Saturday, December 22, 2012

Face to face

I found this portrait at Boulevard Richard Lenoir and not only do I like the image itself, but also the whole scene (the white bars belong to Apub, a store - I found out later! - specialized in streamers, banners and all kind of placards). Not the kind of places where I'll find my last Christmas gifts LOL!  Have a great weekend everyone, I know you'll probably be busy...


  1. This is amazing...I passed it last night with Mr Phx as we were walking back along the canal, but started at R. Lenoir. I pointed it out to him as it is a portrait of the artist Keith Haring, who died of aids. I used to see his work in the NYC subways back in the 80's. He became a prominent artist, There is much to read about him

  2. There's quite a trend in decorating these electricity boxes, and they seem to be tolerating it for now, the powers that be... but for how long?

  3. Cool street art! And thanks for the info, Ms. Phx.

  4. Very vibrant and appealing image, Eric. And thanks PHX for the info on the artist. Wish I had walked by this on my way to the canal. . .sigh. Enjoy your weekend, Eric!

  5. I love Keith Haring. What a great looking bit of grafitti.

  6. OMG that looks just like my husband...what's he doing in Paris without me!

  7. Nice picture, Eric. The parallel lines, vertical and horizontal echoing each other makes it all for me. And the pole, on the right, to balance the picture.

    Happy Holiday Season ! Enjoy a break (do you know what that is ?) :D

  8. @PHX I'm confused, this Keith Haring or what his art was?

    Did you this exact same portrait yesterday?!

  9. this is a portrait of street artist Keith Herring created by another street artist. Keith Herring has been dead a number of years
