Are you ready for the big night? Are you going to celebrate in style? Do you have your champagne bottles ready to pop? Here in France it is the occasion to appreciate our finest delicacies : champagne, oysters and of course, foie gras which often times is laced with truffles. But did you know that truffles look like these before they're prepared...and I'm not referring to the price! Regardless of how you celebrate, may 2007 be a wonderful year for each of you.
I won't say the obvious about what it looks like, but i've never tried them so don't know the taste. Educate us please Eric.
ReplyDeleteYes i have bottles ready, though it will probably be fairly quiet. Perhaps too, a midnight walk. Crackers champagne and New Years' resolutions. Haven't thought of one yet. You have one Eric? I wish you a Happy New Year!
Truffles are just delicious! Tres bien!
ReplyDeleteYou have a WONDERFUL blog, and I simply LOVE your photos. Have a great new year. My partner and I are celebrating at our favorite French restaurant here in Seattle since we cannot be in France.
Fois gras and truffles are the most sensual and erotic tastes in the food world. What a wonderful way to see in the the new year!! I'm afraid here in the tropics - mangoes, pineapples, coconuts and gin and tonics are our fare this new year.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to all - lets hope 2007 finds the world a more peaceful place - (we can only hope!)
Happy New Year Eric and all that pass by to view your great pics.
Happy New Year to all.
ReplyDeleteI've got no plans, but will be glad to see 2006 over and done.
I love truffles. Sooooo much!
Happy New Year to all.
ReplyDeleteI've got no plans, but will be glad to see 2006 over and done.
I love truffles. Sooooo much!
Wow! It's 1350 Euros each kilogram?
ReplyDeleteQuite expensive. I guess I'll continue enjoying truffes in chocolates...
And that way I won't see how they look like either... LOL
I hope you have a nice New Year celebration in a very fancy parisian way.
Greetings from Chile.
Ah, Ric, you are making me hungry! I can only afford to experience truffles via oil flavored with it. . . Here in Seattle it will be cracked crab legs for us, and a quiet evening in. J.David, I'm wondering if you and your partner's fave French restaurant is the one in Belltown?? (Nice to "see" you here, and hope folks visit your blog). Wishing you, Eric, and all of the CDPers a lovely celebration and new year.
My best wishes to you Eric, to the people you love and to your readers for a happy and prosperous new year, full of health, good moments and great inspirations!!!
ReplyDeleteHronia Polla! (greek wishes for live long)
$1,350 per kilo? Damn, that's a lot of money! I have some chocolate truffles from Trader's Joe here (a French import, according to the box?) and they only cost $2.99.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, everybody! :)
Happy New Year Eric!
ReplyDeleteI've only had truffles "sprinkled" on a $15 omelette and I can't even remember how it tastes like. Must find a restaurant in NYC that serves truffles.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!!
Bonne année, bonne santé
ReplyDelete"Le temps passe, les années filent. Quand une nouvelle année commence, on se demande toujours si elle apportera la paix et le bonheur à chacun... Fermez les yeux et faites un voeu !"
Good year, good health
time passes, the years slip by. When a new year starts, one always wonders if it will bring peace and happiness to each one… Close the eyes and make a wish!
Happy new year ! with best wishes.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to Eric and all his ardent fans, including myself!!
ReplyDeleteTruffles are "rooted out" by cheap labor, pigs. That was the old way. I wonder if they have a new method now? What exactly are they, anyhow? A tuber? A fungus? I must find out. Hmmmm!
I'd like to know the taste. Haven't seen you in Cheltenham recently Johnny? Drop in for a New Year coffee with me! Happy New Year everyone.
ReplyDeleteJe te souhaite une tres bonne annee Eric. Fais nous decouvrir encore plus de jolies choses via PDP en 2007. Meilleurs voeux.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to all! Hope to enjoy lots of great and funny pictures here in 2007!!!
ReplyDeleteBonne anee!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Good luck in 2007, everyone. And don't do anything totally embarassing while partying tonight.
ReplyDeleteAs with every year since Owen was born I'm forcing Jeff to watch the Twilight Zone marathon on SciFi channel. Perhaps I'll let him watch something else occassionally if an episode comes on that I don't wanna watch. I'll play with Owen a lot. We'll put him down for bed at 9, then start the real party, just Jeff and I. Wont be much, as I'm not much of a drinker anymore, and Jeff never was. But it'll be fun. Hope everyone else has fun!
Yes I'm in tonight too Soosha, with one of my sons who has a rotten cold, just the two of us as my boyfriend is on call. We'll have some bubbly and crackers no doubt and there'll be a long romantic phone call at midnight. Ahh....
ReplyDeleteOooo..la la la!! All the delicacies!! White truffles shaved over Fettucine Alfredo is a favorite in Italian restaurants in San Francisco, and nothing makes me angrier than to think that a very small group was able to twist the arms of the California legislature to outlaw the sale and production of Foie-Gras here!! It doesn't go into effect for several years, but how can one small group control the dining choices of another?? Perhaps we should organize to outlaw Tofu and see how they like it!!?
ReplyDeleteSo while we can, we'll enjoy Oysters, Foie-Gras avec Truffe...and of course Champagne...the real thing from France, not the CA imposter!! LOL!! Have a wonderful Reveillon de Saint-Sylvestre et meilleurs voeux pour le Nouvel An. Bonne Année !
Damn. At that price, as my father used to say, those truffles would remain stuck in my throat.
ReplyDeleteAgenda for today: Lots of football - Steelers-Bengals at 1:00 p.m., Eagles-Falcons at 4:00 p.m., and Bears-Packers at 8:00 p.m.
And a quiet celebration involving a great meal and some champagne with my sweetheart.
I wish you, Eric, and all your readers, a very happy new year. May 2007 bring all of you its very best.
Happy New Year to everyone from Cedar Key.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be at the party at the Island Hotel....lots of champagne and seafood, but no truffles.
Bonne Année Eric, and thanks for a terrific year of seeing Paris through your lens!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year. Your photos have given me a lot of pleasure this year - thank you! I look forward to seeing more of them in 2007. Can't wait to see which one you pick as your best of the year for tomorrow's theme day.
ReplyDeleteI've just stumbled onto your blog. What a great idea!! Given that "a picture is worth 1000 words", I figure you must be doing about 1200 words a day.
ReplyDeleteI did notice that in this picture the truffles appear brown. I thought truffles were supposed to be black. Are these ones really brown (and how common is that?) or is it just a trick of the light?
Looking forward to more great photos in 2007. Have a great New Year.
ReplyDeleteNo black diamonds of Perigord for me either this evening, but I'm sure to have some bubbly!
ReplyDeleteWishing you and all the DoPers a Joyful 2007! See you next year!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2007 is a great year and I look forward to seeing more glimpses of all the cities represented on DP!
ReplyDeleteKP: Hadn't you heard? The "food police" are out in full force! Several years ago, a friend of mine said, "they are going after cigarettes, next it will be food!" And he was right! Unfortunately. Simultaneously, ironically, the FDA is about to put cloned meat into our food stores with no way to tell if which you are eating :0. No hydrogenated oils but the clone of a clone of a clone (with no pretesting for safety) is alright. big business wins as always. Wait! In 8 hours it will be the New Year....I need to stow my cynicism (at least for a day ;)...)
I'm wondering what sparkling fest of all parties Eric is attending this evening. Which organisation/group of friends is graced with the presence of Lord Eric Tenin, D.P., of Paris? Who knows? Wherever it is, you can bet it will be where the A-list glitterati are too! Enjoy, Eric. Take a pic for us, won't you.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Eric. You have a very exciting year ahead, enjoy the ride. Your pictures are wonderful. Keep up the good work.
But can truffles buy peace on earth?
ReplyDelete(That's a lot of euros for something that looks like a t*rd.)
Happy New Year!
BONNE ANNEE to Eric and all of the other daily photo bloggers. Not sure what you'll be doing, but be sure to make it fun.
ReplyDeleteIn my house growing up there were two traditions for New Year's day...
We said whatever you do on New Year's day is what you'll spend all of your time doing the rest of the year. So, important to not be doing laundry, paying bills, etc.
The other thing is that we only ate things that "nose ahead" or move forward. Such as fish or pork, whereas things that "scratch backward" were forbidden...chicken, turkey, beef.
May your 2007 be terrific everyone!
Looks like an expensive load of crap if you ask me...
ReplyDeleteSorry, everyone was talking around the subject basically *lol*
I wonder why there's a teddy bear sitting there? You don't think....
A friend of mine is the sous-chef at Chambar in Vancouver; he and the head chef recently went to another Vancouver restaurant, Lumiere, where after twelve courses the chef (Rob Feenie) brought them A POUND of foie gras.
ReplyDeleteThey - of course - couldn't eat it all; the foie gras was divided among the wait staff.
Ooops... that's where I meant to post this: "Welcome back, Michael..." :)
ReplyDeleteyahoo personals .com
ReplyDeletelove your blog
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing
relax cure play