Saturday, September 03, 2011

Paris Coat of Arms

After all this time (6 years!) I realized I never really showed you the Paris coat of arms. So here it is... photographed yesterday on the aerial metro at Cambronne. Like you can see, it shows a vessel, which was, when it was created (around 1190 apparently) one of the major means of trade . The city motto, Fluctuat nec mergitur ("it is tossed by the waves, but does not sink") means that despite the hard time Paris can experience from time to time, it is still standing! Have a nice Labor Day weekend if you are in the States and Canada...


  1. I think that you have shown us the ship before -- just last Tuesday the 30th, in fact -- in the transome window above the doors of the Bains-Douche!

  2. Or, maybe that was just a takeoff on the seal. I have the impression that its the boat from the seal because I thought the bathhouses were all run by the city government. Am I jumping to concussions! ;)

  3. PS - I just saw the most amazing photo of lightning near the Eiffel Tower on Yahoo! Check it out!!

  4. Fluctuat nec mergitur always makes me think of the Brassens song Les Copains d'Abord. Tu connais, oui?
    Missed yesterday, but just wanted to say that at the brand-new Ladurée in New York the macarons are $2.70 each (that's 1.89 euros)! Makes the ones at McDonald's sound like a real bargain.

  5. I haven't seen it before... thanks.
    Nice weekend!

  6. ......I thought that photo today was the original coat of arms of the Province of New Brunswick in Canada. Must have come from the settlers from France in the 1630s known as Acadians.....

    And hopefully you have just forgotten to include Canada as we also mark the Labour Day weekend and have since the early 1870`s.

  7. As always, we appreciate how you keep your eyes open and aware around Paris. This is another new nugget of info for me!

  8. I love this!! Thank you so much! Valorie

  9. Oh, dear - I guess I got fooled, Monica. I didn't look that closely. Oh, well, another analog victim of the digital age!! ; )

  10. Very cool Eric. My family, Simon, also has a coat of arms that can be traced back to the 11th century in Lorraine, France, where they held a family seat and are said to be descended from the first French Simon, duke of Lorraine, 1115A.D. who was succeeded by Simon II in 1179. And our family motto is "C'est mon plaisir".

    I love it when you talk history Eric. :-)

  11. Follow up post - today is Sept 4 - I just saw on MSNBC an article about the photo of the lightning behind the Eiffel Tower, so, unless they didn't do their fact checking, it seems that it is in fact a real shot. I still hold out hope because its so cool looking!

  12. Interesting! I didn't know Paris had a coat of arms and I love it. One of my school assignments from waaayy back when was to design a coat of arms for your family. Such a cool idea. Why don't we have them now?

  13. Awesome.. But I have it on my blog already :)Thanks anyways.

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  16. I plan to go Paris next week, I know and like coat of arms Paris since long time ago, is there public places such as park to take picture of this coat of arms? Merci...
