Today was another terrible day for the stock market... It seems that the party time is over and that we're going to have to pay off our debt after all. Surprise, surprise! A few people gathered around the Bourse (the old stock market building) in Paris today to demonstrate against capitalism and all this. "Close all stocks markets", it says on the left and on the right, well you can see for yourself, for it's written in "English". I really wonder how all this is going to end to be honest.
Yikes! Is that Teddy? It's not his fault, is it? (Yeah, yeah, the bear market guys, etc.)
ReplyDeleteIt is a mess. The big money financiers $*@%ed us all over, and the very wealthy are having some of their best years ever while the rest of us are in a bad way. And rather than try to reverse this trend, many "leaders" are doing everything they can to ensure it continues. Their supporters are getting fleeced and, like ignorant sheep, don't even know it. It's Boehn, er, frightening and people Can't or won't wise up.
I'm wondering too how all this is going to end ... Is the world going to be really different in ten years? Could this photo enter into the History as an illustration of the crucial times we are living by now ? What is valuable for me and what is not valuable is a question I'm asking to myself and often ask... But I quickly feel I only have to do my job like every day and that all of this is playing far from me. Sad. Though I do hope that people with valuable projects, ideas, brains, personal backgrounds etc, will be brave enough to gain victories over the rest... Very, very brave...
ReplyDeleteSince I was born, the world lives in crisis.;))
ReplyDeleteI'm scared, angry, frustrated, fed-up, excited and depressed all at the same time. I'm guessing our ancestors had similar stresses, but the internet and today's communication brings this all too close and impossible to hide from. The Teddy Bear is an interesting symbol. For me, it's the loss of innocence in some respects.
ReplyDeleteI get so frustrated with people that think more spending is the best way to get through a financial crisis. That is what got us into the crisis in the first place!! I feel bad for my children, and possible grandchildren, as this problem we're creating will eventually become theirs, just because we can't be responsible adults. Rather, we think we NEED all this, no, even worse, "DESERVE", all this instead of living within our means as individuals and as a government. Bah. And perhaps even, Humbug.
ReplyDeleteVery emotional subject for me, too. And, while I know that, ironically, Fear causes half our economic problems - from an individual to the global - its very hard not to act out of fear. So, I try to make choices out of optimism and logic, too. And, to remember that if my circumstances were reduced by even half, I'd still have a thousand times more than alot of people. Still, I hope the world won't look back and say "Those were the good old days".
ReplyDeleteMy, people feel very strongly about all this, don't they? Well, I can't even bring myself to check my 401K—I'll probably be living sous les ponts when I'm old.
ReplyDelete(On another note, thanks for introducing us to La Baronne yesterday. She's great!)
@Paulo Rafael "Since I was born, the world lives in crisis.;))" LOOOOOOL!
ReplyDeleteIt all sounds vaguely familiar...The stock market has been on a roller coaster ride for several months now and people better hang on because it's not going to go away for some time.
ReplyDeleteIn the US in the 80's I recall a time when if you wanted to purchase a home, the mortgage rates was at 19% and inflation was terrible. Now we have interest rates at around 4% and little inflation if any. Go figure.
Which would you prefer? LOL
Government should have to support stock market for falling down.
ReplyDeleteMostly peoples strongly condemn about it. City government should support its market for stability.
The anti-capitalism phrase is a misnomer. What people are protesting is GREED and corporate theivery and those people getting away with it!!!