I realized recently that I never showed you the mayor of Paris. Not that you really care, but since we have elections coming up (March 9 and 16) I thought it was a good time ;) His name is Bertrand Delanoë, he belongs to the socialist party, he was born in 1950 and, according to polls, there is no doubt he's going to be reelected. Parisians appreciate what he's done for the city (the new tramway, Nuit blanche, Paris Plage, Velib, car chasing... to mention his most visible actions) and forgave him for failing to get the Olympics! Have a look at his promotional video, it's pretty well made. Did I mention he also survived an assassination attempt?
Is he going to be re elected you think?
ReplyDeleteOk...it is a daft question but I am not a fast thinker like Guille and Lynne...
ReplyDeleteStill relevant though, right?
I wonder how many posts I can post before someone interrupts me?
ReplyDeleteJe ne le connais pas, Eric, mais j'aime bien votre photo, avec la visage clair. Est-ce qu'il y a un scandale avec lui, comme Sarkosy? J'espere que non!
ReplyDeletehe he you won, Rose, clearly! Three entries! lol well done, GF.
ReplyDeleteNow sit back and wait for the amount of errors in mine! Eeeeeeeeek. I already see clair is wrong. I tried. Guille now i know what you are all up against!!
ReplyDeleteComment dit-on "turtleneck" en Francais?? Thanks for telling us about him, Eric - I didn't know anything about him - but I do like a politician who wears a turtleneck!
ReplyDeleteTrès bien Lynn! Je crois que vous serais le gagneur si Eric n'avait pas affiché trop tôt comme ça.
ReplyDeletesorry about that... my french I mean...
I only hear good things about Bertrand Delanoe, so I think it's great that he'll be reelected.
My goodness when was this assassination attempt?
Eric, is it a photo of yours ? Or a photo you caught on Internet or on the TV ? I am asking myself because you might have been pretty closed to him.
ReplyDeleteLynn, your sentence is correct. Just one error 'la' visage : it is 'le' visage. And a little error on Sarkozy's name with a 'z' and not 's' but you know many french write his nam with a 's' too...
ReplyDeletePont Girl: col roulé, peut-être.
ReplyDeletePont girl, I think we say in french 'un col roulé'. I agree, I do like too.
ReplyDeleteCorinne thank you! I'm amazed it wasn't peppered with mistakes, so it was LE visage instead of clair which was wrong. I knew it looked odd somehow! So.... is he going to be scandalous, do you think? lol.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he will be reelected, I like him, I find him very honnest. No scandal around him!
ReplyDeleteEric how did you take this picture? Did you meet him (conférence?)? Btw, which attempt are you talking about?...I didn't know that.
Rose, félicitations, vous êtes doigts d'or!! Three comments without any interruption, it's unbelievable here.
Lynn, I'm out tonight! I was answering by mail to an other Lynn ;)
I'll not write in French because I'm already out of race...It's fun, I was wondering if I would say to you "tu" or "vous" if I wrote in French...I absolutely don't know!
Voilà mon verdict: "clair" n'est pas faux du tout. Il n'y a qu'une seule faute, "la" visage à la place de "le". No Lynn, you're good, don't be modest... :D
It's very interesting to me that Sarkozy (rather right wing, or conservative as we Yanks call it) is elected as president, while Delanoë (socialist, rather left wing, I believe) is elected mayor of Paris. The governor of the state where I live is very right wing, though the mayors of the biggest cities are more left. These apparent contradictions fascinate me. (Our big cities have lost population to suburbs, which are overwhelmingly right wing.)
ReplyDeleteOops I didn't refresh the page and didn't see the comment of Corinne, sorry for the repetition!!
ReplyDeleteMonica it's no bad at all!(the winner is le gagnant...but chuuut) ;)
Well I say this with mixed feelings but maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that Paris lost the Olympics. There is so much money in the preparation and it seems the people attending the Olympics do not always respect the city. Grant it, it brings in tourism dollars but at what expense. I love the old world charm of Paris and would hate to see it overly modernized for the Olympics and I would also hate to see it trashed as well. I am crouched and ready for the backlash.....
ReplyDeleteYes Lynn, I am sure your french is here, not so far!
ReplyDeleteBravo! Et vous recommencerez, j'espère ?!
As far as I know about Delanoe's life, there is no scandal with him. He came out some years ago and said he was gay but there was no matter for a scandal. It was well accepted, at least in Paris, but I don't know if it was the same thing, everywhere in France ... Personally, I really don't mind. Of course.
Jeff if you see the distribution of the different votes in Paris you will not trust it: the west voted en masse for the "right wing" and the east for the "left wing". It's almost 50-50. It's historical above all.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad, I have the plans with the votes, right in my hand but have no scanner to show you.
Since 1981 French people hesitate between right and left, we already have 3 cohabitations in 25 years. When a president from one of the majority is elected, the legislative elections elect the contrary...
To clarify my previous comment, 'I really don't mind' because it is HIS private life and moreover, he doesn't show it a lot which is so nice from HIM!!
ReplyDeleteerratum: it's not the legislative elections who elect! it's the people by the legislative elections, of course.
ReplyDeleteGuille thank you, it's very good to be able to learn about our mistakes here. Gagnant it is! I suspected there was something wrong with my sentence, but I thought it was the verb.
ReplyDeleteSee, we're doing what we said we would the other day, now and then we can post a little bit of French and try (Lynn and I, although Lynn speakes much better French) to improve ourselves.
I knew Delanoe is gay, my French teacher told me last year. I agree with Corinne, what matters is that people are satisfied with his government.
Thanks for the background information, Eric and Guille (by the way, Guille, I think you mean "coalition", rather than "cohabitation" - although "cohabitation" isn't entirely incorrect when you think about it).
ReplyDeleteAfter reviewing his list of achievements as mayor, my vote goes to Delanoë, for sure! He certainly seems to have made Paris an even more fun place to visit without compromising the city's sense of style. On top of that, he's comfortable with being public about his sexuality (not that it matters, really) and has a penchant for turtleneck sweaters - which, sadly, are considered naff* in some parts of the world. I, on the other hand, think that they are pretty cool, and also very sensible, as they cut out all those nasty drafts around the neckline. They are also extremely scarf friendly.
Of course, he doesn't need me as a fan, judging by the list of notables in his promotional video. So, I hope he does get elected, and that he continues to introduce innovations for both faithful locals and Francophile visitors.
Thanks, Monica & Corinne - I learned a new word today!
ReplyDeleteThe assassination attempt was a few years ago. While walking in thé crowd during some event I don't remember, Delanoé was attacked and seriously wounded by a "disturbed" guy with a big knife (spade?).
ReplyDeleteOf course that created a lot of emotion in France, high over thé political differences.
Sorry for the accents on "thé" (which is "tea" in French. I am posting from my Blackberry, and "thé" automatic spelling (French parametered!) doesn't accept "the"...
ReplyDeleteI have heard many good things about Mayor Delanoe, some from a group of high school students from my little town in Wisconsin who were at a hotel near a building that burned three years ago. The students were evacuated from their hotel, and they said the mayor was very good to them, even loaning them his cell phone. I left for Paris myself a few days later and felt very secure knowing Bertrand Delanoe was mayor. He has made some good decisions!
ReplyDeleteI was told the assassination attempt was at the cafe across from Hotel Lutetia (metro Sevres Babylone)where he would always go for breakfast. I would appreciate the real story if someone knows.
ReplyDeleteI am familiar with everything you posted, Eric, except car chasing. What does that refer to?
thanks Guille. Hope you had a good evening. There's ANOTHER Lynn? ;)
ReplyDeleteouais, moi! But you knew that!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, a lot of comments already. I read them all and am now officially afraid to EVER write French here. Speaking is hard enough (on the listeners) for me, so writing here just WILL NOT HAPPEN! :-)
ReplyDeleteI was waiting to see if anybody else had the same question as me and finally phx-cdg asked... what on earth is "car chasing" Eric? Have I missed something here in Paris?
Ok, I went to your link for car chasing and see what you mean. Very funny!
ReplyDeleteHello! I've been reading your blog and viewing your photos for quite a while. Sometimes I think that those who write the commentaries are way off the subject. Am I the only one to notice?
ReplyDeleteSo many comments already!
Delanoe got stabbed during the Nuit Blanche festival, inside the Town Hall itself in 2002.
He was severely wounded by a man who recognised him and who said afterwords that he specially focused on him being gay, which troubled him a lot.
At that time Sarkozy was ministre de l'Interieur, i e in charge with the police
One thing to add about Delanoe, he turned the area dedicated to the Mayor's personnal place, the largest official one in Paris and maybe France, 1000 or 1500 square meters, into a baby care place for staff's children
What duties is the Mayor responsible for?
ReplyDeleteYou have changed your URL Eric? Or is it Blogger messing around? I was re-directed to parisdailyphoto.com
"I was re-directed to parisdailyphoto.com" What do you mean?
ReplyDeleteOkay so when i came here from the link at my site, a window came up saying the site i wanted had been moved and asking if i wanted to be re-directed to www.parisdailyphoto.com I ignored it at first, typing your usual url into the browser, thinking it might be a blogger glitch. The same message came up. I'll try it again now.
ReplyDeleteAh. It's intermittent. First time i tried i got the same re-direction window. Second time i came straight here.
ReplyDeleteJust tried six times and got the re-direction window each time from both Things and Cheltenham. It gives you a Yes or No Option to be re-directed to your 'new site'. I haven't clicked either so far as i'm quite suspicious that it's simply a tracking device. ? I don't know a lot about these things as you know!
ReplyDeleteI just read a paper in Le Monde and it is said that Delanoe was little bit afraid because the surveys say that he will win, so a high rate of abstentionism from the leftists is foreseen since there is no more doubt. !!
ReplyDeleteLucio, thanks, I looked up in a dictionary and saw "cohabitation" as a translation but I didn't think it could be an other cohabitation (cohabiter avec quelqu'un par exemple)but now it's obvious.
Lynn and phx-cdg (the OTHER Lynn ;) ), is it both your real name or a nickname (like me, Guille for Guillemette)?
I'm just curious to know...
Michael, real sad to know that we will NEVER have the privilege to read a French comment from you...
Anonyme, don't you know that we loooove the digressions?!
Don't believe him, Guille! Michael will be parlying frenchais before you can turn around. He's dying to i can tell, he's more than capable and i've seen his French and it's good. So there. He will ;)
ReplyDeleteGuille: I am REAL of course he he... i can't speak for Phx.....LOL.
I hope it's useful to point out to you dear Guille, that you read an 'article'. Le Monde is the 'paper'. I'm hoping you find it useful, as i do, to know little errors? Yours are so few and far between, after all.
Today is my lucky day!
ReplyDeleteI won the GF Award and got the most amazing painting in the post. Thank you Lynn :)
Oh, my pleasure, Rose and thank YOU for the commission! Glad you are pleased with it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: No, you aren't the only one to notice, but I'm pretty sure you're one of the few who are bothered by "off the topic" responses. No offense, but a comments box is a forum for a virtual conversation, and (as far as I know) points aren't given or deducted for "relevance". We're all ad libbing, not filling out an affidavit! I'm with Guille, long live digressions!!
ReplyDeleteBonjour Eric! I feel it is time for me to "log in". I have been following your blog since shortly after our return from Paris in Aug. '06 and je l'adore! Thank you sooo much for keeping me in touch with one of my deux amours(-:
Nancy L
ReplyDeleteThank you for including to link to the commercial. I opens and closes with mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago, my mayor. To get his endorsement is quite an accomplishment back home here in Chicago, so this is very impressive. Not to mention the "clout" Daley has!
But what he says about Delanoe is true and Daley has brought back some Delanoe's ideas and implemented them here in Chicago, making our city more livable and a great international city.
Twice I have hosted visited "Frenchies" and we had a great time touring, not only the downtown "loop" but also our unique neighborhoods.
Stef in chilly snowy Chicago
google translation:
Merci d'inclure un lien vers le commercial. Je s'ouvre et se ferme avec le maire Richard M. Daley de Chicago, mon maire. Pour obtenir son approbation est toute une réalisation à la maison, ici à Chicago, donc c'est très impressionnant. Sans parler du "poids" Daley a!
Mais qu'est-ce qu'il dit de Delanoë est vrai et Daley a ramené quelques idées de Delanoë et mis en oeuvre ici, à Chicago, de rendre notre ville plus vivable et une grande ville internationale.
Deux fois j'ai accueilli visité "Frenchies" et nous avons eu un temps de randonnée, non seulement le centre-ville "en boucle", mais aussi notre unique quartiers.
Stef en chilly neigeux Chicago
Delanoe's promotional video is very global. Validation for you Eric that Paris is an internationally relevant city !!
ReplyDeleteWell Glenda, to be honest I think Delanoë is now targetting the head of the socialist party.
ReplyDeleteHe therefore needs to acquire a more international image...
Long Live the Mayors of our City Blogs!!!
ReplyDeleteEric, This is a wonderful shot you got. I'm wondering how far back in the crowd you might have been. I noticed that NPR recently featured a news story on Mayor Delanoe. Is he also responsible for the doggie droppings vacuum system?
ReplyDeleteBTW, what is the current thinking among Parisians regarding the 3 major presidential hopefuls in the States? Is any one favored over the others? Thanks,
Seattle Daily Photo
Lynn (the REAL), it's absolutely and definitely useful!! And please, tell me when my comments need a correction,of course.
ReplyDeleteLucio, give me five ;)
To me Delanoe is not targetting the head of the PS... But I think that the old men of the PS want to put him to it, they are looking for somebody new to revitalize the party. He's ambitious but I'm not sure that it is in this way.
anonymous-yes sometimes there is lots of banter that is off topic or stuff that is not known to all. perhaps relationships that have been built over time on this blog -which i think is okay. if it gets too clicky i pick and choose which comments i read. ultimatley, i love to log on and see what eric suprises us with. as for delanoe, anyone who can do awesome things in an already awesome city is just fabulous.
ReplyDeleteOk Guille!
ReplyDeleteEric did you look into the re-direction problem? I had to open a whole new browser to get here!
Guille: One transcontinental five in the name of free cyber-speech, coming up! ;)
ReplyDeleteI like what he's done in Paris and I hope he gets re-elected. Failing to get the Olympics is probably a blessing in disguise!
ReplyDeleteWe have seen a lot of your mayor because of his women on this side of the Pacific