When is winter going to end?! It's almost mid April we still have to wear heavy clothes, cafes still have to keep their heating equipment on their terrace and Parisians still carry their winter mood! Who said April in Paris was the best season?! What do you think Buzzgirl? ;)
pour ouvrir le bal je te dirais que nous aussi nous avons remis les chauffaux pour la terrasse de mon restaurant faut dire qu'avec u ventu à décorné les boeufs et une brise venant des alpes italiennes il est grand temps de retrouver nos chaleurs printaniéres
ReplyDeletesinon bon mardi christophe
juste une question je souhaiterai incorporer dans mon blog de bastia daily photo les lieux des villes que nous présentons peut tu m'aider pour cela merci a toi eric
same here Eric. Although some parts of Japan are already enjoying the cherry blossoms and nice weather, Akita is still chilly. Lately we have cold strong winds too. I hope that this spring will be worth the wait.
ReplyDeleteWould you like a little cheese with your wine, Eric?
ReplyDeleteSi'l vous plais!
Oui il fait froid à Paris! je confirme. Et en plus un projet de loi voudrait prochainement mettre les fumeurs dehors, en terrasse ! Brrrrr....
ReplyDeleteI can smell summer already:)
ReplyDeleteThe big problem is that heating thing, it wastes so much energy.
I'd say everybody come to California, but we're having the worst rain season right now so it's probably not a great time to visit the Northern part. Earlier this afternoon, it was raining cats and dogs... [il pleuvait des cordes].
ReplyDeleteAnd Midnitebara, you look pretty bundled up yourself :)
Nice colorful storefront on that picture. De quoi egayer le plus tenace des hivers!
Well we are having spring here in Kansas City. I will make sure I give you some spring to look at tommorrow from here in Kansas City.
Here in the Northeastern US it's gorgeous weather - come visit us sometime! Where is this picture, exactly? - I think I almost know that very spot!
ReplyDeleteI sympathise. Here in Chicago, it finally got up to the low 70's for the first time this season.
ReplyDeleteThose folks in the photo look really bundled up with their hands in their pockets! That lady in the long quilted coat and a hood.
Is that an old or recent pseudo building on the right side? It just doesn't seem to be authentic looking.
Charleston, South Carolina, in the 80's, about 27C, still can't get used to those F degrees - no pun intended :) Here, azaleas are blooming everywhere!
ReplyDeleteI really like the contrast between the fiery red wall and the dull grey street. Eric, make sure to get a picture of the tulips when the weather gets warmer!
I'm sorry to hear about the cold in Paris, Eric. Hope it's gets nicer soon. I was in Paris last year at the end of April and I remember it been cool, but lovely. Hang in there! It seems that spring has finally come here in Toronto. We had a lovely 15C :)
ReplyDeleteBuzzgirl is having too much fun to blog!
ReplyDeleteEn avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil. Tu connais? Donc pas de quoi s'étonner!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great line......... "and Parisians still carry their winter mood!"
ReplyDeleteSo well put and a great image to go with it. I know the 'Parisian winter mood' very well and how it blossoms with the Spring weather.
Soon Eric, soon, the terraces' will be full again!
Eric, I don't know what you mean! When I was in Paris last week I was walking around without a jacket, and lying in the sun underneath the Eiffel tower! I even got a little sunburn on my nose in Paris!
ReplyDeleteCome to St. Louis! Spring has finally arrived....for now. You can never tell how long it'll last here. It could be 32F next week! As for now the rest of the week will be beautiful, sunny, and warm. Our high today is 82F and by Friday it's supposed to be in the lower 90s! I'll give anyone who comes my $.05 tour.
ReplyDeletePerfect on the French Riviera, blur skies with slight mistral.
ReplyDeleteYes but you have vin chaud....raclette....to keep you warm. Love the red wall in this photo.
ReplyDeleteWe had snow here in Western PA last week, and it is still not terribly warm (low 60s Farenheit at best.) But I am taking off for Atlanta tomorrow, and it will be sunny and 80 to 85! I am quite happy about that!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love this bright red cafe. Where is it? I could swear that I had a beer there last June.
Same situation here in NYC - VERY uneven spring. After a warmer than usual winter, spring just doen't want to make up it's mind. Temperatures are up and down - I still wear my down jacket most days! I worry we will go into a super hot period with no real gentle spring. So much for living in a "temperate" zone.
- nice picture eric
ReplyDelete- i think it might be to cold for me there right now
- elisabeth, if i remember well this is a mens bar in the marais - am i rite eric?
I envy the spring there in Paris and all your weather!!! Manila's weather is damn hot :/ 32C to 34C..waaaaaahh :(
ReplyDeleteHello Eric,
ReplyDeleteJust a little message (which has nothing to do with the picture, sorry). someone said (9 Avril), it's a pity that blog is only written in English. I must say I agree with him. I've been on the "Londondailyphoto" website, it was also written in English and I guess every sites are written in English...I wondered...people who write comments here and who have already been in Paris, do they make an effort to talk in French a bit when they're in France ? I really would like to know...
Bonne journée à tous les "Englishspeakers" qui font l'effort de parler un peu français :)
Here in Montreal Canada we had warm weather in march I wonder if it could qualify as a pre-spring "Indian summer".
ReplyDeleteGreat! Au jour le jour, tel que vécu. Just has it happen, that's Dayly Photo all right.
Erik j'aime ta spontanéité.
Yes Alegria! we only have two weather in Phils. rainy and its summer here now! People are often going to the beach and the malls to cool down..It's like oven hot here :<< huhuhuhu
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of glad the blog is in English.
ReplyDelete> Le Grain de Sel. Même à Bastia il fait froid?! Non mais où va-t-on ? Pour les villes, je t'ai envoyé un mail à ce propos il y a quelques jours tu ne l'as pas eu ?
ReplyDelete> Midnitebara. I agree with Tomate, you look pretty bundled up on this photo. Will you change it when summer comes?
> Luggi. You know what? I don't drink wine... (but I do eat - too much - cheese)
> Anonymous. LOL pour les fumeurs. I’ll come back to that soon…
> Nuno. Yeah but you're in Portugal, it's always summer there!! (Just kidding, I know it can get cold).
> Tomate. Is that worse than in Seattle ?!
> Lorethian. I did not have the time to greet you properly among us sorry. So everybody, please welcome our new city daily photo member : Kansas City !
> Jenny. It’s on rue des Archives in the heart of the gay area. At lunch time it’s a very classic bar where you can enjoy the terrace (well, when it’s warm and sunny !) and at night, well, women are pretty scarce…
> Steverino. Thank you – and being from Chicago you know what cold is like! – The building on the right? Well it’s a typical Haussmann building, not a fake new one.
> Luminlight. Well it looks pretty sunny in Providence at the moment from what Providence daily photo shows…
> Filoo. These F degrees. LOL. They make much more sense though!! I will take tulip photos don’t worry.
> Single. Now 15 C, that’s a decent temperature for April! Funny I would have thought that Toronto was much colder than that at this time of the year.
> Anonymous. True! Today Buzzgirl was having lunch with me…
> Mathieu. Oui, je connais mais bon ça m’énerve !
> Wilf. Thanks. I am happy you enjoy my line – I was not sure it meant something in English when I wrote it actually. You’re right, I love it when people start going out again.
> Nebel. You’re German, so any temperature above 0° C is warm, LOL ! Glad the weather was nice when you came though.
> Soosha. $ .05 tour? Gee that’s cheap!
> Mark. I am so jealous. (Sainte Maxime is the place where I used to spend my summer holidays when I was 20 something…)
> A. LOL, yeah but that is in the Alps, not in Paris…
> Elisabeth. Yes, I saw that on your blog. Incredible. Have a great trip in Atlanta (I love Atlanta). This bright red café is located rue des Archives in the 4th arrondissement. But like I said earlier it’s a mens bar. If you had a beer there it might have been at lunch time.
> Brian and Lucy. At least you had a mild winter. Here it was awful, that is why I am dying to let winter behind me.
> Travelingman. Thanks. Yes you are right. I don’t remember the name though.
> Arwen. OK, send us some of your heat!
> Lady of Shallott. Well, this English language issue on this blog has been raised several times here. My idea initially was to share the city I live in – and I love – with people throughout the world. And English is undoubtedly the most international language…
> George. Merci. C’est exactement comme ça que j’ai voulu PDP. Spontané.
> Alegria. OK, we’ll take your heat too !
> Anonymous. Glad to hear some people appreciate the English!
Eric, bon photo, merci!
ReplyDeleteSelon Lady of Shalott, les americains doivent essayer de parler francais, donc, voila! (ma grammaire est vraiment horrible...)
A Washington DC, il fait tresss beau! Chaque jour cette semaine le meteo etait dans les 70'sF (20's celcius?) donc tout le monde est dehors qu'avec les jackets. la semaine derniere, nous avons eu le Cherry Blossom Festival et les tourists de partout le monde sont venus.
Aussi, je veux dire MERCI pour le blog....moi j'adoreee Paris et tes photos me donne beaucoup de plaisir!
Great Picture! I love the contrast in colors.
ReplyDeletePer chance, as with the weather here in San Francisco, we'll head straight to summer and forgo spring altogether.
ReplyDeleteNahal, Lady of Shallot: But the French people have to practice their English, too! :-)
ReplyDeleteAmazing how the subject of weather brings so many comments!
ReplyDeleteÀ Montréal, il a fait 21c et beau soleil hier... un temps pour la bicyclette...
ReplyDeleteBut our winter was relatively mild this year, while it was a very severe winter in much of Europe - especially in Central Europe, with horrible floods as a result of all the snow, after the cave-ins of roofs of public buildings in Bavaria and Poland...
Il fait très doux aujourd'hui, mais on annonce de la pluie...
I'm sure I've passed by that café in the Marais - love the red - but haven't had a drink there.
Rue des Archives indeed! - I had a feeling it was the very bar where I sat last year and sketched the building across the street! I hope all the gay men didn't mind my presence - I was there in the evening and indeed was probably the only woman... but didn't notice that until I'd already sat down and ordered my verre de vin rouge!
ReplyDeleteToday Buzzgirl was having lunch with me…
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean we get a picture of her chair tomorrow? ;-)
well, in South Africa, usually it is winter in April allready, but we still have summer weather! might have something to do with Global warming?
ReplyDeleteGay men in Paris Jenny? You must be imagining things!
ReplyDeleteLOL anonymous. Nope, this time you don't get an empty chair...
ReplyDeleteAhhh sounds bad Eric! Other way around here in Manila...its frigin hot here!
ReplyDeleteI'm always a day late to the party! I'm in Brussels at the moment (I'll be back in Paris on Monday after a trip to Amsterdam!)
ReplyDeleteRegarding the weather, I came to Paris without a good coat, but bought one here. When people ask where I got it I can say "this old thing? I picked it up in Paris...)
ca me rappelle des souvenirs... avec l'enseigne floue de la societe generale en face, on finit de retrouver ses reperes...
ReplyDeleteI loved your picture, but I am really worried about the weather in Paris. I will be visiting Paris on May 10th, for 10 days, and I don't know if it will be a little bit hot...I hope yes...