17. I'm with Thib, I thought that too!

    Ohhhh the kissing couple. How fabulous. Only in Paris can one point a camera and expect a kissing couple to be there somewhere in the background! :)

  18. I bought a small booklet with the title: ou s'embrasser à Paris (ou similaire) (where to kiss in Paris) and it creates great hilarity every time we have guests and they see it....
    this would go well with it too - it's a great perspective, you do well Eric - it's a lively scene out of the daily life...

  19. I only have one comment (my usual one): SIGH ! I wish I could be there.

  20. Ohhh right in front of Beaubourg...! A place for the arts indeed.

    I see the weather was pretty good, probably inspiered the couple.

    Only Eric would think of a photo like this, not showing the work of the street artist right away. I wonder what material he uses to paint.

  21. What IS it about Paris that makes me grab my husband of 30+ years and plant un grand baiser on him right in the middle of the street?!
    Obviously we're not the only ones affected by the Parisian air!
    Love this photo captures it all

  22. @ Nancy L: your comment is really nice and I do understand what you mean. This is what I wish I could do too in 30+ years !
    Hmm, let's say I won't exactly be what we call a young lady but I hope I still could do that ! Only have to give the first kiss and then come to Paris ;)

  23. It's hardly surprising that the man with the camera is staring - one man lying on the ground painting, another man lying behind him taking photographs. Bearing in mind the location, he probably assumes it's a piece of conceptual street art.

    As for that tender kiss, on closer inspection she seems to be keeping the guy occupied while indulging in a spot of pickpocketing...

    ....Olga was congratulating herself on keeping the gullible goon occupied as she expertly removed the incriminating evidence from his pocket, when she heard an almost imperceptible 'click' and, from the corner of her eye, caught a glimpse of one of those "artists" on the ground with a camera in his hand.
    No one needed to tell her that she would be making her first and last appearance in the obituary columns next week if that photo was ever published.
    A second, quieter, 'click' could be heard as she allowed the flick knife to slide down her sleeve and the blade snapped into place.

    Oh Eric!

  24. @Drummond "As for that tender kiss, on closer inspection she seems to be keeping the guy occupied while indulging in a spot of pickpocketing..." Only you can think of such a thing!!

    @everyone. You're all a bunch of hopeless romantics! (And that is why I love you all ;-))

  25. well this so impressed and beautiful picture with really art
