Thursday, May 30, 2013

Place Saint Georges

I managed to go out a little today. I had to buy a microphone so I went to what I call "microphone street"! No kidding, this street is located in the upper 9th arrondissement where you find a lot of audio equipment stores, don't ask me why! Anyway, next to this area, there is a beautiful square called La Place Saint Georges. In the center there used to be a fountain where horses could drink. It was replaced, at the turn of the 20th century (in 1911) by a statue of Paul Gavarni, a famous French drafter specialized in the drawing of carnival characters. I just love this square!  


  1. Beautiful, Eric. This new lens of yours is doing us all a lot of favors.

  2. Wonderful photo! And I like that there's a statue of someone who drew carnival characters!

  3. Great photo - good light control. The fountain was gotten rid of when the subway went in apparently @extradiagetic

  4. Cool statue -- Gavarni is actually drawing in a sketchbook. This might be the only view where Paris looks like London.

  5. I stayed once at a little hotel near here & this was my Metro stop. It was a very sweet little square but kind if spooky at night.

  6. Oh, it's lovely. I can't imagine having streets that were that beautiful to go shopping in and around!

  7. It is a beautiful space—love the neutral color palette.
