For once, you won't have a proper photo today, but a big Merci instead! Believe me this has been a long day, as I am very busy at my office at the moment and as I also had to attend a business dinner tonight. That is why I did not yet manage to answer everyone on Facebook (I will...) and I will not even start here! I'm always amazed and touched by the number of people from all over the world who wish me well on January 21. Like I said many times here, it's because I feel I'm surrounded by lovely people that I continue this blog. So, don't stop! Next anniversary... in March, for the 5 years of PDP! Love you all.
Happy Birthday! You;ve finally hit middle age. lol
ReplyDeleteYou are loved.
ReplyDeleteJe vous en prie, de rien.
ReplyDeleteJe t'en prie Eric, je t'adore aussi! :D What a great illustration, I love it.
ReplyDeleteWe love you too darling Eric!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAwwwww!!! That's really cool. You should make cards or print out of that one and call it Eric's 50'st bday. I bet they sell real well :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. You should definitely take a blog-day off, after all it's your B'day! :)
You have such a busy life and still take the time to take great pictures. We should all say "merci" to you.
ReplyDeleteIt is us who have a big MERCI to say to you.
ReplyDeleteGoing for all this trouble for PDP, offering us great images every single day and bringing people together from all over the world!!!!!
Hope you had a great day yesterday. Keep on celebrating ;)
happy b-day eric! the 1st reason why i started cdp blogging! ^0^ a big thank you to you!
ReplyDeleteall the best!
You love us all? It's mutual! And we're so glad you keep doing what you do . . .
ReplyDeleteI echo Monica's sentiments. It is we who owe you a debt of gratitude. Again, thank you.
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing, Eric. Fifty feels great, doesn't it? Like five, only better.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is a gift to us!
ReplyDeleteWishing you the happiest of birthdays seems a mild way of saying thank you for the way you enhance our daily lives.....but Happy, Happy, Happy-happy Birthday, Eric.
A cool post from a COOL DUDE! I echo the many thanks of those above Monsieur Camerasmith. Salut. You da man!
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday Eric. Hope you still prolific in posting great picture here.
Gothic Contact Lenses
I join with the others in returning a BIG MERCI to you! :)
ReplyDeleteGOD to be 50 again!
Looks like we love you, too, sweet Eric! Merci to you, aussi, for all the great pictures.
ReplyDeleteElaine, I love your comment. Like 5, only better. (Ten times better!)
Isn't the internet amazing??? We found you and you found us and it went round and round and round!!! Merci to you also Eric!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteMerci to you for that Google app. It makes stalking you from CA so much easier! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI come from Shell Sherree's blog. Wish you a belated Very Happy Birthday! :)
ReplyDeleteThe Day
And love to you, Eric! ;)
ReplyDeleteI hope they had some tasty things on the menu at your business dinner! Merci to you, Eric, for bringing us a piece of Paris every day and always being so chirpy!
ReplyDeleteDont worry about the age thing - the anticipation is worse than the reality!!! I came to Paris last year for my big birthday and have followed your blog ever since. Many thanks for taking the trouble. xxxx
ReplyDeleteI've to say a big merci to you for amazing pictures you give us every day.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog and that friendly Parisian, who you definately are, Eric :)
Carrie, what Google app are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteWow Eric, that's a big shout-out to everyone who sent you birthday wishes. Very creative. The photos that you put in this collage are some of your best and favorites? ;-) Just guessing.
ReplyDeleteCali, it's not stalking. It's research.
ReplyDeleteWe won't stop Eric. Trust us !
ReplyDeleteAnd love to you too, this one is my favorite ;)
Great birthday! The only better date is January 20th--that's mine of course. Hope you had a great one.
ReplyDeleteSuzy: lol! I knew you would understand.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! And yes, I echo the others: we say Merci to you, cher Eric.
Susan & GG
ReplyDeleteFor your dedication to us, getting a photo up every day, carrying your camera through cold, wet, sun, and dead of night, you deserve the "Coolest Blogger in the World" award. We, as your friends and followers do bestow this award with our thanks and much appreciation.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hey Eric, our Shellsherree has a very, very nice surprise for you in honor of your birthday over on her blog. Better go have a look! :)
And ET Suzy, LOVE your bum! LOL
You know, Virginia, our dear Lois Simon used to think this really was my bum!
ReplyDeleteYou are a terrific person, Eric. So glad you felt the vibrations from the applause all around the world. All the best, Anne
ReplyDeleteHope despite a full work day you enjoyed your 50th and ended the day with a smile on your face. Wishing you a very happy year ahead,