Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Creative artisan

Before going on vacation I took enough photos to be able to publish one a day while away from Paris, but... I forgot to take one for the CityDailyPhoto community monthly theme day which is: "The creative artisan". So for once, I'll republish one: the one of a Tailleur de pierres (a stone cutter), that I took in 2006, while they were renovating the Tour Saint Jacques. I had been fascinated at that time by the work of these artisans who did all the cutting and the carving exactly like in the old times, when the tower was built (between 1509 and 1522). Fascinating. Of course, do visit the page dedicated to our theme day to see other artisans in the world.


  1. Fascinating to see an artisan at work, creating! Good photo.

  2. We walked by the Tour Saint Jacques several times already, since it is near Chatelet, the Origin of the World--a crazy, buzzing, confusing Metro station in a beautiful place. Oops, I've confused it with the Courbet at the Orsay. But perhaps it fits with Chatelet and perhaps the Tour Saint Jacques fits right in as well. (Those of you who live in Paris will remember this every time you are at Chatelet.)

  3. this beauty is well worth repeating.

  4. Nice save. You are so dedicated to notice, and react to, these little CDP details while on vacation. It's a good thing your photo archive is so deep that you could probably post something on any subject imaginable. And this photo is perfect. OK. Now go back to vacating.

  5. Definitely worth another look! But there is one small difference between these artisans and the original ones—I'll bet the 16th-century stone carvers didn't sit on plastic chairs. :~}
