Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Freezing Cold!

Gee, it's really cold in Paris at the moment - about 0 degree centigrade (32 Fahrenheit). The weather people have issued a warning for the coming days for it should get worse! And to think I am off to the mountains at the end of this week...


  1. Poor thing on a Solex by this weather! Meanwhile, we in California are getting by with sweats and light jackets. Doesn't sound fair, does it :-)

  2. In Seattle we have had mild but very very wet weather.I prefer colder winter weather!!

  3. Gee, and we thought it was cold here in Florida where we've been forced to turn the air conditioning off. Not looking forward to returning to the freeze of Paris in a few days!

  4. > Bill. Oops, I am really sorry to hear that Bill - Especially after you saying "your widget has a place of honor on my desktop."

    The problem is that it is not MY widget but A widget nicely developed by a work collegue (Frederic).

    I know that since Yahoo bought Konfabulator there has been some changes and that Frederic has made a new version. Are you sure to have the latest one?

    If not, you can do so at this address: http://fredbotton.free.fr

    Sorry for that ; I did not have the time to mention this widget officially yet, but I will very soon.

    Let me know if this fixes your problem.

    Thank you

  5. Here on Long Island [New York], we think we are living in Seattle. Paris' cold must be around the corner, though.
    Eric, enjoy your gettaway.
    Will someone please buy Yahoo!

  6. I absolutely despise winter. December 05 has been worse than many Januaries I have known since I have live on the east coast of the United States. Very cold, and lots of snow. It was in the 50's here, in Western Pennsylvania, for a couple of days before Chrismas, but it was snowing when I woke up this morning, on December 16. Go figure!

  7. Unfortunately, I have the latest version
    (http://fredbotton.free.fr/ParisOnePhotoADay1.1.widget) from fredbotton and it still does not work properly.

    The first version worked perfectly under the old Konfabulator.

    If your friend publishes an update I will be happy to test the results here in San Diego. Until then I will just visit the blog directly. I look forward to seeing what you have highlighted each day.


  8. Alors j'ai quitte' la France a la bonne heure! Ici le min. temperature c'est 0'C et peut-etre 7'C le max. Pas chaud...mais pas Paris non plus. Je suis content que j'aie eu l'occaision de voir la neige a Paris pour une journee la en Novembre.

    J'espere que tu as eu un joyeux noel et que tu t'amuseras bien pour le jour de l'an aux montagnes.


  9. I'm sorry about the widget issues... I'm moving into my new flat, and all my computer stuff is packed :(
    I'm using a PDA to type right now, and I'm connecting through a Wi-Fi access point left unsecured by some cool guy... Therefore I can't do much until everything is unpacked.

    BTW, it's weird, as the 1.1 version from http://fredbotton.free.fr works fine with Yahoo! Widget Engine version 3.0.2, at least it was two days ago on my three PC's... Bill, can you try the two other widgets featured on my website, they share the same routines.

    Feedback from you Bill, and other users as well, would be appreciated, with a mention to the operating system used, the Y!WEngine version. I'll do myt best to debug it asap...

    Back to walls painting now ;)


  10. Fred,

    Several Things:

    My primary computer is a PowerMac G-5 with OS 10.4.3
    Yahoo has only provided the Engine 3.0.1 for Mac.
    Your Paris Widget will load, but does not run properly.

    On my PC which has Windows XP SP-2, I installed the Widget Engine 3.0.2 and when I tried to install Paris One Photo a Day, from the Yahoo site it says, " This Widget has syntax errors. (Error: widget must be the top level tag in a Widget) I tried Air Paris with the same result.

    I went to your website at fredbotton.free.fr and downloaded the latest version (1.1) and it works fine on my PC.

    So, there must be a problem in Engine 3.0.1 that is the latest for Mac 10.4.3 that makes it incompatible with your latest of version 1.1 of ParisOnePhotoADay. (Damn)

    I hope that Yahoo comes out with a version 3.0.2 of the Engine for Mac. I checked all over the web but it does not seem to be available.

    I will keep you posted if/when the new Mac version of the Engine comes out and let you know if your latest version of the widget works on it.

    I use Mac at home and a PC at work, so I'm used to this type of minor incompatiblity.

    Can you get your new version uploaded to Yahoo, since what they have doesn't work on anything? I imagine since we have been trading these notes on the blog, that other readers (with PC's) will want to try your widget out. I really appreciate your effort to provide it to the blog.


  11. So Eric, you see what people do when it's cold? They stay inside and play with their widgets! You're so lucky to have such devoted fans! Don't ever stop, even if it takes a lot of your time!

  12. Michael: I'm a huge fan of Eric'blog, indeed :-)
    Bill: thanks a lot for the detailed report! I'll do my best to sort this out asap.


  13. "PowerMac G-5 with OS 10.4.3…Paris Widget will load…Windows XP SP-2…syntax errors…downloaded…Engine 3.0.1…version 3.0.2…minor incompatiblity…"

    Thank you Eric for the thrill and magic of your blog !…


  14. Eric - 32F is great ! It finally warmed up to 32F where I live.

  15. Hey, Eric, -20 at the top here today! Still need more snow, though. Got a bit too much pierre for the vacances ;-)

  16. My mistake, Michel. Do they still make the old Solex?

    Still, riding a 49 cc (that's what it is, right?) in that weather is ....brrrrrrrr ... no fun AT ALL in winter and under the rain and I don't miss that one bit!

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