Friday, April 27, 2012

Riding a bike in Paris

We're starting to feel like the Brits now: the rain won't stop us to do things outdoor LOL! Even riding a bike in the slippery streets of Paris (that is actually why they replaced the traditional cobblestones with tar...). I like these kinds of photos from time to time because they force you to be quick and to press the trigger at the right moment (needless to say the blurry effect is 100% natural, otherwise it would be cheating, something I never do... (ehem!)


  1. Wonderful shot of the grayness of Paris with its small "splashes" (could not resist) of color. Nice job with the focus of your subject and giving us a sense of the speed of his bike!


  2. Looks like a New York City bike messnger in Manhattan :)
    Very good job with the trigger action Eric.

  3. A dangerous proposition! (Riding a bike on the streets of Paris, not the cheating, which you never do.)

  4. I like to live dangerously, but this seems to take it to the extreme. I think I will just stick to safe things like skydiving from now on. LOL Nice photo, Eric. I love the motion.

  5. Great motion shot, Eric! It's all in the wrists! I am landing next Tuesday and it had better be dry and sunny for me!

  6. wet wet wet here too . My bike is snug and dry indoors as am I .

  7. Yeah, we Brits like nothing better than a picnic in the rain with damp trousers and soggy sandwiches. It's British, it's character building, it's what we do!
    We're hoping for lots of rain at the London Olympics so we can clean up on the medals. :-)

    Unbelievably, many regions of South and East England are officially 'in drought' with bans on the use of hose pipes, despite one of the wettest Aprils on record. Apparently it's the wrong kind of rain.

    We know you would never cheat, but it's still a very good pic!

  8. The photos of the past two days take me back to the one winter I live in Paris. For a Californian it was quite a change but I grew to love Paris and all it's weather variations - even when it snowed!

  9. Does it make sense when I say that I can "hear" this photo?

  10. Great image, Eric! I wouldn't dare ride a bike on the street for fear of being hit by a car!

  11. Oh great blurrrrrr! I need to know which lens you used Eric. Or is it a national secret?

  12. Still sunny in Sydney (gloat gloat). Will keep trying to send it your way.

  13. Great shot! Love it! I am amazed by the success of Velib because bike riding in Paris must require quite a bit of skill (with the cars going the way they do).
