Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time to change... time

Twice in the year we can play God and have a little influence on the time... A limited influence of course, but still! At 2 am it'll be 3 am and when we Europeans wake up we'll have lost one hour of sleep! But there is a reward: we'll have more light in the evening during the next 6 months. To illustrate this change, I saved a photograph I took a few days ago, on my way to the gym. Probably an Ikea clock! Happy Day light saving time everyone.


  1. Springing forward? :) Happy Daylight! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

    By the time you read this, I will be on my way to Central America. SO excited; part of a group going to help out in an orphanage. See you in 10 days!

  2. The loss of an hour is a jolt, but just sleep "later" in the morning. Time is only a concept anyway.

  3. Hooray! One more hour of daylight to enjoy Paris!

  4. I always like it when we change time in the spring. Our change was a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy your extra daylight!

  5. I do enjoy the longer daylight hours but I am not sure why we still practice changing back and forth! It was instituted during WW2 as a way of saving energy. We should just spring forward and never fall back!

  6. I wish we had changed the time last night, as I spend the night at CDG airport, flying out of Paris.... not to complain, I had a great, full of sunshine break in Paris:)

  7. Hey Eric, is it me or did you forget to change the clock on your blog? I'm thinking it should be automatic...

  8. Ok, it's caught up with you now! Must have needed to sleep in!

  9. we did this a few weeks ago already here in the US...i love this time of year, having more daylight to be outside! and my kids especially do!

  10. I have never understood why Parisians used DST. It stays light until 10 in the summer months! I can remember impatiently waiting for it to finally get dark on 14 juillet for the fireworks to start at la Tour. Happy DLS day nonetheless. Have a nice glass of bubbly to celebrate! :)

  11. We just did this about a month ago. Spring forward and Fall Back each year. I personally would like to have the longer days and lose the hours sleep. It isn't so drab in the winter then.

  12. @Virginia " It stays light until 10 in the summer months!" True, but we kinda like it (OK, maybe not on July 14th!)

  13. I like it that it stays light until 10 p.m. and the light moves slooooooowly, unlike here, where it falls FAST.

  14. City Daily Photo doesn't seem to be working for me. Anyone else? Eric?

  15. So, you change time too? We did it in South Carolina a couple of weeks ago. I am driving to work in the dark again but it is a lovely evening. Can't win can we. Have a good week as your body adjusts!
