Monday, May 14, 2007

TGV upon Seine!

You must be fed up with my posts on the TGV but I could not really miss what they did with it today... They're so proud of it that they put it on a barge and took it through Paris on the Seine for 2 hours! Around 5:30 they ended up docking the barge near the Eiffel Tower for all the tourists to see it - it'll stay there at least another 2 weeks or so. I took a photo of it but I don't like it, so instead I used one of the postcards they gave the passers by.


  1. Thanks for the hint Eric - I'll certainly be popping over there to see such a weird sight! I see what you mean about the other photo - it's too crowded and your postcard photo is better. What crazy thing will you Frenchies think of doing next - a TGV on the Seine, I ask you!!!

  2. How exciting! I see nothing wrong with your rejected photo, though i do prefer the sticky-out postcard lol. Can you go inside the TGV or not?

  3. Thanks for the information, Eric !
    oh well, i prefer the postcard too ;)

  4. Oh man, I'm so mad I missed seeing this today! Thanks for the tip though, I am for sure going to head over and check it out by the Eiffel Tower!

    I love this blog, by the way – check it every day!

  5. Well, they have every reason to be proud! That would be interesting to go inside the TGV.

  6. Oh, wow! A TGV floating on a barge through Paris, now that's definitely worth the trip!

    Euh.. complaining about seeing too much TGV would be like complaining about seeing too much of the Eiffel Tower, no? Don't worry and keep posting. We love it!

    Now, what was the name of that company again, Asltroom, or something? ;)

  7. I will be catching a train to Paris in 2 weeks or so, hope it is the TGV!

  8. I have been on the TGV and it is indeed one of the fastest trains in the world. My trip from Paris from Marseilles took only a few hours.

    But I love most about European train systems are that they are almost always on time.

  9. I love seeing/hearing about what is happening in Paris right now, so that I can pretend that I'm actually there, hee hee.

  10. I rode the TGV from Cannes to Paris. It doesn't get really fast until after Marseilles, but then: it is so fast it's scary at first. It takes some getting used to. A tip: don't watch things going past the window close to the train: it will give you vertigo and make your head swim. Look out into the distance, and you still will understand speed because even distant views are gone fast. Really quite an experience. Loved it. Now, floating a train on the Seine is a fabulous idea.

    Yes, it was Mother's Day today in the U.S. God only knows how she put up with me without killing me over the years of my youth... Thanks, mom. (We went to the museum today and looked at the Impressionists.)

  11. oh ben j'suis vach'ment déçu là ! Moi qui me réjouissais de voir une belle photo du TGV flottant devant la Seine !… mais bon, n'est-ce pas la preuve de l'incontestable réussite de PDP que, de susciter -exceptionnellement- un peu de déception ? ;o))

  12. Ben voui Nasty GG, j'ai travaillé toute la journée et du coup j'ai un peu loupé le TGV en flottaison...

  13. I like the way you solved the "I don't like it" would be post. I like the modern trains in Japan. Though I ever never ridden on one and still prefer the old smoke and steam trains, I would like to take a high speed ride someday.

    I wanted to thank you for your visits to my blog. Thanks.

  14. eric : "j'ai travaillé toute la journée"

    tu passais un entretien d'embauche à Versailles ?

  15. … je croyais qu'IL devait jouer l'ouverture…

  16. My wife when she watched the related reportage on the greek TV this morning, she told me that this would be the new post of Eric!
    I am glad that she was right!

  17. Eric, any chance of you posting the entire little card? (with the section at the bottom left in French that isn't shown?)

    Here's hoping...

  18. We are taking TGV from Grenoble to Paris in a few weeks. Can't wait for the round trip, Patick Bruel Spectacle, and of course "Le Cabaret". That should be quite a day!

  19. I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it that way.
