Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Messenger

Ossip Zadkine is a French sculptor of Russian origins who died in 1967. There is a museum dedicated to his work at rue d'Assas (in his former home), but there are also several of his sculptures throughout Paris. One of them is called Le Messager (the messenger) and it's located at Quai d'Orsay ; from what I read, it was made after a wooden sculpture that was made for the World exhibition of 1937. As you can see, the weather is still lovely in Paris at the moment...


  1. Haven't seen that, or walked the length of Saint-Germain. More and more to see. The weather here also has been nice. What a great autumn it has been after a difficult summer. It is even possible I will avoid winter this year.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW what a bright blue sky you have in Paris.
    In Denmark it's all grey in grey without shadows.

  4. The sky is amazing. I love when you can see many hues at once. Jeff, do you live in Paris? Why was the summer so difficult?

  5. Visiting here from The Bag Hag. Looking forward to checking out your old posts. I was in Paris for a few days when I was in my teens. I didn't experience it fully and intend to visit again someday. Your photos will do for now. :)

  6. What a lovely blue! Oh, and the statue is nice, but the blue, blue sky...Ahhhhh. :)

    (from the land of the mostly grey clouds)

  7. I love Zadkine's work -- there's something of his in Jardins du Luxembourg, I believe, and a wonderful statue somewhere in St. Germain. We happily stumbled across the Musé Zadkine a few Paris visits ago -- what a lovely space, taking one out of the bustle of Paris in an instant. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Sunshine: No, I don't live in Paris. I live in Minneapolis, where it was cold and rainy until June, then it was jungle hot and rainy until mid August. The autumn has been really mild.

  9. I love his work too—and your angle on this piece! Just so you know, the weather here in NYC is warm but rainy and gross (and the Occupy Wall Street folks had their tents taken down by les flics).

  10. A very regal statue standing among the beautiful blue skies of Paris.

    Glad you are having nice weather.

