Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Paris, the city of love...

Yes people, it's Valentine day! Of course being in Paris I could have looked for something similar to this unforgettable shot by Robert Doisneau but instead I chose another symbol of love: two pigeons "making out" on a window (actually the one of my new office!) with the rooftops of Paris in the background. Less romantic? Yeah, well... By the way I would like to take this opportunity to proudly celebrate my 100 000th visitor (who actually showed up yesterday around 2 am GMT)! Thank you all for your loyalty. Also, since the daily photo family increases almost everyday now, please welcome our latest member: Lisi, from Hongkong.


  1. At my local cafe I came across a Frenchman - when I asked him why he had come to Melbourne he said to be with his girlfriend - how's that for Vaentine's Day

  2. La photo n'est pas dénuée d'humour... :)

  3. I like how the focus of pigeons is sharp while the rooftops are slightly out of focus. I not only enjoy the photos of Paris I also enjoy the photographic techniques you use.

  4. PS: Congratulations on your 100,000th visitor.

  5. Congrats Eric - here's to many more discovering your wonderful blog!

    Another lovely photo, perfect for today.

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

    PS you know Doisneau's Le Baiser was staged, but a couple claiming they were the couple sued him for royalties and while he eventually won the case, it left him devastated. Such a tragic story for such a beautiful photo.

  6. Happy Valentine's Day, Eric. I am decidedly NOT a fan of pigeons though. In fact, je les méprise. I've been pooped on three separate occasions walking down Valencia street - so, evidently, the feeling is mutual!

  7. One of life's unanswered questions for me. Why is it that pigeons are the only birds that have managed to survive in a city?

    Have a great week, Eric, I'll be gone until the weekend.

  8. Pigeons mate for life, don't they? Can't get any more romantic than that Eric. A beautiful photo for such a day of love.

  9. I can't say I care much for pigeons either, but it's definitely a very clever shot. And definitely, Eric, congratulations on the 100,000! I suggest you return to the top of the Eiffel Tower and uncork a proper bottle of champagne in good company! Of course, you might want to bring your camera ...

    (Buzzgirl, this will probably make you feel better: you know these huge, enormous white birds that hang out at the Ferry Building down Market? Well, one of them used me for target practice, one time. Let me tell you, that bird had had a large meal before! And I have yet to forget that smell... eeewwww!!)

    Ahem. Sorry, everybody. Happy Valentine day!

  10. Well Eric,
    I had thought we might see some work of Rodin or Claudell photographed for today, but I guess these Parisian love birds will have to do ;^). Nice shot!

  11. I dont leave a comment every day but I visit this blog every day!
    Congratulations Eric ! You are the best !

  12. Saloperie de rats volants !!!

    Et tu nous prépares quoi pour la Fête des mères, une crotte de chien ?!!!


  13. Cool shot Eric, and congratulations on hitting 100K!

  14. Eric, thanks for both shots (I don't recall seeing the Dosineau shot). Congrats on 100K and keep those great pictures from Paris coming.


  15. Only a romantic Parisian would look at two pigeons and think of love, to most folk they are little more than flying rats. Great photo anyway.

  16. Cute photo! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

  17. Great shot, Eric, but I do agree about the pigeons - flying rats is a good euphemism for them. And congrats on the 100,000 visitor!

    And Happy Valentine's Day to all.

  18. Very apropos for the most romantic day of the year.
    Happy Valentine Day to you, Eric and to all your visitors here.

  19. Congratulations on your 100,000th visitor Eric. I know it's been hard to keep everybody happy, but you do a great job!

    Buzzgirl...to be confirmed by a French person, but I think a pigeon pooping on your head is good luck here. Imagine!

    Welcome Lisi! Can't wait to discover your photos too!

  20. Felicitations Eric pour les 100 000 visiteurs! La photo est splendide et tellement romantique.

  21. Great photo Eric. And thnak you for initiating all this - seems we are a growing community, and it is a joy to be part of it.
    Happy Valentine's!

  22. hi from turkey, istanbul
    your blog is very nice, i'm planning to buy a new camera and i will take photographs about istanbul. i'll give you my blog adress after.
    thanks for idea
    bye :)

  23. Michael: if memory serves, stepping in dog poop brings good luck (left foot only, for some reason?). I guess that makes Parisians the luckiest people on earth, no? (Although I do recall that Eric let us know earlier this year that they have been working on the problem.)

  24. Happy valentines day Eric. My sweetheart is PARIS (you can keep the pigeons).

  25. This is absolutely PERFECT! I love it :)Thanks for making me smile :)
