Sunday, May 05, 2013

La "Grisette"

A Grisette was a young dressmaker or female worker that would make and mend the dresses of La Bourgeoisie women during the 18th and 19th century. At that time, of course, there were no sweatshops in Bengladesh and if you needed a garment you had it made locally at a pretty affordable price. Workers in 1830 were paid next to nothing and their average annual working time was 3 000 hours against 1 620 hours today. BTW, last reminder, the PDP picnic is today!


  1. That is just lovely. Everyone have fun at the PDP picnic, and send photos/vines/videos to the rest of us.

  2. have fun at your picnic, wish I was in Paris. Anne

  3. Take lots of pictures (and a video too). I can't wait to see everybody's smily faces. Wishing I was there too!

  4. I think I just walked by this on the canal a few days ago. It was raining steadily, but it was a good walk anyway. I think the weather will be good for a picnic, though it won't be like Florida. I have a picnic contribution from Drummond and Mai.

    I'm looking forward to seeing a few old friends and meeting some new ones. I have the notebook that Rose gave me in 2008, so I can get more signatures to remember everyone.

  5. I hope that the weather is as nice as it is here in the UK. We shall be sitting in our garden raising a glass to you all.

  6. Salú to you all and have a wonderful , sunny picnic... See you in 2 weeks , Eric?? Meybe?? Kara :-)

  7. hope it's a beautiful day for you. have fun.

  8. I will be there in spirit -- and I hope PHX-CDG/Lynn is there so you can all wish her a Happy Birthday. Have fun, everyone and take lots of pictures!

  9. Lovely statue, wonderful that a dressmaker is remembered by!
    Enjoy the picnic,

  10. Looks the like the weather is pretty nice.And I think that the picnic will be starting soon.Darn,I missed being there with you by two weeks ( came back from Paris on April 22).Maybe next year.
    Have a wonderful time.

  11. All the best to you.
    De grisette à ... grisé (e) (s) après le picnic ... peut-être ... :D
    Je vous ai dans la tête et vous fête sagement, de loin :)

  12. lovely photo! I can't wait to see pictures of your PDP picnic. Hope it was fun!
