Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Doll House

When you enter Pain d'épices (gingerbread), a shop located at 29 Passage Jouffroy (9th arrondissement) eveything around you looks so small you suddenly feel like a giant... No wonder, this marvelous shop sells items for doll houses. If you look closely in the foreground, you can see small baguettes and shopping baskets! And further away towards the background there are miniature sweet containers, plants, cans, bottles... you name it. Everything you ever dreamed of to furnish Barbie and Ken's home sweet home!


  1. Only things for dolls houses? I would be in heaven! I always wanted one as a little girl but never had one. I still marvel when I stop at hobby shops at the miniscule detail - I find it so delightful.

  2. An excellent photo, Eric!

    I know Passage Jouffroy, it's the one with the Musée Grévin in, isn't it? Well it's also the one with this beautiful little tea shop full of wonderful things, and where they serve their wicked brews bearing names like 'Poet's Tea' in heavy Chinese teapots, and with sweet waitresses who inspired this poem, believe it or not!

    Your inventiveness continues to amaze me! All power to your trigger finger!

  3. Eric, I love this place. If one passes by without kids, you might not think to go in. However, it's full of little things that are amazing. Light sockets the size of a thimble, miniature bistro tables and chairs, and so much more. They also have a large range of marionnettes hanging from the ceiling if I do remember.

  4. Very cute! I love the little baguettes teasing me from over there :-) but I wouldn'v have been able to guess what these things were without the explanation. They're so small and in compartments, who'd know?!!

    Such creativity and inventiveness, indeed! I totally agree with SAB.

    (Hey were are the students from Seattle, by the way? )

  5. I absolutely love everything miniature, doll houses and sophisticated train sets are great!

    By the way, doll houses making is a very serious hobby - and many adults, at least here in the U.S., are very obsessive about it, and spends tons of money of it.

  6. I am not surprised, coming from US people...


    do french francs (or lire in italy) work anymore? I have some leftovers from the last trip. if not, can they be changed to euros?

  8. Hi Eric.

    A stranger just passed by your blog and enjoyed it very much.

    Congratulations for your photographs and for the texts that complement them.


  9. A little souvenir dedicated to Damien :
    I remember that in this shop, I bought a small music box playing "L'Internationale"…

  10. > Julia. No actually they also sell a lot other stuff for kids (and possibly grown ups;))

    > Sab. Yes, that's it. It's very nice a passage, with interesting shops.

    > Michael. Could not agree more. A must see.

    > Tomate. ;) I don't know of the students from Seattle still visit the site. If they do, well, merry Christmas to them!

    > Elisabeth. It's a known fact: small is beatiful. I remember that for an article I spoke to several manufacturers and they told me that miniature products were a true sales booster.

    > Will. No, old local currencies are no longer valid anywhere in Europe and I do not think you can change it anymore... (Possibly at the Banque de France, though, does anyone know?). Sorry!

    > Thanks a lot Choco, come back anytime.

    > GG. I bet you listen to it every night...

  11. Not that often, Eric, mostly in preparation when I have an appointment with you !
    Concerning the FF question : yes, it's still possible at the Banque de France, but now only banknotes over 50FF (that is 100, 200 or 500).

  12. That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

  13. Eric merci pour l'information, je suis un fan de miniatures et le jour de retourner à Paris en dudare pas passer par cette merveilleuse boutique

  14. I was in Montmarte last year but I totally missed out the passages. It's a great pity. I'd definitely see it the next time when I visit Paris.
