All French pupils learn how Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) heard the voice of God telling her to go and see the King of France (Charles the VIIth) and urge him to give her troops in order to retake the French territories that had been under English dominance for years. Needless to say that, despite the many historians that say this story is totally made up, Joan is a true heroine in France. Today is the anniversary of her death (she was burnt at the stake in Rouen's market square on May 30th, 1431) and I thought it was the perfect day to take a photo of her statue on the Place des Pyramides (off rue de Rivoli).
There is a Joan of Arc statue in Philadelphia on The Parkway, our Champs-Elysee 8>D
Ah, my grade school was St. Joan of Arc and we learned all about her! Being a horse-crazy kid, I was quite enamored with her story for a long time. This is a beautiful tribute to one of the 20th century's first acknowledged women warriors. Thank you, Eric!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see this statue and to know today is her death anniversary. Merci.
ReplyDeleteNous avons encore et toujours besoin de batantes comme elle ;)
ReplyDeleteSégolène, es-tu là ?? lol
Très jolie photo :)
hi ! Im back from my vacation and been checking the dp posts.
ReplyDeleteOf course Joan of Arc is famous here in Japan too. Im not sure to what extent they really know about her but she is well known here. There is even a band named " Jeanne d'Arc "
I wonder how many people in Paris know her statue is there? Shame on me, but went through Rue de Rivoli hundreds of times without knowing it was Jeanne D'Arc. Again, she, too, looks really good all cleaned up. I believe she was greenish when I was a kid, not gold.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember seeing this statue although I know I was nearby! I did, however, see her house in Domrémy and the church dedicated to her vision somewhere nearby
ReplyDeleteThere is of course a statue of Jeanne d'Arc in Montréal, in front of L'Union française, rue Viger (Montréal Daily photo?); there is also a rue Jeanne d'Arc in the east end near where Montréal Daily photo lives.
ReplyDelete> Tomate Farcie : at least supporters of the lepenist rightist party know very well it is, for they have shamelessly made her their emblematic figure and rally around her statue every 1st of May.
ReplyDelete> Jeff : it's ok with for friday the 9th, though with a preference for a drink after worktime if possible.
gg, I was thinking the same thing, but that isn't Jeanne's fault!
ReplyDeleteWorse still, in 1995 a Morocan man was beaten up and drowned in the Seine by a gang from the FN May Day demo.
In 2003 the mayor of Paris honoured the memory of Brahim Bouarram and all victims of the evil of racism by installing a plaque on Pont du Carrousel where the crime took place.
> Lagatta : that's exactly what I meant by using the word "shamelessly" but maybe my approximative English wasn't clear enough… Thank you anyway for remembering us the diversty of french society. ;o)
ReplyDeleteThis statue in Place des Pyramides is on my walking tour list this year: missed it last year.
ReplyDeleteGG: Thanks for the note. I haven't heard from anyone else. If it's after work, how about the 8th, Thursday? I won't be worrying about packing for a flight the next day? Anyone else? Thursday 8th after work or Friday 9th picnic at 1:00--give use your picks! I'll check in.
Au bientot, Paris! I leave tonight!
She certainly makes for a stunning image all shiny and gold.
ReplyDeleteHey Eric! We've never been formally introduced but I'm a big fan. Love the Joan of Arc shot.
ReplyDeleteQuick question-- awhile back didn't you link to the blog of some guy who takes a picture of himself at 8:45 every morning? Do you still have the link?
> Maîtresse : It's "09h09". You can find the link at the bottom of the page of PDP.
ReplyDelete> Maîtresse (what a kinky name!)like GG said it's 09h09 and you can find it under the One thing a day section of PDP (on the left hand side).
ReplyDeleteThe only place in Paris were Jeanne d'Arc slept, is the church "Saint Denis de la Chapelle" (métro "Max Dormoy", an area very few people like) .
ReplyDeleteHere is an old pic of this church (i couldn't find a "modern" one on internet):
This church stil exists. The outdoor is from the 17th century, but the indoor of the church is from the 12th century.
The second pillar on the right when getting in, is supposed to be the exact place where Jeanne d'Arc used to pray.
I know it well Eric. Jeanne d'Arc is a hero of my wife, and although I am Scottish I am often remind who is supposed to have burnt Jeanne d'Arc in Rouen.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago when I lived in England we would always cross the Channel and spend a long weekend in Rouen and I believe it was then I fully became more aware of the legend of Joan of Arc.
Jeff: I'm sorry, I could have sworn I saw an email or a blogpost from you somewhere over the past 3 days, but for the life of me, I just can't find it anymore!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I created a blogpost here for the bloggers / PDP meeting in Paris so people can post whatever they want to say in one place only rather than living details on multiple posts.
I will forward the entire blogpost to Eric if he wants to take it over at some point in the near future because I can't guarantee I will be able to connect consistently to the Internet once I start traveling at the end of the week.
So who's coming? Where? When?
gg: Merci bien pour l'info. J'essaierai donc d'eviter ce coin la de la Rue de Rivoli le premier Mai! ;)
ReplyDelete(On recommence, la meme chose en Français )
ReplyDeleteJeff: Desolee, j'ai vu passer le message mais je ne sais ou et je n'arrive plus à le retrouver!
Alors voila, j'ai créé un billet sur mon blog Cliquez ici pour Recontre de blogueurs / amis de PDP pour qu'on arrive à communiquer sur un seul endroit plutot que partout à la fois.
Je ferai suivre le billet entier à Eric quand il sera pret s'il veut bien continuer de s'en occuper car des que je voyage à la fin de la semaine, je ne pourrais pas etre certaine de trouver une connexion Internet partout ou je vais.
Alors, qui veut venir? On se rencontre ou? Quand?
I have a daily photo blog. You can see what's going on in Hungary.
ReplyDeleteExcellent Idea Tomate thank you. I have very little time right now, but to summerize what I just wrote on your post, I will make a special entry here around the 5th or 6th next week to let all the attendants know where the gathering will take place on the 9th.
ReplyDeleteLittle late here and I didn't bother to read all the comments before me, so sorry if I'm repeating someone here. Who cares if the story of Joan of arc is made up or not. It's much like the legends of Jesus or William Wallis or any other great leader throughout history. The legend is all we really need. It inspires, and that's what's important.
ReplyDeleteI've been enjoying your site for a while now, but don't recall ever commenting.
ReplyDeleteSo here I am, commenting. I love your photographs, and always look forward to your musings on the Parisian life.
Thank you for taking the time to do it - your site makes my day brighter.
gg, your English ("shamelessly" and all) was perfectly fine.
ReplyDeleteActually, I rather enjoy the tiny quartier around Marx-Dormoy, with its wee Chinese/Vietnamese district and la toute petite place de Torcy.
ReplyDeleteThe Scots were in an alliance with the Armagnacs against the Anglo-Burgundians during the Hundred Years War. 1/3 of the Troops that Jeanne d'Arc lead into Orléans were Scots.
Therefore, your wife is in error blaming your ancestors for burning her. In fact, if she comes from any place north of Orléans, it was her ancestors who were on the burning side.
Well; I have a problem !! My mother is from Burgundy( English ally), my father is a Normand ! Did I burn Jeanne d'arc ? my answer will be a Norman answer, erm...Yes and No !!
ReplyDeletei just wanted to make comment number 30 on the 30 Mai
ReplyDeleteLouis la Vache posted une histoire de Jeanne d'Arc ici:
The lady sits astride proudly beside another riviere namely the Hudson...
ReplyDeleteNYC - Riverside Drive and 93rd Street
Keep up the good work »
ReplyDeleteBeautiful picture. Try Joan of Arc - MaidofHeaven.com for some more great pictures of Joan of Arc.