Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Smile, you're on PDP!

Today is August 1st and it's a DP theme day... All those who participate in it (see list below) had to take a self portrait in their favorite location. To be quite honest I could not decide on what my favorite location in Paris was so I thought to cheat a little bit. Here is the deal, today is your turn! If you have a web cam on your computer, click on the "Take a new snap" bar on the left, right below the "about me section" and follow the instructions. By magic, your photo will appear on PDP right away... [now closed]

List of participants: Porto, Alexandria, Manila, Twincities, Newcastle, Trier, Greenville, London, Saarbruecken, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Copenhagen, Sydney, Chattanooga, Rotterdam, Albuquerque, Washington DC [Jenni], Washington DC [Passante], Sharon, Singapour, Oulou, Seattle, Bastia, Berlin, Szentes, Honolulu, Guadalajara, Trondheim, Hyde, Willemette.


  1. Hey, this looks like fun! Cute idea! I don't have a webcam, though, sorry. :)

  2. Hi Eric,
    i just want to warn you, there is a robocop from Porto on your snap shot gallery but he is harmless, he's just playing with light:-D

  3. Ooooh you have a Canon? Which model is it? Great theme idea btw... my first ever theme day, I'm so excited!

  4. By strange coincidence I happened to post a portrait of myself today and I had no idea about the theme of the day. What a fun idea..

  5. Oh my, what a frightening Robocop!

    Love the picture Eric! If I had a webcam I'd snap a pic of me, but I find the things pointless as I never have decent conversations with people when they can see me!

  6. Hahaha Eric you cheat!! It should be a self portrait so we should see your face! :p

  7. LOl, Eric, you always think outside the square - I love it! (wish I had webcam!)

  8. Nice self-portrait. Are you near Saint Gervais?

  9. Lense cap in hand, very nice reflective photo.

  10. salute je me appercue qu'il y avait un théme aujourd'hui via ton post alors je me suis permis de participer et peux tu me redonner le lien pour les thémesmerci...
    a salute...

  11. wonderful! I wanted to take a snap but I couldn't access it! oh dear. have a good day eric!

  12. at last I meet with your DP partner, ie your camera! Hi Eric, hi Canon, hehe

  13. Bonjour Eric! Je m'appelle, Justine... vous ne me connaissez pas. en fait, j'habite a Melbourne (Asutralie), mais je voulais vous remercier pour votre blog! J'ai pu faire un echange scolaire en France en 2003/2003 et votre blog me rappelle de tres bons souvenirs tous les jours! Alors encore une fois je tiens a vous remercier pour ce que vous apportez a ma vie depuis aussi loin... un jour (quand j'aurais mis assez d'argent de cote... c'est difficile a faire quand on est etudiant!...)je pourrai revenir dans ce pays duquel je suis tombee amoureuse!

  14. P.S. (c'est encore justine!) si vous avez envie de visiter un peu de l'Australie, vous pouvez aller voir mon blog: http://juzzy.skyblog.com/

  15. In Portuguese, we would say "Eric, sempre arrasando", which is difficult to translate but it roughly means something like "Eric, always over the top !"

    And I love the idea of an international DP-day on 1st August...

    Looking forward to seeing it officialized in my Dieux du Stade calendar...

  16. > Tomate. It's fun. It's a clever idea I think. Too bad you don't have a webcam.

    > Nuno. LOL I saw it this morning. But now Robocop is gone. Like your self portrait by the way (the guy who likes to play tricks!)

    > Carol. No it's not my camera. I lent mine for a week so I asked Michel, who runs Spirit of Paris to lend me one. And he did (It's a Canon EOS 10D but I find it much harder than my usual Kyocera to operate.

    > Freckled-one. Are yo talking about Santa? Is that really you ?

    > Soosha. LOL. Why on earth can't you have a decent conversation when people can see you?!

    > Anne. Yes I cheated. But my face was a little exposed recently so I thought people would be fed up!

    > Sally. You're so right. And this caused me so many problems in my life, LOL!

    > Rodney. No, why do you say that?

    > Philos. Well, you now Paris Plage, the heat wave...

    > Slinger. Thanks.

    > Terra vecchia. I added you/ Je t'ai ajouté dans la liste. Pour le lien c'est (c'est le calendrier d'Amanda de Richmond Daily Photo).

    > Edwin. Weird. It works fine though. What happened? Did you have a little window popping up?

    > Lisi. Yes, I hope we meet in person some day though. And like I explained above it's not my camera but a camera that I borrowed from Michel (Sprit of Paris).

    > Justine. Vous êtes française non ? Il n'y a quasi pas de faute dans votre mot ! En tout cas merci beaucoup ; je vais aller voir votre Skyblog!

    > Eric sempre arransando?! I like that!

  17. great!

    i come her every day it's addictive!
    merci pour ça !

  18. I don't have any pics to share but I saw the link to your blog somewhere and was stopping by. I love it here, great posts, i'll be coming back again. Aurevoir.

  19. Votre photo est superbe! J'aime beaucoup cette idée.
    Et webcam... :( Je n'en ai pas


  20. Eric,

    The store fronts behind you look like the ones near Saint Gervais.


  21. I do love the webcam idea... but alas, I have no webcam!

    this is also my first theme day, it's great.. it feels like a party =)

  22. Eric, you asked last week about the job situation with Megan. She has an interview on Thursday!!!

  23. Have you had any trouble with risque snap shots? Just in case, I will be sure and check back regulary to see (smiles).

  24. So your favorite place is behind the camera, I guess we all knew! I didn't hear about the theme day but perhaps I didn't read the emails. Maybe I will participate next time!

  25. Moi non plus...no webcam.

    I was a little worried that we'd get some "porntastic" shots, but so far, so good.

    Clever idea!

  26. Eric: I played with the webcam when it first came out, way back when, with a "state of the art" computer that had a whopping 32 MB of RAM (at the time it was a BIG deal!!!) (rolling eyes) ... Needless to say, the webcam crashed constantly...

    I know these things have come a long way and they can be fun, but I tend to agree with Soosha, I think it takes a great deal away from an online conversation. :)

  27. Really fun. I note a 'twin cities' blog. Who knew? Hi, Cottage Grove-ites. Where ya been? I'll be blogging through the other photos throughout the day.

    Hey, Michel, nice of you to lend the camera. Looking back at photos of our party, it does a good job. Of course, it's the singer, not the song.

  28. wow - u got a nice camera! We are hours behind everyone else so we dont post for another 12 hours but thought Id stop by to say Aloha! I have no web cam - not that up to date in techie stuff yet, but the concept is kewl =)
    Nice to see the second Houston Daily Photo found their way though your blog =)

  29. Oh heavens no, my portrait is the scuba shot. Through my brown eyes

  30. Consider Las Vegas DP a participant in this theme day... although we caught on a little late.
    Thanks for all the great shots Eric!

  31. I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it that way.
