I took this photo on a market near my home. Why on earth would these boxes bear the name Mon Chéri (My darling) I have no idea! What a weird brand name for fruits or vegetables. Anyway I thought this was more than appropriate for a Valentine's day eve... Bonne journée mes chéris!
bonne journée a toi aussi ma caille...
ReplyDeletemais il y a aussi les cagettes le gamin...
Ils doivent être les cerises d'Espagne. N'oubliez pas d'acheter des fleurs pour votre chère fille.
ReplyDeleteVery cute! maybe it was a box of cherry. then 'cerise' becomes 'cherry' that becomes 'chéri'! voilá!
ReplyDeleteEric, what a wonderul eye you have for a photo-opportunity!
ReplyDeleteAh well spotted Eric! Your romantic eye is out and about...
ReplyDeleteWell i suppose the marketing ploy worked quite well since we are all noticing it.
Mon Cheri, i've always thought, is such a romantic sounding address. The words, the accent, oh Mmmmm.... i'm off now, sorry.... oh you've done it now Eric!
Oh, Eric, I had no idea you felt that way about us ;-)))
ReplyDeleteIs it Valentine day already in France? It's not until Wednesday, here.
ReplyDeleteGood catch, though :)
Mon Cheri is perfectly timed for Valentine's Day!
ReplyDeleteWhoa there tiger ....
ReplyDeleteEn Australie, il y a les chocolats qui s'appelle 'mon cheri'. Consequently, all the blokes in Australia refer to their girlfriends as 'mon cheri'. Oh dear - I'm almost as exasperated as Dive. AND (for dearest Lynn, who won't start a sentence with and or but, but will start one with because) they don't like it when you correct them. BECAUSE they are very self-important types. BUT I forgive them because they know not what they do. (How'm I doin' Dive? - Just caught up with your Sunday blog and as for Estuary English - that one had me LingOL - just as well you were refering to language and not nationality! Wonderful, wonderful.)
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Mon Cheri is taking me out for dinner, drinks and dancing (sorry about the alliteration. AND we don't need Viagra in Adelaide. Oops
Tomate, I believe Eric said Happy Valentine's Eve...so yes, to confirm, it is still the 13th here. One more day to get ready!
ReplyDeleteMme benault said, "AND we don't need Viagra in Adelaide."
ReplyDeleteThat may be WTMI (way too much information)... ;-)
LOL M-B & Michael! Cute shot Eric...I vote that it was full of cherries too! ;) AND hmmmmmmmmmm...sounds like a good cocktail...Viagra and cherries! ;)
ReplyDeleteGood gravy, I'm not sure I want to follow up on Ame's post. . . :-)
ReplyDeleteEric, in California there is a grower of mandarin oranges whose grove I often used to pass on road trips. They are marketed by the brand name of "Cuties." They are amazingly sweet and a real treat. It's nice to know that French produce growers also have clever names for their "dear" fruits and veggies brought to market! This is a fun photo.
Love your blog!
Hi Eric.
ReplyDeleteMon Chéri is the brand for clementines. They're very sweet and juicy.
Cheri, cherries.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a very appropriate name! And indeed well chosen this time of year. Makes me wonder, what we'll see tomorrow!
Mais nous aussi on t'adore ma Biche !
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, Eric, what are your plans for la Saint Valentin ?
lol Mme. I won't start a sentence with Because either and if i have, it's a gross error on my part or pure laziness. The very thought makes me fidget.
ReplyDeleteSt. V. is a great day, yours sounds delightful, Mme. Enjoy it. Mine will be spent alone (ahh, thanks) but we'll be doing something at the weekend if the flu departs. Either a meal out or i shall cook one at home, they will be cards, probably chocolates, don't know what else yet. Not sure what to buy him... hmmm....?
What are your plans, both Eric and Michael, may we enquire? We don't need viagra details, just an outline of how you spend this romantic day in the calendar.
there will be not they will be. Goodness i'm covered in errors currently.
ReplyDeleteAme said: "sounds like a good cocktail...Viagra and cherries!"
ReplyDeleteEric lately it seems no matter what you post, this blog always leads to the same juicy subject... is it the proximity of Saint Valentine, I wonder?! :-)
Great, and very timely subject for this photo! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! It is supposed to snow all day and all night here in Western PA (we're expecting one foot of snow, which is nothing in comparison with what upstate New York has seen lately!). Hopefully, my sweetheart will be able to trudge through the snow for our Valentine's evening.
ReplyDeleteI can think of worse names for fruits. Anything involving rotting, for instance!
ReplyDeleteThe 14th is my anniversary. Not wedding, that's so cliché! No, Jeff and I actually first met on Valentine's Day, so for us it's a bit more then a Hallmark Holiday!
The stack is fun. Red print on white background, tres valentine, N'est pas?
ReplyDeleteI've started to pack for the whirlwind trip to Paris. The excitement is overwhelming. We had the traditional thanksgiving turkey dinner yesterday to celebrate St. Valentine's Day with the whole family. We do strange things in Kentucky, huh? I just read Adrian's message about the popularity of black to Frenchmen. One more proof that I have the French gene...I love to wear black...the more the better.
Oh NO Eric!!! If we have EMPTY fruit boxes on the day before St Valentine's...that doesn't mean we'll have Empty Chocolate boxes tomorrow...does it??? ;-) LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay...let's see...can you stop by...
Patrick Roger
108, Boulevard St. Germain (6th) or perhaps....Le Furet Tanrade
63, rue de Chabrol (10th)..or even La Maison du Chocolat will do!! Hope you have a very Sweet[Chocolate]..V day demain!!
It's just me Monica--I take partial blame (right Lynn?!)--and my warped sense of humor...poor Eric...he's really trying to ignore me...rightly so...he doesn't need the PDP pot stirred any more than it's already BEEN stirred! LOL! ;)
ReplyDeleteBECAUSE it's SO close to V-Day I can say this...LOVE YA ERIC! ;) <3<3<3
Lynn, for V-day I'm off to St. Moritz for a few days. Unfortunately, it's work.
ReplyDeleteOhh that read just so well, Michael! Until... you mentioned the W word! Shame. Oh well try and pop in here and we'll commiserate with each other then. lol.
ReplyDeleteNo Ame, I am not trying to ignore you LOL. How could I anyway?!
ReplyDeleteTada, it's close to midnight in Paris...
Since it's been snowing all day in Philadelphia, I hotfooted it to Center City to spend the night and will have Valentine's lunch tomorrow with he-who-thinks-I'm-swell. Wouldn't want to have been trapped at home. I live in the most hilly section of the city. The highest point in the city is on the corner of the street where I live. That's why our place is called Summit Park.
ReplyDeleteujimamHappy Valentine's Day to everyone!
It's the name of a famous chocolate candy(with liquor in it)