On the Champs Elysées (n° 79) there is a superb Toyota show room which was designed by the famous French designer ora-ïto. Tonight they had a special opening to promote a new concept car. I did not really buy the new decor they used for the occasion, but I fell for these electric Christmas trees that gave a joyful seasonal atmosphere to the party! Today is Saturday and it's time for me to go Christmas shopping...
No way, you actually go Xmas shopping in person? A computer geek like you ought to do it all online, no?! ;)
ReplyDeleteWell, don't forget your camera when you go out :-)
PS. I'm having a really hard time visualizing what the trees really look like because there is nothing to really compare them with, but it's good to see you get around to seeing so many different kinds of events. It really gives this blog a lot of energy! :-)
Yes, I remember the Toyota showroom - very cool, indeed.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of cool, the tree family looks like ice carvings on Titan...
Happy shopping!
It's a little family!
ReplyDeleteet bien bonne course de noel...
ReplyDeleteNext to Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" (*), one of the most touching Christmas stories must surely be Hans Christian Anderson's "The Fir Tree" (**).
ReplyDelete(*) http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au
(**) http://hca.gilead.org.il/fir_tree.html
BTW, how large are these trees, Eric?
ora-ito is an amazingly talented young designed. He started his carrier by creating new designs for renowned brand such as Swatch and Apple, without asking their permission! The success was such that the companies didn't sue him but hired him instead! If you are interested, you must read the following article.
ReplyDeletemerci Eric! merci Igor!
ReplyDeleteI can't get a true feeling of size and perspective. They look like cookie cutter trees made of rice paper with light bulbs within.
ReplyDeleteEric, please let us know if you find some outstanding items when you go Christmas shopping.
ReplyDeletethe electric Christmas trees....sometimes they look like some cute shape peopel...:))
and anyway, saturday i did lots of housework.
shanghai daily photo
That's very original- totally modern without really losing any charm. Great shot!
ReplyDeletevery nice, they are like some glowing blocks of ice sculptures!
ReplyDeleteMinimalist and festive - i like it.
ReplyDeleteOh I forgot to mention, it's post #300 for HKDP today :-)
ReplyDeleteTruly a "white Christmas" --For all those Francophiles on the list, go to CNN Travel Section today for a fun read on Paris breads.
ReplyDeleteI like the trees. They are very "artsy"
ReplyDeleteI can't decide if I like them or not, it would really depend on their size, I guess. Perhaps they are too minimalist for my tastes. I'm not sure. i think I'm leaning towards liking them, though.
ReplyDeletelouis, I ot half way through your post and was like "Hmm, I've never read "The Fir Treet" before, I should go check it out" and I was about to open a new tab to go to my favorite ebook store when I noticed you provided links. Thanks! Guess I should have paid attention a little better, huh?
Happy shopping Eric! So glad I got mine done ages ago!
These trees seem especially compelling in B&W - well done! I love your blog and I love that you speak so personably about the subject of each image. I think you accomplish what I see as an ideal daily photo blog - you photograph what captivates you in your own town and tell your reactions to the scene. Superb!
ReplyDeleteI can't decide if I like them or not too. Trees are supposed to be green. Christmas trees are supposed to be green with lights. :-)
ReplyDeleteI found this
on the Toyota Paris salon. It explains a little bit what's going on there. Totally a place I would check out!
(by the way, what's wrong with Blogger, this morning? Impossible to comment!! Arrrrghghgh!!)
You're welcome, soosha_q. There are several translations of this classic tale available free on-line: this is one of the better ones. Actually, I read this story for the first time just a few years ago and it had much the same effect on me as 'The Velveteen Rabbit' did when I was kid. I guess part of me is (and always will be) a sucker for sad, sentimental stories; which is why - like millions of others - I re-watch Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life' every Christmas. I may be an atheist, but I'm not entirely without religion!
ReplyDeleteTomate you're right I should do my Christmas shopping on line but I like to see things before I buy them. I must be too old...
ReplyDeleteThe trees are the size of a man, roughly.
Isabella, funny you remember the Toyota showroom I would have thought nobody would know of it!
You bet Johnny I will let you know if I find something outstanding! I tell you what, I found something outstanding today and it was in my mailbox... A Christmas card from.... Tada... Johnny Parsons in person! How sweet of you, thank you so much.
Lisi, I saw that?! Went there... Congrats!
Soosha "Happy shopping Eric! So glad I got mine done ages ago! " Yes, you're damn right!!
Phlegmfatale (Gee what a complicated name!). Well, Thanks a million, that is really a nice compliment. Please feel free to come back any time ;)
Come on Ovelikios, don't be so conservative!!
Louis, I'm thinking I should organize a dinner party with you and Haxo - I would spend the evening learning so many interesting things. It's a daily pleasure to have you as my commenters (just like everybody of course, don't get me wrong!)
When posting comments to this blog, I always feel like I am a guest in your house, and have never once felt unwelcome. To be having a meal and a glass of wine with you and any (or, even better, all) of my fellow contributors, while exchanging ideas and stories, would simply be icing on the cake. Even if it never happens, I am thrilled to have been a part of the PDP experience. I am also glad to learn that I have made a small contribution to what is obviously an infectious (one need only look at the list of Daily Photo cities) and addictive (one need only look at the number of regulars you have enlisted) concept.
ReplyDeleteAw Soosha...don't you remember size does NOT matter? These could be a foot high and they'd be oh so sweeet, LOL! ;-)
ReplyDeleteA dinner party with Eric - what could be better, said she, angling for an invitation too.
ReplyDeleteI like clean lines and these trees are simply lovely. In my home, however, i would not replace the real green, pine-smelling christmas tree which i always have, nostalgic of childhood days. Traditional and cosy but i really do like the white ones too.
Hmm so we ladies are discussing size are we? Well..! My input would be that the length of the tree is unimportant, moreso is how it is placed and how effectively and imaginatively used the thing is. lol...
And Lynn--no one's reading this far down are they? Course NOT!--and might we venture into tree adornment? What kind of balls do you like on your tree? Blue and purple are my favorite colours at the moment...and little ones are so cute! You can put a LOT of them all over the tree! ;-) I do believe I'm getting myself into the holiday spirit! Time for a stiff Sunday drink!
ReplyDeletelol no i think it's just us here now! I often go back down to look. Well! I have collected special balls for the tree over many years so i use those and buy a new one each year. My favourite though are diamond-like, glass-crystal, transparent pretty ones! More about christmas and trees ( a whole questionnaire you will love) at Dive's blog, but again you may have to go back a few days. Here it is (i don't know how to link on here) - www.smallglassplanet.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteAt Hyde Daily Photo today (12th Dec) I've just posted a picture of a Christmas Tree and have included a link to your tree picture.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas.
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