Sorry! Today is a city daily photo theme day and the theme is... "Something that really annoys you in your city". There are not many things that annoy me in my beloved city except for the little gifts left by Parisian dogs on the sidewalks. Let's be fair, things have improved a lot over the last years and more and more masters pick up their dog's poop, but there is still a long way to go...
52 Daily Photo sites are participating in the 1st February theme "What really annoys you in your city", please use the links to below to visit them. (Due to time zone differences and other factors, the theme photo may not be displayed until later if you are viewing early in the day.)
Porto (Portugal), -Stayton, OR (USA), -Albuquerque, NM (USA), -Tenerife (Spain), -Greenville, SC (USA), -Dubai (U.A.E.), -Evry (France), -Jakarta (Indonesia), -London (UK), -Sequim, WA (USA), -Buenos Aires, (Argentina), -Seattle, WA (USA), -Minneapolis, MN (USA), -Stavanger (Norway), -Joplin , MO (USA), -Nelson, (New Zealand), -Milano, (Italy), -Singapore by KeropokMan (Singapore), -La Antigua (Guatemala), -Nottingham (UK), -Singapore by Zannnie (Singapore), -Budapest (Hungary), -Not Strictly Seattle, WA (USA) -Bandung (Indonesia), -Vantaa (Finland), -Hyde (UK), -Madrid by Dsole (Spain), -Oulu (Finland), -Saarbrücken (Germany), -St. Paul [Carol] (USA), -Sydney by Sally (Australia), -Tokyo (Japan), -Kyoto (Japan), -Trujillo (Peru), -Shanghai (China), -Rotterdam (NL), -Chicago, IL (USA), -Nice, (France), -Naples, Florida (USA), -Hong Kong, -Santa Clara, CA (USA), -Quito, (Ecuador), -Cottage Grove, MN (USA), -Paris (France), -Manila (Philippines), -Brussels (Belgium), -Auckland (New Zealand), -Newcastle upon Tyne(England), -Houston, TX (USA), -Sydney by Nathalie (Australia), -Mumbai (India), -Anderson, SC (USA)
ben pourtant Jacques Chirac avait demandé qu'il n'y en n'ai plus...
ReplyDeletecrac crac a bas les crottes de caniches...
I think this blog has reached a new low. I would have loved to have seen you down on the ground shooting this one Eric! People must have thought you were crazy!!!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, good choice for your city daily photo blog community's theme day!
This certainly looks quite cheerful. It just forces your eyes open when open the blog hoping to see something cheerful and memorable about Paris.
ReplyDeleteMichael that is a good play on words. Hope you can answer my question from yesterday's comment.
I answered your question below. But think you were "anonymous" before.
ReplyDeleteBeurk! This is certainly a real annoyance in my hometown, a suburb of Lille. I once postulated that if dog s**t were gold, my hometown would be Eldorado. Don't they have an ordinance in Paris that requires that people pick up their toutous' doodoo?
ReplyDeleteOk, I thought this shot was bad, but you wouldn't believe what's out there on the web! If one photo isn't enough, here's a whole gallery!
ReplyDeleteMichael this is absolutely revolting! And the guy (it has to be a man!) who had this site idea is sick!!
ReplyDeleteEric, What to my wondering eye did appear but a pile of , I can't say it. You certainly know how to make a strong visual statement. I can't understand the Parisians that allow their dogs to do this. I just saw a film called "Global Trekker, Paris". It was a good travelogue I got from Netflix. It spend too much footage pointing out this particular annoyance found on the sidewalks of my favorite city, Paris. New York city had the same problem but strict laws and enforcement improved the sidewalks. However, the problem still exists though not as it was. The film pointed out that many people, natives and tourists, get bad injuries from falls caused by "it". A larger number of cases than one would believe happen everyday. I am glad you had the guts to point this out. If the newspapers and TV would make a crusade against this, maybe a good result would come of it. It usually catches me "off guard" and that's the truth.
ReplyDeleteSuperbe! excellente idée. merci de manière général pour tenir ces thèmes et les alimenter régulièrement. Bonne continuation.
ReplyDeleteAll right! I would like to know if Eric eventually picked it up and to the garbage took it, or did he leave it in its place where someone might trip on it and as Johnnyparsons said did He allow for "natives and tourists, get bad injuries from falls caused by it."
ReplyDeleteI truly cannot see this again so I will visit Lynn's page hopefully there is a friendlier picture.
Scatologique ! Tout comme Michael, j'aurais bien aimé voir la réaction des passants lors de la prise de vue. Nous avons tout de même échappé aux déjections des chevaux de la garde républicaine ...
ReplyDeleteROFL!!! Too funny! Yeah, that's Pa-ree too! Definitely not a cliche photo of the City of Lights, this one, but still a good one, lol! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is great! :-) Not that I see much of this in CH as people are shockingly good about picking up after their dogs, even in the woods. Amazing how low my tolerance level to finding such "gifts" has become since I moved here.
ReplyDeletedog poop in paris is actually quite renowned...stephen clarke's books 'a year in the merde' and 'in the merde for love' are a literary nod to the little chocolate kisses found on parisian streets.
ReplyDeleteand, not to try to top michael's reference, but i actually saw a program on tv (ok, i did watch it), about a woman here in the states that ahem, manufactures and sells the stuff in plastic packages...in different sizes and specialties, for um, that special surprise occasion.
sorry, i have no link to share :)
Thanks for the link Michael. How do spell "trawmatized"?
ReplyDeleteNo internet where i'm staying in Mazatlan, which has been a real Mexican experience. Mi casa turned out to me a house of horrors. In a new apt. will tell all when I return. taking lots of pics but nowhere to post them as of yet. Mexico has the same issue. Mind your step!! Kate, in Mexico but from St. Paul
ReplyDeleteNo internet where i'm staying in Mazatlan, which has been a real Mexican experience. Mi casa turned out to me a house of horrors. In a new apt. will tell all when I return. taking lots of pics but nowhere to post them as of yet. Mexico has the same issue. Mind your step!! Kate, in Mexico but from St. Paul
ReplyDeleteLOL ! I could not believe my eyes as this downloaded i'm still giggling. It's just about the only thing i dislike about Paris ! I do remember it, as i mentioned the other day, so it amuses me that you should cite this as your most annoying. Why is it, do you think? Here in the UK you are fined if you do not pick it up. Picking it up, too, seems revolting to me almost to the point that i would choose not to have a dog (i don't) ! It also made me laugh at your well-timed 'sorry', being the first thing your eye goes to after the initial shock. Nice choice, Eric !!!
ReplyDeleteLOL at Michael's "I think this blog has reached a new low." hahahahaha really made me chuckle, Michael. So deadpan.
ReplyDeletegross! i like the social commentary this picture makes though.
ReplyDeleteWell, Clo. it's not much at my blog but i think anyone could improve on the 'pleasant' stakes from this!
ReplyDeleteMichael i just cannot go to that gallery. I can't. Please don't make me. LOL.
But did you pick it up after you took the photo Eric? LOL
ReplyDeleteForgive me for utilizing the famous "mot de Cambronne" - Merde!
ReplyDeleteFunny, but valid complaint, Eric!
yirrk! ..Hey Eric, I read in the papers that today (thursday) la tour Eiffel will turm off its lights for 5 minutes, from 7:55pm to 8pm in an alert for the global warming. It says that its lightning corresponds to 9% of the 7 megawatts spent by the tower per hour. You could register this manifestation and show us then. Any global warming alert is valid and it seems this week the Greenpeace has been shakings things up in Paris. Is that correct?
ReplyDeleteCould almost be a chocolate truffle couldn't it? You know, with the icing sugar dusted on it as it is? Ugh, i thought that might be funny but now i've just made myself feel sick again.
ReplyDeleteToo bad Eric you could have entered it in the Festival de Romans as a great picture.
ReplyDeleteMichael your link was even worse.
Well time to go home and have a nice talk with my son as to why we should not have a dog...
Eric, you must have had quite a laugh imagining the looks on your readers' faces upon opening PDP today!!!! I hope you do not plan to repeat the imagery, or you may have to rename your blog "Paris Daily Poo" ;-)) But seriously, it is a big problem here in Miami as well. Even though a witness is willing to report the offense, the police say they must catch the "offender" in action in order to issue the master a citation. One of my neighbors has recently been distributing pictures of masters in order to shame them into picking after their "poo - ches"....
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought my today's post on my blog was gross and oafish...
ReplyDeleteWell Monsignore, you've surpassed me!
Le Jury du Festival de Romans appreciera ;-)
i checked the Paris blog every morning if i have time when i arrive the office.
thats what i did when i saw the photo for the Theme day.
and once I knew from TV programmes that there are the specail patrols in Paris to keep watch on those masters who dont pick up the dog poop. Am I right??Eric...
In shanghai, lots of masters are nice to pick up the poop.some are not....
Belle crotte! LOL! It could be waaaay worse... :~)
ReplyDeleteGood theme.
ReplyDeletePity I can't participate in this theme day. I won't be in Santiago this 01 february. I'll try to show you what annoys me in Santiago on friday.
Greetings from Chile
HAHA! Eric, only you can make poop look so good. Great photo!!
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you. Yes that is really annoying. I once stepped on it...yuck! by the way, it seems from today i am also a member of daily photo blog. And I am also in Paris :)
ReplyDeleteWhen we were in Paris last April, I'm so happy to say I did not see any of this stuff. And I was looking out! What did surprise me was how many veterinarians there were in Paris.
ReplyDeleteThey're always telling us how crazy the British are about dogs...
Scatologique!! Too funny Eric!!! LMAO!! Well, at least it is a dry one!! It's those messy, wet ones you encounter in the dark that are dangerous!! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOSH! I suppose I'm not the only one who's mouth fell open (then rapidly shut) when seeing this appear.
ReplyDelete"Something that really annoys you in your city" is a wonderful choice for your community's theme day and although I have never been to Paris, this seems appropriate. You don't have to have visited Paris to know this is one of the stereotypes.
Ever the eternal optimist, I thought perhaps someone had dropped a new style whole wheat baguette onto the ground, mais non... Eric, I would love to have a picture of you taking a picture of the poo...
ReplyDeleteI can't say I ever expected to see that on a photo blog....
ReplyDeleteI smiled and laughed, which I hope was your intent?
yiiiik :-(
ReplyDeleteglad we see less of those
what does annoy me a lot in my beloved Paris is the incredible amount of chewing gums stuck on the sidewalks.
Alas, it's only on the Champs-Elysées that the street cleaners remove them. I don't happen to live in such a place . My street has been entirely redone recently and is already all white spotted.
Ahhh.. the good ol' crottoir!
ReplyDelete? why did you say that?
ReplyDeleteOh, juste après le petit-déjeuner, elle me retourne le ventre cette photo, beurkk ;-) Je croise de plus en plus de propriétaires de chiens avec un sac plastique à la main, prêts à récupérer ce que Brutus a laissé sur le trottoir... Il faut croire que tous ne le font pas encore...
ReplyDeleteLOL!! I can smell it from here ;^) . Now I'm trying to imagine you taking this photo. I'm betting you placed the camera on the ground and activated the shutter via cable. Non?
No, no i reckon Eric got right down there in true professional style, within sniffing and throwing up distance, lingering even whilst he obtained the right levels of aperture, light suitable to shooting a pile of doggy-doo. Ugh. I salute you Eric, you are truly shit-hot at this!
ReplyDeleteIgor: How, exactly? I'm curious.
Metaphysicalmama: How i laughed at your mouth opening, then rapidly shutting. Me too.
I see no-one has been brave enough to comment on my likening it to a chocolate truffle? oops now i'm retching again at my own joke. Ugh..have to... go now !
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ReplyDeleteLa crotte de chien, bien sur, on aurait du s'en douter!
ReplyDeleteAhahah excellent, je me suis bien marree 5 minutes avant de lire le reste du posting. Bien choisi Eric!
ReplyDeleteAlthough i'm not showing on the list (i was too late - eek!), i am participating in Theme Day.
ReplyDeleteJust had a look around the world, that took some time, i'm exhausted; poo!
sorry couldn't resist.
On sentirait presque le doux fumet de cette magnifique crotte !
ReplyDeleteOh my God... How could you even take this picture ????? I hope you use your the zoom of your camera ;-))))
ReplyDeleteBut, already 50 comments and it's just 1pm, congratulations !!!!!
but... you should warn people when you publish that kind of picture ! I'm glad I didn't have time to check your blog this morning when I arrived at work ;-))))))
ReplyDeletethe picture and the blog are shit and the comments are full of crap.
ReplyDeleted'accord avec toi, Paris devrait prendre exemple sur des villes comme NYC. a NYC on se promene la tete en l'air, a Paris on se promene en se demandant ou on va pouvoir laver ces chaussures
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing that a piece of crap gets people so excited. God save us.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Only you Eric could possibly turn out a photo of dog poop that is stunning and, I too harbour mental images of you getting down to sniffing distance to take it. Was anybody watching in amazement / disgust / shock? :)
ReplyDeleteEric you just have to tell us the methods you employed to take this, now. Too many people are asking for it. he he your readers demand it. You poor devil you.
ReplyDeleteNice turd...may I have a glass of milk please? ;)
ReplyDeleteit did cross my mind as brussels is notorious for ... well we all know :)
ReplyDeletebut then again mix that with all the rain - yiiiiiiiiiiiiiik indeed!
great untapped photography source.
OK, OK...
ReplyDeleteI simply went down the street near my office (I knew what I was looking for!)
I looked around and saw a couple of good "subjects".
Then I knewled down and started shooting. I did not use the zoom (I swear I did not!).
Yes people around me were totally amazed, but I am used to it. It was rather funny, especially when I made it obvious to a car driver that I was waiting for him to leave so that I would have more space to take my photo!
Eeuwwwww! I KNEW you'd have got down and dirty Eric i just knew it. I'm so glad you said knelt down and didn't say you crouched down. All sorts of shit would have come into my mind. Merde! What an assignment.
ReplyDeleteEven though Parisians have been spared some smoke entering their nostrils today (it's a non-smoking day in public places today there) they must be walking out of the elegant restaurants straight into a waft of pavement-perfume, as shown in your shot.
"I simply went down the street near my office (I knew what I was looking for!)"
ReplyDelete...hehe, that's a first! Hilarious...nice capture of the poop though.
Eric, Can't you delete Anonymous blog comments? He or it advertises and makes negative remarks. Why visit PDP if he doesn't like it?
ReplyDeleteEric, Can't you delete Anonymous blog comments? He or it advertises and makes negative remarks. Why visit PDP if he doesn't like it?
ReplyDeletehmmm i wonder which brand of dog food it is that produced this pile of *beep*.
ReplyDeleteparisian dogs eat gourmet dog food too?
This is one of the few post for which I know the French word to use when commenting. However, I think I will pass on showing the depth of my French.
ReplyDeleteEWWWW! Just...ew! Would have been great to see eric taking that photo, though! Can't type anymore...keyboard totally gone to sh*t (sorry, had to) and on screen keyboard is sooo tedious!
ReplyDeleteI am still waiting for an answer from Eric. Did he pick it up and dump it in the garbage or did he just leave it lying in its place?
ReplyDeleteclo. He's sidestepped that one, quite wisely. Doesn't want to drop himself in it. Seriously, though, clo, you can't expect someone to pick up yukky poo belonging to some dog other than your own, surely? Too much to arse - sorry, ask.
ReplyDeleteClo. Sorry, I'm still in the office so I did not have the time to see all the comments yet.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'll be honest: I left it right were it was!
How romantic!
ReplyDeleteSorry for this, guys, but as an obnoxiously HUGE Harry Potter fan I must:
ReplyDeleteDeathly Hallows. The last book. July 21st.
*stops to take deep breaths*
*hyperventilates anyway*
Mon petit Eric ce n'est pas aussi genant donc.
ReplyDeleteMerde! What annoys me about my city?
ReplyDeleteCan I fit that many people in a photograph?
Oh, wow. As I was opening your blog and came upon this post, I was eating swedish meatballs for lunch. Talk about bad timing! :-)
ReplyDeleteOne more hideous question that my morbid fascination forces me to ask Eric:
ReplyDeleteYou said,
I looked around and saw a couple of good "subjects".
What exactly constitutes a good subject, Eric, pray tell? Ugh... i can hardly wait.
Très très bon choix... what annoys me most in Nantes is exactly the same as you in Paris.
ReplyDeleteFrench tradition ?
Perspective impressionante! :-)
ReplyDeleteisland brač pictures www.otokbrac.net
ReplyDeletelynn, the couple of other "good subjects" were as follows"
ReplyDelete-A pile vaguely resembling the Easter Island statues that eric carefully scooped up, bagged, and put in his freezer to sell on eBay later.
-A large log with colorful chunks of crayon sprinkled throughout (dogs love crayons).
-One that,oddly enough, spelled out "PDP." Talented pup!
Oh my. Well, I'd pay big bucks to see this shot being made, Eric. I laughed so hard when I read your line about the man in the car. . .still laughing. Well, it's all for art and reportage.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of big bucks, this is one shot you really could shop around to travel guide books (like Rick Steves' company) who mention dog deposits as a major slip hazard. Thanks for this fun shot and the laugh,
Oh Eric, you win the BIG PRIZE for the most disgusting photo for the day.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of BIG PRIZE, good luck at the Romans festival this weekend Eric. When will you know if you won the photo category? Is someone going to take your photo for your blog?
ReplyDeleteThanks Michael. The results will be announced on Saturday night French time I think. I will keep you'll posted but for the time being I must go packing for my train is at 6 am tomorrow morning and it's almost midnight!
ReplyDeleteLove you all!
Yeah, you are right. It's annoys me as well even picture.
ReplyDeleteI sense you really enjoyed do-doing that to me didn't you Soosh. Ugh. I'm surprised you didn't include the very arty and much appreciated kerb-twist. I feel decidedly pukey now, well and truly. I don't want another dog. Unless i don't have to take him out.
ReplyDeleteI once went out on a date to a wedding. Coming home at 3 in the morning (my parents were away - no we were just friends. Honestly! - kicked off my heels and went upstairs, straight into a pile of that, left kindly by my mother's dog. As i was barefoot, i can still feel it squidging up between my toes. Still, we were so drunk we laughed our heads off as my date showered me down (no, just my feet). You remember that, Big Phil, wherever you are? (don't ask).
We love you too Eric!
ReplyDeleteuuf.. that's a really close photo!! :S
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice, lynn!
ReplyDeleteLynn said, "You remember that, Big Phil, wherever you are? (don't ask).
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm going to ask....Big Phil???
LOL you picked the one thing that would probably top the poll of paris's 42 million (or whatever it is) anual visitors as well! But as you say, it is far far better than it once was. :-)
ReplyDeletelol Michael! I was just teasing. Yes, Big Phil is how he was known, but i've no idea if it's how you imagine he he. He was just a very big man. lol.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Eric! I am rooting for you.
ReplyDeleteI knew a Big Dick once (seriously, no joke here!). He hated being called that. I dunno why, the ladies were oddly attracted to him...
ReplyDeleteI worked with a guy called "Big Dick". He loved it. According to the women in the office, he fit his name well. He could have sued for harassment with the bevy of females pestering him, but he didn't. I won't go into details but I witnessed some really wild episodes in the offices and near the water cooler.
ReplyDeleteJohnnyparsons said, "I worked with a guy called "Big Dick"... I witnessed some really wild episodes in the offices and near the water cooler.
ReplyDeleteThis is going too far!
Too far is exactly what I thought but then who am I to judge. They didn't go all the way.....things transpired in the best of spirits. LOL Especially at the Christmas Office party.
ReplyDeleteI had to dare coming back to see this photo and seriously eric, you make it look good (if that's possible).
ReplyDeleteI saw this on the day and didn't comment, but just now a few days later note it has 100 comments [is THAT a record] so making it 101 and saying congratulations on your 2nd prize in the awards.
I agree. Walking the streets of Paris can be tricky, especially at night when the poop is not as visible. I was looking for some specific dog breed gifts but decided on a pooper scooper for a friend of mine - a crazy gift, I know
ReplyDeleteI am not sure anyone could top this photo!!!
ReplyDeleteNunca pensé que me encontraría al espurio dizque presidente de México en este blog.
ReplyDeletefelipe el breve calderón no es mi presidente.
Viva Andrés Manuel López Obrador