Monday, June 14, 2010

Bar Mitzvah

You know I often take you to Paris churches when I find them of interest, but I also go to other religious places! Hence this morning to a Neuilly (a city just outside Paris) Synagogue to attend the Bar Mitzvah (a Jewish ceremony that 13 old boys take to acknowledge that "they are now responsible for their actions") of the son of very very dear friends. It was very touching - and very interesting too. For a couple of minutes, a ray of sun came shining in through the window and that is when I pulled the trigger. I feel fortunate twice: to have spent the day among loving people and to have taken the photo at the right moment!


  1. You certainly did take the photo at the right moment. This is very touching Eric.

  2. Did he have a beautiful voice, this young bar mitzvah? Was it as pure as the light on that yarmulke?

  3. Just like your countryman, Henri Cartier-Bresson! Pulled the trigger at the decisive moment. Tres bon!

  4. Exquisite photo. I am very happy that you got it.

  5. The light is gorgeous, but I particularly love the thoughtful angle at which he is holding his head. Perfect timing.

  6. Very touching image. Just beautiful.

  7. VERY nicely captured! Have actually never been to a bar mitzvah but have been to several bas mitzvahs.
    The most impressive "performance" was by my young friend Laura, who has since grown up to be a very talented jazz singer, so you can imagine . . .
    How did your bar mitzvah boy do, Eric?

  8. How touching. Thank you for sharing this special experience with us, Eric.

  9. This is a really moving photo. This young man on his big day - and then you can still see the little boy in him too.

  10. Thank you Eric. This is a beautiful instant you captured and I'm glad you decided to share it with us. I like the Ray of sun at that moment :)
    My knowledges in Jewish celebrations are very small.
    I guess these moments are very festive like in the movie, I loved watching at the time, called In French 'Va vis deviens' (don't remember the English title). I guess you are a very good friend to this family too, almost of their family.

  11. Gorgeous and full of meaning. This photo is amazing, Eric. I'm so happy that you had the privilege to spend the day with friends, had the fortunate opportunity to have your camera ready, and had the wonderful generosity to share them both with us!

  12. You've given them a wonderful gift, Eric, as he turns his back on childhood.

    What could be better (Sorry, I can't resist!) than to join the 13 old boys in this ritual!!! ; ) (Couldn't help picturing 13 spry little old men dancing the hora in celebration!)

  13. Most Jewish people in Europe are Orthodox or Conservative (the last being Reformed, which is very liberal) and are stricter in their customs. I would bet that it was NOT a small party, but a big bash, based on what I have heard from my friends.

    I was in the Metro yesterday, and a street musician come in the car and played the Jewish classic Hava Nagelah. Now THAT was a first for me over here!!!

  14. @Alexa "How did your bar mitzvah boy do, Eric?" He was brilliant. Really. Amazingly even!

    @Flore. Vasn vis et deviens is a supebr movie. I loved it. (And its French BTW ;-)

    @PHX. Hey hi, how have you been, it's been a while LOL! It was an enormous party, yes!

  15. Sometimes we are just at the right place at the right time. When this happens, we are truly blessed. Lovely snap Eric,
    Best Wishes,
    Therese Waddell

  16. I was at the Neuily Synagogue 2 days later for a wedding! (Cheryl, Montreal, Canada)
