Friday, November 28, 2014

Car rental

I had to ship my scooter yesterday, with the rest of the move, and today I had to deliver 5 huge boxes to a freight company in the suburbs (yeah, not the most glamorous thing tho do on the eve of your departure!). I had to go to Gare de l'est (East Station) to rent a car and for the first time I tried Hertz on Demand (you rent your car by the hour). Pretty good I must say... No advertising intended, just a quick share of my last days in Paris...  Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all my American followers of course!


  1. I have not been paying attention lately! You are moving? What will happen to PDP?? Moving is such a chore, but I hope you are moving up to something great!

  2. It's going to be a busy time for you for some time yet.

  3. Maybe you can borrow François H's, now that his girlfriend is official and he does not have to sneak around on his scouter anymore! ;-)

    1. P.S.: Wanted to write "scooter" (scouting would have been a good idea for Hollande, I suppose)

  4. Oh what a great shot ,this where I always arrive in Paris..when I visit..and I got just that exact photo just in close up of the Gare de L'Est from the inside... ...have great departure...and maybe you will miss Paris too,like all of us...Bon voyage Eric...Kara xx

  5. Great shot -- and a good tip too (not that I would rent a car in Paris in a million years, but still . . .).

  6. Scooters were made for Mediterranean islands!
    Have a good trip and post some pics when you get there.
    Good luck!

  7. We will miss you when you leave Paris. Your blog is entertaining and educational.

  8. I missed the last few days. Wow. I see that was it, done. Finis. Bon voyage. I am very jealous about your new home. -Jeff

  9. I hope your move goes smoothly Eric :)

  10. I was wondering about the scooter. Did you wrap it bubble wrap?

  11. J'aime bien les lettres à l'envers. Pour le reste je ne sais pas mais je sais que j'ai aimé tous tes billets tout ce que tu as photographie et tout ce que je mets derrière tout. Je crois que j'aimerais remonter la machine du temps.... Et voilà on ne sait pas encore faire ça.... Bon 'tout' à venir pour toi. Continue à nous montrer tes merveilles même si je sais que j'aurai toujours un peu le mal du pays avec toi désormais ....@@@bientot...

  12. Eric - j'ai du mal à l'accepter, mais tu as choisi.

    Mais une seule question, pourquoi la Malte???
