Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Dog during music celebration

Yesterday evening was the first day of summer and the official music celebration day. I went all around the city to listen to the music that was played (it was quite amazing in fact, I have never seen that many people dancing in the middle of the streets!) and I took several pictures of course. But the one I like the most in the end is the one of this dog who seems to be the only sensible character in the middle of a crazy crowd!


  1. Excellent ! J'admire surtout le type sous le chien (qui doit faire ses 30 kg qd même...).

  2. Surtout qu'en plus c'est une nana !

  3. Could you please comment in English... I don't understand when you are expressing yourself in the langue of Moliere ?

  4. Sorry Christophe. I was saying that I was admiring the guy under the dog (about 30 kg or more) and Eric answered that it was a girl and not a guy.
    As you can see, it was so interesting that I thought english was not essential...
    We will use english (and what english...) everytime now, I promise !

  5. vraiment ces frenchies qui parlent encore en francais, quelle honte...

    as for me, i loved the dog...

  6. And I just commented that the Eiffel Tower picture was the coolest... Guess not! Lapdog. Fallait y penser!
