Friday, March 02, 2012

Empty metro

Not very glamorous, but very unusual scene today: the Paris metro without anybody in it! How did I manage to take this? Simple, I took it at "dawn", when no one was in it! It felt very weird actually for normally you have to fight to get a spot (well, not me for I drive my scooter, but I've experienced it!). Facts and figures? Well... In 2009 no less than... 1,479 billion people used the metro - that is roughly 4 million a day! Not bad for an area that counts about 10 million inhabitants!


  1. Tomate posted a picture of an empty MUNI bus today and now here's you empty Metro. Both very well done. Is this another theme day?

  2. I was one of those riders in 2009!!! Alas, not since then.

  3. And I just remembered that one of those Metro rides was with our own Jeff! Good times.

  4. Funny, was just looking at the ground of the nYC subway today and thought how dirty it is compared to Paris...blackened chewing gum all over the floors, dirty walls, and at no time are they totally empty as they are a 24 hr system. The only positive.

  5. Seeing the Metro like this is VERY erie... Every time I jumped on the Metro it was always PACKED! FOR YEARS... wild...

  6. Yes, Suzy, I remember riding together back from the 2009 "picnic" at the Cork and Cavan, where you made a surprise appearance. I was just looking at my photos and actually posted a 2007 picnic photo on Facebook.

    As for Eric being on an empty Metro at dawn: I'm sorry, my friend, but did you wake up there after a long night?

  7. Wow, that's weird!!! and amazing!! And of course, we love the Tenin Perspective on this ;)

    Wow, I don't think I've ever seen the METRO that empty unless at the very, very end of the line, and even then...

  8. The idea of taking this shot near Dawn is just incredible. You can take as many shot you want from every possible angle.

  9. Very cool shot, Eric. I used to love it when I would catch an empty car on the Chicago metro (the El). Nice job.

  10. Very cool shot, Eric. I used to love it when I would catch an empty car on the Chicago metro (the El). Nice job.

  11. Everything is so beautiful in Paris!

  12. Wow! So clean. I enjoy taking the Metro when I'm in large cities, and it looks like Paris will be no exception. Something else to look forward to...

  13. Looks like an MF67 Metro car, the most common Paris Metro Rolling stock variant, being used on lines 2,3,5,9,10 and 12.
    The prefix 'MF' (Materiel Fer) denotes steel wheeled cars
    (Rubber wheeled cars are denoted by the prefix 'MP' (Materiel Pneu)
    They were designed in 1967, (refurbished 1995) hence the number 67.

    I really must get out more.

  14. Like PHX, my first thought was how clean it looks compared to the subway here!

  15. Clean??? That is really funny because when I posted it I thought to myself:" gee it really looks dirty on the floor, what are people going to think?!

    And then several of you noticed the opposite....

    @Drummond ??? Do you have a degree in Paris Metro or what? How did you find out it is the MF67 (which I'm really surprised of actually, but if you say so...)

    @Tomate "Hey, nice to see you back here. So I hear you're competing with PDP and decided to post an empty minibus?!!! ;-)

  16. @Eric awwww... I never really left ;) It was a MUNI bus, not a minibus! lol... it's the equivalent of any Parisian bus, but dirtier, more graffittis and slang spoken.
