Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Look at the sky....

In 2 weeks we are going to vote to elect - or possibly reelect - a new President of the Republic, and even though there are pretty strict rules in terms of access to the media (all candidates must have the exact same airtime for instance), there are no rules when it comes to bill posting. I don't like it too much as I think it really dirties our walls, except when it's funny or aesthetic. I thought there was both of this in this photo that I took at rue Mazarine. The man in the poster is a left candidate (his name is Jean-Luc Mélenchon) and the graffiti has probably been added afterwards (it says "look at the sky").


  1. I like it! There is an article about M. Melenchon in today's New York Times. He sounds like quite the rabble rouser.

  2. Loving this one Eric, and it may be 'yet another' pic I have to steal from you! Thanks for supplying the address - I'd probably have been meaner! ;~Sab

  3. I presume that it's intentional that he is pictured looking to the left.

    What's that rolled up thing lying on the ground?
    Could it have been used by the graffiti artist to kneel on?
    Perhaps he/she was interrupted and had to make a quick getaway.

  4. I'm so tired of all the election talk already and ours is still months away. (Of course, it has been going on for years, so it has been shoved in our faces since the last election finished.) I wish for you calm and quiet as you vote and moving ahead for France, no matter who is elected.

  5. Drummond, somebody else supports your "left" comment: the word "PINKY" is stenciled on the pavement. As to the rolled object, it looks like a piece of carpet wrapped with gold string. Maybe to kneel on, as you say, but why a tight little roll like this? Many odd elements here. We can see why Sab is interested.

    Political campaigns are a price of democracy. We complain, but the people we elect to office are the ones who make the campaign rules. Don't just gripe, people: complain to your elected representatives.

  6. Jeff, I'm not sure it says Pinky. I think it's Punky, and if so, brilliant! That's my daughter's nickname. She'll be amused.

  7. I think we could learn something from the French. Here it seems like the one with the most money wins.

  8. @Mrs Vandertramp "He sounds like quite the rabble rouser." He is, that is why he's successful. The French like strong leaders - up to a certain point ;-)

    @Monica LOL !

    @Sav " I'd probably have been meaner! ;" LOL. Yes I'm sure one could - be meaner.

    @Drummond "What's that rolled up thing lying on the ground?" I don't know actually. About the direction where he looks I did not even notice LOL

    @Christie "I wish for you calm and quiet as you vote and moving ahead for France, no matter who is elected." Thank you. I wish that too, but something tells me it's not going to be a piece of cake...

    @Jeff "Don't just gripe, people: complain to your elected representatives." Well said!

    @Alexa "Here it seems like the one with the most money wins." Actually I like it that they cannot spend more than a certain amount of money and that everyone gets the same airtime. Even if it can be a little dull from time to time when you have to listen to someone who is credited with 0.5% of the votes and that you're sure he'll never be elected...
