Monday, November 17, 2014

When a French chef goes tapas!

I have a very dear friend who used to be a producer for television (before doing what she really wanted to do: be on stage! I already told you about her last year), and through her, I met Yves Camdeborde, a very famous French chef whose restaurant I visited last week. To be more accurate, I visited - and had the pleasure to eat at - one of his restaurants, the one called L'avant-comptoir, a sort of Tapas place, but very French! Very nice guy and for sure a place to visit.


  1. I like the portrait, particularly the sense of busy people and motion around Yves.

  2. Hi, I'm a French teacher in California, and we love your photos and posts....what will happen to your blog when you move?

    1. Well, it's won't close, but it will be much more static for sure!

    2. My name is Leigh Anne, by the way.

      Will you create a new CityBlog for your new city?


  3. Nice! It's always good to try a new restaurant. And thanks for the links.

  4. It must be a very popular restaurant because I hear that it's impossible to get a seat. ;-)

    1. LOL. I know you're making fun, but... But, it's true. Not in the one, but the one next door that also belongs to him!

  5. I find it much better to go tapas than ballistic! That's a really nice portrait.

  6. Lucky you. Get your fill for now, mon ami—you can always diet later. :~}
