Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Délicieuse attirance

I don't remember exactly  how, but I recently got invited to an art exhibit on a boat by the Eiffel Tower by these people. I had no idea of what I was going to find there and I was not really sure it would be worth it. And then I really fell in love with the sculptures by Aude de Bessac, two of which you can see in this photo... The one in the foreground is called Délicieuse attirance (delicious attraction) and, well, that is how I felt towards it when I saw it.


  1. These look wonderful -- I love small scale sculpture and now I have to investigate this artist!
    Thanks again for inviting us along to another bit of your wonderful life, Eric!

  2. La de da, another art opening invitation. How CAN I fit it into my schedule?

    I certainly like the artists! Nice little sculpture, too.

  3. And that is the way I feel toward this image.

  4. These are breathtaking. I can see why you felt compelled to use it as the photo du jour!

  5. How graceful, elegant & beautiful, Eric! I am so glad you decided to attend and share these with us. Thank you kindly!

  6. I LOVE this sculpture! And also the one in the backgroung...
    How tall are they, Eric? There's no scale on your picture ;-)

    They could be 10 cm or 2m !! No idea!

  7. Great serendipity to be invited on that particular art tour. This sculpture is marvelous. (I am going to guess at Thib's question to you....she is perhaps two feet tall?)

  8. @ Thib; click on the link THESE PEOPLE - all statues are listed with their measurements.
    WONDERFUL work Eric; thank you so much for this showcase of such talented artists. Hopefully your post results in some sales; they are truly beautiful.

  9. Thib I followed the link - approx 45 cm high.

  10. Really nicely done! I have to admit, the one in the background is amazing. Hope you had a wonderful time!

  11. Quel titre... confirmé par la grâce de ces statuettes qui attirent le regard et frappent délicieusement l'esprit. Belle lumière. Beau travail. Belle photo.

  12. These are SO beautiful. I would like to see them for real.

  13. Beautiful! Love the way you captured the sculpture behind this one too.

  14. Oh I'm so glad you liked it, cause I really did. I should send a link to the people who invited me, but I don't even remember who it was! Shame on me.

  15. Et moi aussi, Eric! Très belle.
    Now in anglais, love it, love your POV as well.

  16. Nice and beautiful ! And I also like very much the title, the word "délicieux" is so meaningful and evocative, a perfect use for that sculpture.
    And thank you for the link, might help me.

  17. Yet again, fantastic composition and great use of focus! You have a real talent for photography; thank you so much for sharing.
