Those who visit ParisDailyPhoto regularly are probably used to seeing comments from "Buzzgirl". And those who pay even more attention will have noticed that recently she posted her comments from Paris. Well, yesterday we met at the Bastille Opera (where this photo was taken) and we had lunch together. And guess what she offered me at the end of the meal? Three boxes of Girl Scout cookies that her daughter seems to be a champion at selling. Thank you so much "little Buzzgirl", you're the sweetest girl on earth!
VERY COOL PICTURE and nice to meet you Buzzgirl!!! Super to finally be able to place a face on the comments! And now, you're FAMOUS :D
ReplyDeletePlease try the green box in the middle first. Thin mints. My favorite.
ReplyDeleteIt's really comforting to know that some things -- like Girl Scout Cookies -- translate across international and cultural boundaries!
ReplyDeleteMy favorites are the Samoas with the coconut and chocolate. There's a new Café cookie variety that was so-so. Lemon Coolers are always refreshing, though. Thank goodness I have a niece who is in Girl Scouts; she can keep me well stocked with cookies!
hello, buzz girl :) I'am really dying to try that cookies~ umm!!
ReplyDeleteI'm reacting 1/2 day late to the terrible news that shook me from head to toe: Eric, you say you love cheese, but you don't drink wine ?!?!?!?! Nothing can beat un bon p'tit rouge with a bite of a smelly French cheese like un cabecou or crottin de Chavignol!
ReplyDeleteThat being said, we still love you and your fantastic blog :)
Elle est mignone comme tout!
ReplyDeletelucky you! girl scout cookies are the best! it looks like you got some somoas, thin mints, and shortbread?? put the mint and somoa cookies in your freezer...they're the best eaten frozen. I promise!
ReplyDeleteYummmm.....Girl Scout cookies, the Paris Opera, and Buzzgirl ALL in one...I am overjoyed with this photo!
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Jennifer, and I just wanted to say hello and thank you for your LOVELY blog!! I came to Paris for the first time last year after wanting to my since I was a girl. I live in Las Vegas and am a student here, I will return this summer, however in the mean time I enjoy looking everyday at the wonderful streets of Paris and cannot wait to return. Thank you so much for your work, it really makes me smile!
ReplyDeleteI hope you're going to share those cookies Eric?
ReplyDeleteAnd hello Buzzgirl, enjoy Paris - and what a great way to meet.
Salute, Wilf.
Bonjour tout le monde, or should I say...Hello everyone.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say...congratulations,Nahal, your French is great.
Tomate farcie, actually I love the English language and I try to improve it EVERY day but, sorry, I'm also "in love" with the French language which is also a beautiful one, don't you think ?
Eric, j'ignorais que ce sujet avait déjà été abordé, je suis désolée, je n'en parlerai plus.
I know my little French voice really doesn't mesure up compared with all the Englishspeakers here. I'll be quiet then.
Hi there buzzgirl!
ReplyDeleteTo Eric~
Oh yes, plan to change my dp look from time to time, that goes with my profile pic too.
Hey Eric, that's fun...I hope in the future we can have like a big family gathering of DP bloggers...that'll be fun, but then somebody has to push the "publish" button for a lot of people...fun...
ReplyDeleteHi Eric, sounds like you hit the jackpot with the Girl Scout cookies! Have you tried any other American foods? If so, what is your favorite? Corn on the cob? McDonald's?
ReplyDeleteThat's just not fair ! Everybody here seems to know about these cookies but me.
ReplyDeleteNice shot though.
I really enjoy your work, Eric, and I'm visiting the website everyday since a couple of weeks.
Just go on !
> Tomate. When I think you live in the same city as Buzzgirl and I am the one to meet her so far away from her home!
ReplyDelete> Luggi, The bold soul, Pink rocket on Girls Scouts cookies. Too late for the advice Luggi, the mints are gone already! > The Bold Soul. I am not sure they exist in Europe, I had never heard of them in France anyway. > Pink Rocket. Thanks for the freezer advice, like I said the mints are gone, but not the Somoa yet!
> Fiaa. Hurry, there won’t be any left by Sunday…
> Filoo. I know, it’s always a terrible disappointment to my foreigner friends, but it’s true, I do not drink wine, or very rarely. Sorry!
> Opera Fan. LOL
> Jennifer. Thank you, come back anytime…
> Wilf. Sure. Here’s one. Tasty isn’t?! You don’t have girls scout cookies in Provence, do you?
> Lady. No problem. You’re welcome to discuss the English topic again as much as you want. And please do not be quiet; we love protesters here – this is a French blog after all!
> Midnitebara. OK, I can’t wait to see the summer photo then!
> Lisi. Yeah that would be great. I thought of that already, but that would be a lot of work to organize. And where do you suggest we all meet?!
> Debs. LOL. Something tells me you already have the answer to that question! I LOVE American food unfortunately (diet wise…)
> Caroline. Well, you’re French so no wonder, we don’t have these cookies here. Thank you for your compliments anyway.
wow! that's cool, i've never met ppl from internet...
ReplyDeleteThe saddest thing about coming to France in a few weeks is that I will not be in Paris and will not get to meet you, Eric. Maybe some other time.
ReplyDeleteSamoas rock, and so does Buzzgirl! Great Pic, and it's really cool that you got to meet.
Love girl scout cookies!
ReplyDeleteBuzzgirl is darling!
Love, love, love PDP!
What a great day!
Awww...there's my new coat!
ReplyDeleteAs I'm sure everyone has surmised from this blog, Eric is an extraordinary man. I was very lucky to have the chance to meet him.
Thank you, Eric. It was truly my honor.
Eric: When I think you live in the same city as Buzzgirl and I am the one to meet her so far away from her home!
ReplyDeleteWell, Eric, I did try to recognize Buzzgirl in the streets of San Francisco from the picture on her profile, but that didn't get me very far. ;-)
On the other hand, if Buzzgirl ever feels like grabbing a couple of after-work drinks and show me her recent pictures of Gay Pareeee, I'm totally game :-D
Oh, there you are Buzzgirl. Sorry about double posting.
ReplyDeleteIf you ever feel like grabbing a couple of after-work drinks and show me your recent pictures of Gay Pareeee, I'm totally game :-D
Yes, Buzz, we figured Eric is a super-cool dude. I suspect some of the regular commenters on this blog might be a little jaleous of you right now ;-)
Enjoy Paris!
Okay, so Eric you now know THIN MINTS are entirely addictive! One can purchase them only in March every year, thus, your reader's freezer tip. Thin Mints are the all time best seller and I think the only original from the GS cookie product line left from 40 or more years ago (although the shortbreads are close to the old "Scotties" and "Trifoils"). When I was a GS I used to buy a box of Thin Mints from myself every year!
ReplyDeleteSo nice to "meet" smiling Buzzgirl in Paris! Where did you find your new coat? Enjoy your remaining time in Paris!
South African people have no idea what girl scout cookies are or what they taste like....always see it in sitcoms and movies though
ReplyDeleteUmm... I like this word "extraordinary", quite cool usage! hehe!
ReplyDeleteHello to Buzzgirl! What a nice picture!!
ReplyDelete> Tomate - the first thing I thought when I saw this photo was "oh, now there's a face to go with the boobs..."
ReplyDeleteBuzzgirl: you mean you didn't know? ;-)
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm late on this one, my son was in the hospital. Needless to say I didn't get on the internet while he was there. Anyways, nice to meet you buzzgirl! My mother-in-law bought like 50 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, and that's not much of an exaggeration at all!
ReplyDeleteFYI, on saturday 15 in the morning all girl scout cookies were gone...
ReplyDeleteSoosha. I am sorry to hear that. Is your son OK now? Hope it was not too serious.
ReplyDeleteHow lovely that you could meet up (but I'm very hungry reading this post!). I've never tried Girl Scout Cookies so I'll have to pester my US friends to send some over!
ReplyDeleteI'm rationing my Thin Mints, although the Cherry Twizzlers buzzgirl brought with her are loooong gone!
ReplyDeleteVery cool pic buzzgirl. I think it is the coolest thing to meet up with bloggers while on your travels, especially when you live on the other side of the pond!